Rescued By The Merman: A Little Mermaid Retelling (Once Upon a Fairy Tale Romance Book 3)

Rescued By The Merman: Chapter 16

All night, my thoughts kept returning to Halla. I cannot stop thinking about her proposal from King Henrick. I can hardly stand the mere thought of another man touching her.

I want her to be mine. I do not care if she is human; I love her, and I am desperate to tell her.

It is difficult to remain here when I want to leave and find Halla as soon as possible. But, I understand that relations between our kingdom and Luriel’s are important. I cannot risk offending them by leaving before we have breakfast. I’m already risking offense by planning to refuse Luriel’s hand.

As soon as I’m able to leave, I head for Solwyck. When I break through the surface by the shore, I catch a faint hint of Halla’s scent on the breeze.

Flaring my nostrils, I follow the trail to our rock where we swim every day. A broken sob is quickly swallowed by the wind. It stills my heart, for I know it is Halla.

I rush toward her, swimming as fast as I can. When I reach the rock, my heart slams against my ribs. She is curled up on the surface, crying.

I pull myself toward her and gather her into my arms. “Halla? What is wrong?”

Her blue eyes turn to me, brimming with despairing tears.

I brush the hair back from her face and cup her chin. “Are you hurt?” I ask, panicked when she does not answer right away.

“No.” Her voice quavers. “I am broken.”

“What are you talking about?”

“That’s what he said.”


“King Henrick,” she murmurs. “He said I was broken, and that no one will want me but him. He will give Gerold whatever he needs to rebuild Solwyck, but only if I marry him.” She draws in a deep breath. “How can I refuse him when he will help our people?”

Anger heats my core. She is as selfless as she is brave to even consider bonding to a man who would speak so cruelly to her just for the sake of her people.

“How can I be selfish and say no if—”

“Don’t marry him, Halla. If you need wealth, I will find it for you.”

She blinks up at me.

“Do you know how much treasure lies at the bottom of the sea? My people have no use for it. We do not trade in coins or fine jewels. My brother and I will bring all you need and more.” I comb my hand through her hair and press a tender kiss to her forehead. I will risk my father’s wrath by doing this, rather than watch her marry a man she does not want because her kingdom needs money. “Do not marry a man who would speak to you this way. He does not see you for what you are.”

She studies me. “What am I?”

“You are intelligent, brave, beautiful, and strong. Where others would have given up, you persevere, fighting to regain what you have lost. In doing so, you have become so much stronger, Halla. You are the fiercest person I know.” I touch her cheek. “Any man who cannot see this does not deserve your hand.”

I drop my forehead to hers and stare deep into her lovely blue eyes. “I have wished many times that I were human, Halla. If I were, I would ask you to be mine, and if you accepted me, I would never let you go. I love you, Halla, but I do not expect you to return my affection.” I close my eyes against the pain. “Please, I cannot bear to think of you accepting another man, especially one who does not deserve you.”

She touches my cheek. “You love me?”

I stare deep into her luminous blue eyes. “More than anything, Halla. I wish so desperately that I were human.”

She leans in and brushes her lips against mine in a featherlight touch. I draw in a shaking breath as she whispers against them, “It doesn’t matter to me if you are Mer and I am human. I love you too, Errik.”

I pull her into my arms and run my hand through her long, red hair, gripping the silken strands between my fingers. I tip her head up and capture her mouth in a claiming kiss.

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