
Chapter Return 12

A Jerk 

+15 BONUS 

“What was that for, Selena?” Colin’s voice came out sharp as he stood up, his eyes glaring at me. 

“That was self defense that’s why I said don’t come close or you’ll get hurt,” retorted, my own glare unshaking I don’t remember being with you or having anything to do with you. I’m only here with you now because I’m stranded, nothing more. If you think you can use this situation as a tool to get me laid, you must be joking.” I spat 


Colin stood there angrily as if trying to process my words. 

1 rose from the bed and grabbed the lamp on the bedside cabinet, as I pulled it closer to myself on the bed as a weapon for self defense if Colin tries anything stupid again. Despite the unease gnawing at me inside because I know I might be no match for him, I forced myself to appear composed. 

I lay on the bed, half awake throughout the night, the recent event still scares me as I couldn’t dare take a full With the first light of morning filtering through the curtains, I noticed Colin still sleeping peacefully on the couch. Seizing the opportunity, I quietly slipped out of the room, retrieved my clothes from the room service attendant, and made my way out of the hotel. 

Upon arriving home, I found Lisa anxiously pacing around the apartment. The look on her face showed how worried she was, when she finally turned to see me standing there she rushed to me. 


“Where have you been after the audition, Selena? I was busy, I thought you’d be home. When I came back and didn’t find you, I tried calling, but your phone was unreachable at first, then suddenly switched off. Colin was here yesterday after you left, and when I went to his place, he wasn’t there. I was on the verge of calling the police if you didn’t show up before the day ends,” she explained in a rush. 

“I was stranded, Lisa. Colin found me, and he actually saved my life twice last night,” I replied. 

“How?” Lisa asked curiously as she sat down, her eyes fixed on me, awaiting an explanation. 

I took a deep breath and recounted the events of the previous night, detailing how Colin had come to my aid despite my initial hostility towards him. Lisa listened intently, absorbing every word in surprise. 

“Colin is aware that you can’t stay in a dark place without light,” Lisa remarked. 

“Really? How?” I asked. 

“How? You told him!” Lisa replied frowning. 

Oh…” I mumbled, that was all I could say. He didn’t leave me in the dark despite me acting rude to him. Maybe he isn’t all that bad after all, coupled with the fact that he saved me too from the mud I thought

The anticipation of the model audition results was so much on me that I spent the rest of the day at home, anxiously checking my phone for any news. Each passing minute felt like an eternity as I waited for the message that would determine my future in the industry. After going on several modeling auditions for years, I didn’t want to go in using my parents connection, like I told my parents I’ll get in on my own. 

The familiar sound of the apartment door unlocking and opening signalled Lisa’s return from work. I heard her cheerful greeting, “Hey girl!” as she entered the living room where I lay on the couch, consumed by my thoughts. 

“Hey…” I responded absentminder wing to face her, only to catch a glimpse of someone standing behind her. 

Lisa stepped aside, and Jasper came into view, 

“Hey Jasper!” I greeted him, sitting up to offer him a seat. 

+15 BONUS 

“Hi, dear,” Jasper replied, taking a seat as I adjusted myself to face him. Without wasting any time, he turned to 

  1. me

“Selena, I’m so sorry for leaving you outside that night when I went to get my car keys. If I hadn’t left, you wouldn’t have experienced that,” Jasper apologized. 

“Oh, Jasper, it’s fine. You don’t need to apologize. I wasn’t harmed, and I’m okay,” I replied, trying to alleviate any guilt he might have felt. 

“Really?” Jasper asked, searching my eyes. 

“Yep,” I nod, hoping to convey my forgiveness and understanding. 

“Thanks for apologizing, unlike some jerks who won’t pwn up to their mistakes,” I remarked casually

What?” Jasper was confused as he sought clarification. 

“Nah, nothing.” I dismissed with a nonchalant wave of my hand, not wanting to delve further into the topic. 

“Ehmm, would you both like to go out with me to have lunch?” Jasper asked. 

“Sure, that would be lovely,” I replied eagerly, grateful for the distraction from the persistent worry gnawing me about the impending audition results. 

Jasper turned to Lisa, extending the invitation to her as well. “What about you, Lisa?” 

“Hmmm, I’ll pass. I need to get some rest, and besides, I shouldn’t be a third wheel in your incoming romance,” Lids replied. 

Jasper chuckled at Lisa’s remark, his eyes blinking at her witty comment. However, I couldn’t resist teasing Lisa in return, playfully glaring at her, mock seriousness, which elicited a smile from her. 

“I’ll be out in a sec, let me go get dressed!” I exclaimed excitedly, and I hurried to my room to change. 

I selected a figure–hugging gown that accentuated my curves, pairing it with a light mini jacket. A few deft movements as I styled my hair into an effortless yet chic look, and a touch of sexy lipstick added a pop of color to my lips. 

Walking out from my room, I felt confident as Jasper’s admiring gaze met mine. “You look stunning,” he complimented, and I smiled. 

keep the butterflies down” 

“Lisa stop it” I exclaimed and she burst Into laughter. 

Jasper and I made our way to the restaurant, Jasper pulling out a chair for me warmed my heart despite it being just the bare minimum. 

Colin POV 

The morning light filtered through the curtains, and I opened my eyes, greeted by a dull ache in my head that served as a reminder to the events of the previous night With a soft groan, I reached up to massage my head, hoping to alleviate the pain. 

Sitting up on the couch, I scanned the room, expecting to find Selena on the bed or nearby, but she was nowhere to be seen. Confused and concerned, I checked the bathroom, only to discover it’s empty and devoid of any trace of 


+15 BONUS 

“Where the hell has she gone to?” I muttered to myself, frustrated as I tried calling Selena, only to be met with the disheartening message that her phone was unreachable. 

I got dressed and made my way out of the hotel room and headed to the reception area. Approaching the receptionist, I asked, “Good day, do you know where the lady I was with last night went?” 

“Oh, she left almost an hour ago,” the receptionist informed me. 

“She left?” I repeated, totally disappointed. 

“Yes,” the receptionist confirmed. 

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