Resisting Mr. Rich (The Men Series Book 8)

Resisting Mr. Rich: Chapter 25

familiar pair of curvy hips swaying on the dance floor in a green dress. My blood heats, reaching boiling point as a pair of hands slide over them, grasping them tight and pulling them backward.

“Fucker,” I hiss as the guy slides his hands forward, his fingers grazing over the sides of where her pussy is beneath the fabric. A pussy that clenched around me more times than I can count.

I’m unable to tear my eyes away as the guy leans down and whispers something in Maddy’s ear. She shivers and then looks up straight into my eyes like she knew I was here the entire time.

I’m already standing, my feet carrying me over to them like a damn missile as the fucker parts his lips above her shoulder, dipping down to kiss her skin.

“Party’s over, dickwad.”

He pauses as my shout attracts the attention of the dancers around us.


“You heard me, cockwaffle. Take a hike.”

The stupid fucker has the audacity to look at me like I’m the prick. When he’s the one whose mouth is still parted and hovering far too close to Maddy’s neck.

“If you want to keep your tongue, you’ll get it the fuck back in your mouth!”

I grab Maddy by the wrist, pulling her behind me and squaring up to him.

He looks past me at Maddy. “You know this asshole?”

I flick the back of my fingers against his chest. “My face is here, wankhammer. Don’t look at her.”

I don’t know why all my old college-era insults are re-surfacing. But something about this guy is making me lose any kind of fucking decorum.

Maybe I should just punch him and get it done.

He meets my eyes, a murderous glare swirling in his. I recognize it for what it is. He isn’t concerned about Maddy and whether she knows me or not. He only cares that I’ve spoiled his fun. He thought he was getting laid tonight.

Laid in a grave if he doesn’t take the hint soon.

“Logan!” Maddy steps around me, but I sweep her back behind me again.

“You do know him then?” Prick grunts.

“Unfortunately,” Maddy sighs.

“We were just about to leave. So why don’t you fuck off?” Prick smiles at me as he steps closer.

He’s got balls, I’ll give him that. Too bad they’re about to get crushed.

“She’s not going anywhere with you, cuntnozzle, so back the fuck off.”

“Logan!” Maddy grabs onto my bicep as I curl my hand into a fist. “You’re acting like an asshole.”

Prick steps closer.

“That’s right. I’m an asshole.” I poke him in the chest. “But guess what, wankstain… I’m the only asshole who gets to touch her.”

“For god’s sake,” Maddy huffs.

Chloe appears with a blond guy close behind her. Her eyes ping-pong between me and prickface before she glances at Maddy.

“Why don’t you and Kent go get a drink. I’ll find you later,” Chloe says to the blond.

Prick aka Kent glares at me as his friend moves to his side. I can tell what he’s thinking. He’s calculating his chances with Chloe. If he pisses her off and doesn’t drag his mate away, then they’ll both be going to bed with blue balls tonight and only their sad fists for company.

I stare at Kent, unblinking, as he shakes off his friend’s hand on his arm, but then turns to follow him anyway.

“We’re not done, asshole,” he spits as he walks off.

“You are.” I snort.

“What the hell?” Maddy forces her way in front of me, fixing me with a glare that could make a man wither. Except, I love that fire in her eyes. Especially when it’s paired with the deep line between her brows like it is now.

“Maddy?” Chloe sidles up to her. She whispers something in her ear and Maddy nods. Then Chloe disappears through the throng of bodies dancing around us.

“Don’t tell me you were going to go home and fuck that guy, Mads,” I snap when her eyes come back to my face.

“Piss off, Logan. Like you aren’t going to go cozy up with Gabrielle.”

“What?” I reel back.

Maddy spins away from me. “Forget it.”

She storms off the dancefloor, slipping through gaps in the dancers. I jostle and bump my way after her. She’s halfway down a dark corridor leading to the ladies’ room when I catch up.

“What was that?” I grab her wrist and spin her to face me.

Her chest heaves as she yanks her arm free and stomps further down the corridor.

