Rescued By The Merman: A Little Mermaid Retelling (Once Upon a Fairy Tale Romance Book 3)

Rescued By The Merman: Chapter 19

“Halla?” Errik’s voice is low in my ear. “You must wake up.”

My eyes snap open, and I stretch my body against him. He wraps his arms tighter around me and presses a tender kiss to my lips. “There are things I must do,” he whispers softly. “But I will meet you back here again tomorrow, my beautiful Halla.”

I love the way he calls me his. “If I am yours,”—I reach up and touch his cheek—“then you are mine.”

His glowing blue eyes study me as he cups my chin and gently brushes his thumb across my lips. “I have always been yours, Halla.”

When he takes me back to shore, I quickly pull my dress back on, and he helps me back into my chair. Gripping the handrails, he lifts himself and seals his mouth to mine in a tender kiss full of promise.

I watch him leave before I start up the ramp for the castle. I’m almost to the top when I hear someone calling out for Errik.

I return to shore and immediately recognize his brother. As soon as he sees me, he swims toward me. I’m struck again by how similar he is to Errik. I would know they were brothers even if I’d never met him before.

“Errik just left a few minutes ago.”

Another Mer swims up beside Toren. His glowing green eyes widen slightly as they meet mine before narrowing. “Who is—”

“This is Princess Halla,” Toren tells him. “She is a… friend of Errik’s. Halla,”—he gestures to the Merman—“this is Haldran.”

His expression softens. “It is an honor to meet you, Princess.”

I give him a polite smile. “And you as well.”

Toren turns to him. “She said that Errik just left recently.”

Haldran dips his chin in a subtle bow. “This is good news, my Prince. Perhaps he is already on his way back to your father. We should return as well, then. The King wanted to announce the royal engagement as soon as possible.”

“Royal engagement?” I ask, confused.

“Yes,” Haldran smiles. “It is glorious news. Prince Errik is to bond with Princess Luriel of Itlana.”

I blink at him. “Errik is engaged?”

Toren’s eyes meet mine, concern evident behind them. “It is not official yet and he has not agreed to—”

“He never even told me he was a prince.” Pain settles deep in my chest, and I feel as if I can barely breathe. “He lied to me.”

“Halla, he—’

“It’s all right, Toren.” I struggle to keep my voice even. “I’m glad I found out. It’s better that I know. Thank you for telling me.”

Devastation fills me, but I force myself to blink back my tears as I start back to the castle.

“Halla, wait!” Toren calls out, but I keep going, afraid that if I turn back I’ll be unable to hold in my despair.

My pain is too raw right now, and I don’t want to cry in front of him. Anger wars with sadness. I thought Errik loved me as I love him, but I was wrong.

As I make my way back up the ramp to the castle, I’m surprised to find King Henrick waiting for me in a courtyard. I quickly brush away the tears on my cheeks. “King Henrick, I did not expect to see you this early.”

His expression is grim. “You’re in love with a Merman.”

I cast about for a suitable reply before I realize that this man does not mince words. He is as blunt as he is honest, so I decide I will be the same. “I thought I was, but—”

“I overheard. He is engaged, and judging by the tears in your eyes, it was a shock to you. Am I correct?”

Gritting my teeth, I nod.

He studies me with a piercing blue gaze and an expression I cannot quite discern. After a moment, he steps closer. “Then what is holding you here? Why not marry me and let me take you far from this place? The Mer do not stray as far north as Arnafell, and you won’t have to ever see him again.”

My brow furrows. “It does not bother you that I—”

He shakes his head. “No. As long as you pledge to be faithful to me after we’re wed, I’ll not hold any prior lovers against you.” He takes my hand. “I am truly looking for an intelligent woman to be by my side and give me heirs. I will be faithful to you and give you whatever you want. I’m only asking you to rule Arnafell with me and help me raise our family. I do not expect to win your heart, only your hand and your pledge to remain at my side.”

I open my mouth to speak, but he continues unencumbered.

“You are beautiful, and it is easy to see you are possessed of great intelligence. I do not care if you’re broken. I still want you as my wife and future queen if you will give me your hand.”

This man is impossible. He speaks the truth, no matter how blunt. However, I suppose that is an asset here. I can believe he is truly not angry and likely will not hold my rejection against me.

“I appreciate your honesty, even if it is hard to hear some of the words that leave your mouth.”

For the first time since I’ve met him, his lips tip up in a faint smile. “Aye, I’ve been told that many times. I cannot help it; I was raised this way.”

I arch a brow. “I believe I am beginning to understand that.” I clear my throat. “However… love is important to me, Henrick. I do not think I can live my life without it, to be honest.”

He studies me for a moment. “So that is a refusal, then, of my offer?”

“I believe it must be,” I reply.

He draws in a deep breath and takes my hand again. “If you change your mind, my offer will still stand.”

He starts to walk away but stops. Slowly, he turns back to face me with a question. “Are you not going to ask me to lend aid to your kingdom?”

I shake my head. “You made it very clear that you would only help if I agreed to marry you.”

He smiles. “You see? That’s why I like you. We are the same. You do not play games nor try to manipulate others.” His lips quirk up in another rare smile. “I will help your kingdom anyway.”

My head jerks back. “You will?”

“Aye. Who knows? Maybe you’ll look favorably upon me and decide you want me after all.” He shrugs. “Or perhaps it will just lead to better trade relations between us. Either way, despite my bad manners, I am not cold of heart. I would not let others suffer when I could easily offer my help.”

My mouth drifts open. I misjudged this man. He is kind… in a strange way.

He grins again. “I have brought a smile to your face. I can see I’ve surprised you, but pleasantly. Am I correct?”

I laugh. “Yes, you are, King Henrick.”

“Just call me Henrick.”

“Henrick,” I repeat. “Shall we go give my brother the good news?”

“Aye. Lead the way.” He gestures to the door. “If you change your mind and decide you want me, tell me before we reach him because I’d need to officially ask for your hand.”

“I’m sorry, Henrick, but there is little chance of that.”

He laughs. “Still, a man has to try, does he not?”

I laugh with him. “I suppose he does.”

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