Returning With A Thousand Favors By Flora Isabel

Chapter 455

Chapter 455 

Don’t move!Simon suddenly interjected at the moment

Marina promptly maintained her current posture

What’s the matter?She couldn’t turn her head to face Simon due to her immobility

She had to stay motionless

In that instant, Simon moved closer, narrowing the distance between them

They were quite close now

Marina could distinctly feel the warmth of Simon’s breath on her face

A flicker of surprise danced in her eyes

Simon, we are currently engaged in an important task, remember?Marina whispered, her voice barely audible

I am indeed occupied with an important task. Simon replied earnestly, his gaze fixed on Marina’s crimson lips

What kind of important task is this?Marina shot him a glance, her voice tinged with a hint of playful reproach

Considering the demanding nature of their recent activities and the multitude of tasks they faced daily, Marina decided it had been quite some time since they had found an opportunity for intimacy

Presently, with only the two of them in this dimly lit space, his impulse was understandable

Wellthis place is a bit dirty. How about we return to the bedro?Marina suggested, already convincing herself to compromise

But before she could finish her sentence, Simon took the handkerchief from her hand


What was going on

Marina turned her head in confusion, looking at Simon

However, at that moment, Simon seemed oblivious to Marina’s bewilderment

Holding the handkerchief, he aimed it at a nearby window

Instantly, the floor became dotted with faint imprints, forming coherent letters when connected

This isMarina finally noticed the situation on the ground, her face displaying a mix of surprise and confusion

I saw these letters on your face earlier, but they were faint then. I thought I might have been mistaken, but it seems I’m not, and they’re real,Simon said as he adjusted the angle once again

However, the projected letters on the ground still appeared somewhat distorted and barely legible

It felt like they were dislocated

Marina’s eyebrows furrowed as a thought struck her. She looked at Simon and said, Let me try, Simon.” 

Simon promptly handed her the handkerchief

Turn on the flashlight on your phone, Marina instructed

Simon followed her instructions, holding the phone behind Marina

Marina told Simon 46 stand behind her with the phone raised

The flashlight beam was stronger than the ambient light, making the projections more distinct

Therefore, the letters became more legible

Marina focused on the fragmented letters cast upon the ground, folding the handkerchief in her hands

These letters were now pretty recognizable, even in their fragmented state

As Marina folded the handkerchief, the projected words on the ground gradually regained their legibility and coherence

It worked!Marina exclaimed, and her eyes sparkled with excitement

Simon, standing behind Marina, directed his gaze towards the ground

SouthMountainTomb,Marina pronounced each character slowly

What does it mean?Marina turned her head, seeking Simon’s explanation

She wondered if his mother had mentioned it to him before


Chapter 455 

Simon shook his head

As far as I can recall, my mother never mentioned this to me.” 

Are you sure? If she didn’t, why would she leave this message on the handkerchief she gave you?Marina’s tone carried a hint of doubt

Perhaps it was something personal that his mother wanted to reveal to him, she thought

Simon had always carried the handkerchief since he was a child, and his mother must have known he wouldn’t lose it

Therefore, she left a message on it

Let’s check it first, Marina suggested, placing the handkerchief down and reaching for her phone

She quickly entered the letters South Mountain Tombinto the browser

Yet, as the search results appeared, Marina’s expression froze. What’s wrong?Simon asked, perplexed. 

This is an ancient tomb that my mother excavated in the past,Marina explained as she raised her phone to show Simon

The news dated back almost twenty years

It was said that a local farmer had discovered the tomb while preparing to build a house

It was named South Mountain Tomb due to its location in a mountain called South Mountain

The tomb was unidentified, and its occupant wasn’t a particularly notable figure,” Marina continued

There were no valuable historical artifacts inside, so it didn’t receive much attention. Over time, it faded from people’s 


Do you think my mother left the final key in this tomb?Simon inquired

At first, it was merely a guess. I wanted to see if I could find any useful clues

If it were an ordinary tomb, I probably wouldn’t have connected the dots,” Marina analyzed thoughtfully

However, since my mother was the researcher who excavated this tomb and she was a close friend of your mother, I believe there must be a connection.” 

Marina analyzed it very seriously, and her analysis sounded quite reasonable

Then let’s head to South Mountain immediately, Simon said firmly

Alright!Marina agreed on it right away

After all, it was Simon’s lifelong dream, one thing he must resolve in this life

And the sooner they accomplished it, the sooner she could see his wish come true

However, before heading to South Mountain, Marina made a quick stop to see Peter Moore

Perhaps due to the terrifying experience they had gone through before. Peter’s mother, Daisy, had been keeping a close eye 

on him

She even refused to let him step out of the house

If it weren’t for Peter’s father’s objection, Daisy would have been by his side even while he slept

Understanding how scared his mother was, Peter didn’t argue and complied with her constant monitoring

He could only move under his mother’s surveillance every day

Marina’s visi finally provided Peter with a temporary excuse to escape Daisy’s watchful gaze

With a brief word to his mother, asking for a leave, he immediately led Marina to his room

As he slumped into a chair, exhaustion etched across his face, Peter sighed heavily

Thank goodness you’re here. I don’t think I could have endured much longer.” 

Observing Daisy’s demeanor earlier, Marina remained composed as she calmly settled into another chair

You know, Aunt Daisy is just worried about you,she reassured him, her tone slow and impassive

I know it, but I can’t stay locked up at home forever, even if I’m feeling unwell and need a good rest,Peter replied, his voice tinged with resignation

Alright. By the way, how have you been lately? Any episodes that you couldn’t control?Marina wasted no time and got straight to the point, aware of the urgency

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