I grab her again before she can disappear and pull her toward a fire exit where it’s more dimly lit. But it can’t dull the angry fire burning in her eyes.

“Run back to wifey, Logan. We’re done. You shouldn’t be following me or trying to talk to me. You can’t marry me to help your business. I’m not an heiress, Prince.” She sneers. “You and I meant nothing.”

“Why are you being a bitch?”

Her eyes widen.

“I didn’t mean… I… Jesus.” I blow out a breath, then step closer, forcing her back against the wall. She sucks in a breath as she stares up at me, her outburst momentarily halting. “What are you doing? Are you dancing with pricks now? Going home with them?”

“Are you kissing fiancées now?” She fires back before slamming her mouth shut.

“You were at the hotel today?”

She looks to the side, her lips pressed into a firm line.

“Mads?” I turn her chin toward me, and she meets my eyes reluctantly. Her gaze drops to my mouth before she drags it up again. “You’re jealous.”

“I’m not.” She jerks her chin out of my grip.

“You are.”

“I said, I’m not, Logan. Do you need your ears tested?” Her eyes glitter with energy as she scowls. But I know that energy, I understand it now. It’s like Sterling said. It’s full of passion. Me and her together could never be muted or flat, or anything other than burning with need for each other. No matter how much she tries to deny it.

“You care.”

The corners of my lips curl, and hope blooms in my chest like rain finally falling into the cracks on parched earth. And from there, it spreads, flowing, rushing, until there’s a raving fucking river headed toward the sea.

She’s fucking jealous.

“I don’t!”

The corners of my mouth stretch wider. “Sure sounds like it.”

“Get over yourself.” A blush creeps over her cheeks.

“How can I? When I can’t get over you?”

She gasps.

I fall serious, urgency lacing my voice. “All I’ve done since we got back to London is wish I could get back on that fucking plane and take you with me. Admit you want me too, Mads. Do us both a favor and fucking admit it.”

“You need to forget about Italy.” Her eyes drop to my lips again, making blood race to my dick.

“I don’t want to forget about it. Do you?”

She doesn’t answer.

“I can’t forget about it. You know we’re good together, Mads.” I lower my mouth to her ear and kiss her pulse.

She shivers as my breath fans over her neck.

“You and me are never going to happen, Logan. Never.”

“We already are happening.” I press closer against her body, her resulting sharp intake of breath only fueling me to keep going. To not give up on her.

She looks at me from beneath her lashes. My guilt over Drew sails off into the fucking sunset with one look at Maddy’s face. One touch of her hair. One inhale of her scent. The sight of another guy’s hands on her body.

“You’re delusional.”

I press my erection into her. She moans as it makes contact, and the sound draws a primal groan from my chest.

“You still want me. Admit it. I thought you meant it when you walked away from me without looking back. But you wouldn’t be getting jealous now if that were true. And your heart wouldn’t be beating in your chest as hard as it is.” I rest my palm over the curve of her breast.

Her heart thuds against it.

“Shut up,” she breathes.

I tease the neckline of her dress down low enough that I can suck the swell of skin at the top of her breast. She moans as I graze my teeth over her, leaving a mark, before smoothing my tongue over the tender spot.


“Tell me to stop.” I pull her dress lower and kiss dangerously close to her nipple.

She says nothing, so I kiss her again, over and over, working my way up past her collar bones and onto her neck. A small squeak escapes her parted lips as I place my lips by her ear.

“You want me, Mads. I bet your pussy’s all swollen and wet underneath your dress now that you’ve seen me again.”

She struggles to swallow around a small whimper. I look further down the corridor.

“Come.” I take her hand and lead her to the end and around the dark corner.

The minute we’re out of sight, I cage her in between my arms against the wall, reveling in the fact she doesn’t push me away or object. Instead, she stares at me with lust-filled eyes.

But I’m still playing with fire as I slip a hand underneath her dress and skate my fingers up her inner thigh.

“Stop,” she whispers, making no attempt to make me.

Her breath grows ragged as I move higher, and she drops her purse to the floor.

“Don’t give me that shit about us meaning nothing again,” I growl.

