Returning With A Thousand Favors By Flora Isabel

Chapter 486

Chapter 486 

When Jessica heard the news, the expression on her face could not help but freeze

The Kavli Prize

She knew that this prize was the highest honor in their field

Winning this prize would elevate her to a prominent figure in the industry

How is this possible? Did my paper really win the prize?Jessica was still in disbelief

She even wondered if Karter had teamed up with everyone in the venue to play a prank on her

Of course it’s true! Look at the people attending the ceremony. Even if I had great abilities, I could not gather all these big shots at once. Karter replied

So, did she really win the prize

Jessica looked at her own photo on the big screen

She felt like she was in a dream

At this moment, the host had already invited Jessica to go on stage to give her acceptance speech

Hurry up and get on the stage. You’ll be the most charming girl here tonight!Karter slightly pushed Jessica forward

As she stood on the stage, she was still a bit dazed

The host congratulated her at the side, and she could only offer her thanks passively

When the microphone was handed to her by the host, Jessica looked at the audience, and for a moment, she seemed to be at 

a loss for words

The crowd under the stage was also waiting for her in patience and understanding

After all, the winner this year was really too young, they understood her overwhelming reaction to such a scene

Jessica’s gaze swept over the entire venue

In the end, it landed on Karter

He gave her an encouraging look, and Jessica slowly regained her composure

Finally, she started to believe that she had won the prize

She lowered her head, looking at the microphone in her hand, and began to speak

To be honest, even now, I still feel like this is a dream. I even think that at any moment, everyone in the audience will stand up excitedly and tell me it’s all a prank.” 

As Jessica said this, the audience responded with kind laughter

Her genuine selfmockery resonated with them, making it easier to connect with her

It’s truly unbelievable that I could receive this prize, and all of this is not due to my efforts alone

My tutor, my fellow team members, and all the people who supported me are the reasons I have reached this stage.” 

These were cliché words of an acceptance speech

There was nothing new about it at all, something anyone could recite after watching a few TV dramas

And Jessica also realized that the speech sounded too formal and cliché

Then, she fell lent for a moment

Her thoughts were wandering during these few seconds

By the thure she raised her head again, the expression in her gaze had changed

I was born in a particularly complicated red light district

My biological mother was a poor woman trying to improve her life by relying on men

Unfortunately, I was not a boy, so she could not use me to achieve her goals” 

As Jessica spoke, the previously cheerful crowd grew serious, fixing their eyes on the young lady on the stage

It’s probably because I ruined her hope of improving her life that she never liked me

Throughout my childhood, I was surrounded by beatings and blame

The areas beyond my room were full of danger, so I preferred to lock myself in there


Chapter 486 

I liked hiding in narrow closets, even under the bed or the couch

Being in such confined spaces gave me a sense of security

I once thought that I would be stuck in such a life forever

Though my heart wanted to break free from all the restraints and find a new beginning. my weakness and fear kept me trapped, never allowing me to move forward

In all likelihood, I would have spent my entire life like a timid coward, trapped in my room, living a pitiful and regretful 


But suddenly, a beam of light appeared in my life.” Jessica’s eyes sparkled with excitement

She could not help but tighten her grip on the microphone

This light was incredibly intense and it illuminated my dark world

It even guided me, little by little, out of the darkness that had confined me

Because of her, I was able to feel a bit of this world

*The journey has been tiring and difficult

But every time I wanted to give up, I would think of her

*She is the smartest, the prettiest, and the gentlest person in this world

She is sincere to her friends, loyal to her loved ones, and filial to her family

She is the lighthouse that guided me step by step to all of you

If it weren’t for her, there would be no me today. So, all the glory I received today is all because of her!” 

Jessica’s speech moved the audience, and their eyes showed a touch of emotion

They had always assumed that someone as young as her could achieve such success because of a privileged upbringing or strong family support

Little did they know, Jessica had struggled to get where she was on her own feet

Then, someone took the lead, and a round of enthusiastic applause erupted from the audience

The smile on Jessica’s face deepened

Although I don’t know if she can hear these words, I still want to tell her

Thank you, my friend, and I will keep my promise to always be loyal to you!” 

As she spoke. Jessica’s gaze was fixed on the camera in front of her

It was as if she wanted to convey her determination to the person on the other side of the ocean

Jessica’s speech was undoubtedly a great success

The audience’s admiration for her continued to grow

After all, achieving success as a person born into poverty was much more challenging than for someone with a privileged background

This was because they did not have access to better resources or early exposure to the wider world

People like her could succeed solely by relying on their strong willpower

The moment Jéssica stepped down from the stage, almost everyone walked forward to surround her

Each person showed genuine warmth, and no one mocked her background

They sincerely congratulated her on winning the prize

Of course, many of them were particularly curious and asked her who the person she mentioned in the speech was. Some wondered if it might be her lover

Jessica shook her head and denied it, stating that the person was her best friend

As Jessica was surrounded by the crowd, she had no idea that Peter had recorded her entire speech just now

Then it was sent to Marina across the ocean

Chapter 487 

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