Rescued By The Merman: A Little Mermaid Retelling (Once Upon a Fairy Tale Romance Book 3)

Rescued By The Merman: Chapter 2

With one final glance at my father’s body, I force myself to push down my fear. I made him a promise, and now, I will keep it. If I do not slay the dragon, everyone will die. He will not stop until Solwyck is reduced to rubble and ash.

I turn to the edge of the castle rooftop, scanning the city in search of the monster.

People rush through the streets below, racing downhill to the sea. The only place fire cannot touch, where they believe they’ll be safe.

I watch ships set off from the harbor, full of our citizens. My eyes widen in horror when the dragon heads toward them, releasing a torrent of flame across the decks.

Rage twists deep inside me. Sword in hand, I step onto the ledge. My heart thunders in my chest as he makes a wide arc back through the city, raining down fire and destruction as he approaches the castle. I draw in a deep and steadying breath, preparing myself to attack.

If I time it right, I can impale him. If I miss, I will fall to my death.

The heavy flapping of his wings creates swirling patterns through the thick smoke rising from the fires below. Time slows, and the space between each beat of my pulse spreads across an eternity as he flies toward me in a blur of golden scales.

Fear tightens my chest, but I force myself to focus and speak aloud to steel my courage. “I am Princess Halla of Solwyck. I tremble before no one and nothing. I am proud, unbent and unbroken. And today, I will avenge my father and save my people and my kingdom.”

The world shifts into slow motion as the dragon draws closer. His golden scales shimmering iridescent in the last of the sun’s rays. By the time it has set, I will most likely be dead. But if my death can save my people and my kingdom, it will be a sacrifice well made.

The golden eye of the dragon locks onto mine a moment before he opens his mouth, releasing a torrent of fire and destruction upon the castle as he passes beneath me. With my sword gripped firmly in both hands, I angle it down and jump. My heart hammers and time slows as I fall through ash and smoke.

My father’s sword has seen many battles and defended our family and our kingdom for several generations. As my blade finds its mark and sinks deep into the dragon’s scaled flesh, I can feel the spirits of my ancestors gathering around me, readying to welcome me home.

The dragon releases a bellowing roar, twisting and writhing beneath me.

I cling to my sword as the wind pulls at my form, trying to rip me from his back. I cannot let go or I’ll most assuredly fall to my death.

He turns his head and releases a stream of fire. The flames sear my armor, heating the metal and burning my skin. A pained cry escapes me as I grasp the metal, scalding my palm, and rip the armor from my chest as he begins a spiraling descent toward the sea.

His wings billow like great sails for a moment before he folds them to his back and dives to the ocean. The water rushes beneath us with dizzying speed, and I can do nothing but hold on and brace myself for the impact.

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