“We don’t. This is nothing,” she murmurs.

I slide my hand higher, and she jerks, gasping as I rip her panties to one side.

“You’re a liar, Maddox Harper. You want me as much as I want you. You don’t make the same mistake over and over.”

“I hate you,” she says with a frustrated moan as I push my fingers through her silky skin.

“Sure feels like it.” My fingers glide through her arousal until I’m circling her swollen clit. She tries to hide her shudder, which only makes me smile. “See. You’re fucking soaking for me.”

“This isn’t happening.” Her hands find my shoulders, holding onto me for support. Her lips part as I move my fingers to her entrance, groaning as silkiness coats them and runs into my palm.

“This is so fucking happening.” I bury my head into her neck and inhale her scent as I push two fingers inside her.

Maddy gasps, her nails biting into my skin through my jacket.

“You can’t tell me Italy meant nothing to you,” I say as I hold my fingers still inside her. She wriggles around them, her body urging me to move them and give her relief. But I keep them still, enjoying the rising blush creeping up her neck.

“I can,” she utters.

“I spent the whole last night on the island inside you, Mads. My body joined with yours. And it was my name on your lips when you came. Every single time.” My voice lowers to a hoarse rasp as I remember her body gripping onto me and bursting into pleasure around me that night. “You even whimpered it when you were exhausted but refused to stop. You pulled me into you again and again that night. You wanted it. Every single minute. You looked into my eyes, and you felt it. You felt this.” My gaze burns into hers. “I know you did.”

“No. We were never meant —”

“But we did! Accept it, Mads. You and me. We fit. As much as you don’t want that to be true, nothing has ever been more real. What are you scared of?”

She shakes her head and her eyes pop wide as I move, pulling my soaked fingers out and sliding them back inside her slowly. Her pupils dilate as she stares at me.

“I hate you.”

“Kiss me.”

“I hate you,” she repeats like it still means anything.

“Kiss me.”

“I hate you,” she whispers. But the strength has left her voice as she blinks at me, her lips parted and sucking in small inhales of breath.

I finger-fuck her slowly, as if I have all the time in the world.

“Kiss. Me.” I slide my fingers deeper and curl the pads against the sweet spot inside her.

She scowls like she’s thinking up a million ways to kill me and make it look like an accident. Then she grabs the back of my head and crashes her lips onto mine.

“This means nothing,” she pants, drawing back and then attacking me again. “Nothing.”

We kiss like a couple of sex-crazed teenagers, teeth clashing, lips bruising together, moaning far louder than is a good idea, despite hiding in shadows. I increase my speed, and my fingers piston in and out of her, my arm thrusting back and forth as I pin her to the wall.

“Fuck. You’re so tight.”

“Logan,” she whimpers, making my dick throb painfully.

“Say my name again.” I hitch one of her legs up with my free hand and wrap it around my waist. The position lets my fingers slide deeper, and Maddy mewls with pleasure.

“Logan… I want… I need—”

“You need my cock?”

Pressure builds in my balls at her whimper of agreement, and all rational thoughts leave my brain as I take my fingers back and hastily rip down my zipper, pulling my weeping dick free. It doesn’t matter that we’re meters away from people discovering us. I’m praying that the darkness is enough. Because I have to be inside her. It’s an urge so strong that I can’t see or hear anything else around me, except Maddy and her hot, quivering body. A body trembling with need. For me.

“Yes,” she gasps as she grabs my cock and guides it toward her. I grasp her other leg, lifting it around my waist as I thrust up inside her with all the grace of a man desperately teetering on the edge of insanity since he was last inside her.

“Fuck,” I growl as her tightness hugs me hard.

Maddy cries out as I drive into her, over and over like my life depends on it. My urgency is increased by the distant, muffled chatter of more women leaving the ladies’ room around the corner.

But it doesn’t stop us.

We fuck against the wall, grabbing at each other, kissing and biting, moaning and gasping, until she clenches around me and her thighs start to shake.

“I… I…”

“You need me to push you over the edge, don’t you?” I hiss as my balls draw up close to my body, and I drive deeper, the head of my cock tingling.

Maddy whimpers against my lips, biting my bottom one between her teeth. I smirk. She still hates to admit it out loud.

I’ll have to say it for her.

“You need my cum, don’t you? You need to feel it filling up your sweet little pussy in order to get off, don’t you?”

“Fuck off,” she bites. But her trembling body gives her away. She’s on the edge.

“I know you, Mads,” I growl as the pressure increases in my balls and heat builds at the base of my dick. I glance down between our bodies to where I’m disappearing inside her. “Fuck, you look incredible stretched around me, baby.”

“I’m not your baby,” she moans, still balancing on the edge of her orgasm.

“You’re stuffed full of my cock, Smiles. That makes you my fucking baby. No one else’s. Mine.” I change the angle a little, making her cry out against my mouth. “Now, do you need my cum?”

“No.” She grinds down to meet each thrust, desperately trying to finish before me.

“Liar. Always fucking lying.”

She whimpers, her hands clawing at my shoulders. But she still doesn’t come, despite her entire body shaking in desperate need.

“Fuck!” The frustration in her voice fills the space around us, bouncing off the walls.

“You need to be quiet.”

“Fuck you.” She quivers, weaving her fingers through my hair and yanking at the strands.

I let go of one of her thighs and clamp my hand over her mouth. Her eyes flare as I pump up inside her, muffling her responding curse.

“So fucking noisy when you’re waiting for my cum.”

She glares at me as I thrust hard.

“Here it is, baby,” I growl as my cock swells. “We both know you’ll come the second you feel it inside you.”

Relief flashes in her eyes.

Then she bites my hand, making me snatch it back with a hiss.

“Fuck—” Her words turn into a scream that I immediately muffle with a kiss, swallowing it down and groaning as I come deep inside her. Her entire body trembles as her pussy grips me like a vise, falling into a deep pulsating rhythm, clenching and releasing as she comes around me. Hard.

—you!” she cries.

“That’s it. Good girl. Good fucking girl.” I drag in a breath as I keep coming inside her, my eyes damn near rolling to the back of my head at how incredible she feels milking me.

I use my mouth to shield the rest of her cries until they abate into sated whimpers. Our kisses slow as her grip on my hair loosens, and her whimpers reduce until they’re no more than deep breaths.

She drops her head against the wall, her breasts rising and falling against my chest. “We did not just fuck in a club, Logan.”

I flex my cock inside her, making her bite her bottom lip. “We most definitely just fucked.” I kiss her neck one final time, groaning at how good she smells. Then I pull out and set her on her feet, tucking my dick back in my pants.

Her eyes caress my face as she smooths her dress down. “I need to use the bathroom.” She picks up her purse and walks off.

I follow, pulling her back the second she rounds the corner. My eyes drop to her thighs in her tight dress, and she presses them together.

“Open your legs,” I rasp.

“What?” She looks into my eyes as I protect her from view with my body. I slide my hand up the front of her dress, encouraging her thighs to part.

“You’ve got my cum inside you, Mads. And it makes me fucking crazy. You’re keeping it there.” I drag her soaked panties to one side and gather a stream of warm liquid up from her skin. Then I push it back up inside her with two fingers, swirling them around for good measure.

“Logan.” She grips onto my wrist.

I rub my fingers inside her, loving that she’s full of me. It’s everywhere, held inside her hot body.

“Smiles?” I groan.

“Yes,” she whispers breathlessly as I twist my fingers and make her gasp.

“I’ll be watching you for the rest of the night. And if you dance with anymore pricks, then I’ll be bringing you back down here to fuck you again. Until you accept who this pussy belongs to.”

She will fight back, I’m sure of it. But she must know by now that no matter how much she wants to fight this, to dismiss this… this is real. We are unavoidable. Inevitable.

Her eyes glint as I kiss her. “Pretend to hate me as much as you want. But at least admit you love my cum inside you, Mads.” I curl my fingers and a grunt leaves my chest at the feel of my wet heat inside her.

She moans. “Log—’

“What the fuck?!”

Maddy’s eyes snap to the side, looking over my shoulder and widening at the roar.

I pull my fingers from her body as my eyes connect with hers. Hers are round as she sucks in a sharp gasp.

“Get your fucking hands off my sister!” Fists grab my shirt, yanking me away from Maddy and throwing me into the wall opposite.

Maddy scrambles to pull her dress down over her thighs. “Drew!”

His eyes seem almost black with murderous intent as he looks between the two of us, sucking sharp breaths in through his nose like a prize-fighting bull.

Chloe races up behind him, her face pinched. “I’m sorry, Maddy. I tried to distract him.”

“You fucking knew about this?” He turns to Chloe, and she shrivels under his gaze before his accusing stare slams back onto me.

“This isn’t the first time?”

Tanner and Dax appear behind him. Girls pause further up the corridor, craning their necks to see what’s going on.

“Nothing to see. Keep walking, ladies,” Dax says to them. And they do, having more sense than to get involved in something happening in a darkened corridor of a club. A corridor I fucked Maddy in because I couldn’t restrain myself long enough to take her somewhere private.

“It’s not what you think,” Maddy pleads with Drew.

“It’s exactly what you think.” I step away from the wall, ignoring the sting of pain in my back.

“Logan!” Maddy snaps.

“He deserves to know.”

“Asshole,” she whispers, blinking back embarrassed tears as Chloe squeezes past Drew and runs to her side, wrapping an arm around her.

“It started in Italy.” I meet Drew’s glare with a deep inhale.

He advances toward me, ignoring a low spoken warning of his name from Tanner.

“You’ve been fucking my sister for weeks? You’re supposed to be my friend. You’re supposed to look out for her. Keep her safe from assholes. I trusted you! My friend, the biggest asshole of the lot!”

He shoves me in the chest, but I refuse to fight him. He has every right to be angry. I lied to him. I am a shit friend.

“This is why you begged her manager to send her on that fucking Italy trip, isn’t it? So you could use her as your fuck toy.”

“What?” Maddy gasps behind Drew. “You asked Eve to send me?”

“Keep out of it!” Drew shouts.

“Don’t yell at her.” I square up to him, and he glares at me so hard his eyeballs look like they might explode in his skull.

“So what? You going to marry her now instead?” Drew’s lip curls in a disgusted snarl.

“I’m not fucking marrying anyone!”

He shoves me again. “You telling me you’re fingering my sister in some dark dirty hallway of a club for nothing?”

He turns to Maddy with a sneer. “Real fucking classy, sis.”

Shame washes over her face as her cheeks flare.

“Hey.” This time, I shove him back. “Take that the fuck back.”

Drew rears back. His fist connects with my cheekbone faster than I can dive out of the way. My back hits the wall with force.

“Drew! Stop it!” Maddy screams.

My face throbs like a bitch, the taste of metal flooding my mouth as I look up. Tanner’s gotten hold of Drew’s arm and Dax has moved closer.

“You’re right. I am an asshole.” I wipe warm stickiness away from my chin with my sleeve. “But it wasn’t for nothing. Not a single second. Every moment with her was everything.”

I don’t look at Maddy as I say it. I can’t.

“Yeah,” Drews snorts. “Those moments when you wanted to get your dick wet.”

I snarl and step forward, but Dax places a hand on my shoulder and gives Tanner a look as he tips his head.

Tanner nods then grips Drew on the shoulder. “Come on, man. Let’s go.”

Drew’s murderous eyes hold mine and he jerks his chin at Maddy and Chloe. “You two are getting a ride with us.”

They’re both frozen, looking between us.

“Now!” Drew snaps.

The two girls hold each other as they walk past me and Dax in silence.

I wipe more blood from my chin with the back of my hand as Maddy glances back at me with shining eyes. It’s the first time I’ve ever seen her look at me with concern. Drew’s fist in my face seems a small price to pay to see that confirmation. She’s refused to say the words out loud until now. But that one look tells me all I need to know.

Not one part of Maddox Harper hates me anymore, not really.

Not a single one.

Whether she likes it or not.

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