Rescued By The Merman: A Little Mermaid Retelling (Once Upon a Fairy Tale Romance Book 3)

Rescued By The Merman: Chapter 10

It’s been almost a month since I started swimming every day with Errik. A light knock at my door announces my brother, Gerold. He greets me with a smile, but I read the sadness in his eyes and the stress in his posture. The city is still in ruins after the dragon’s fire, but the people are doing their best to pick up the pieces and move on.

“How are things in the rest of the kingdom?”

Gerold slips one arm behind my back and another under my knees to carry me down to the dining hall for the first meal. “They are as well as expected.”

His tone makes me worry. “What’s wrong, Gerold? You can tell me.”

He sighs as we make our way down the stairs. “I have good news and bad news.” I tense. “Which do you want first?”

“The bad,” I immediately answer. I’ve always been one to face the grim truth head-on. “Then, the good.”

He sets me down at the table and pushes in my chair before he takes the seat across from me. He must have terrible news because I notice that he stalls for time by offering me the toast and butter before answering.

I push the food away and narrow my eyes. “You’re stalling, Gerold. Tell me.”

“The kingdom’s coffers are nearly empty.”

I blink at him, stunned. “But I thought—”

“The damage done by the dragon wrecked us, Halla. We’ve used much of what we had in reserve to begin rebuilding. Because so many were affected, I cannot raise taxes on those who have already lost so much.”

He’s right. “What are we going to do?”

He clenches his jaw and sits back in his chair. “I’ve received an offer.”

His tone makes me pause. I bring my tea to my lips and take a sip. “What kind of offer?”

“For your hand.”

Bewildered, I set down the cup, which clatters against the saucer. “Who? Do they—do they know about my… condition?”

He nods. “It’s King Henrick of Arnafell. Their kingdom is wealthy. Marriage with him would—”

“Arnafell?” I straighten. “You cannot be serious, Gerold. I’ll freeze to death up there. I cannot live in such a miserable place. Please tell me that is not the good news.”

He shakes his head. “It’s not.”

I collapse back in my chair. “Well, thank goodness for that. What is the good news, then?”

“I’ve heard word from the Fae. They have agreed to send a Healer.”

“They have?” I try but fail to temper the hope in my question.

“Yes,” Gerold replies. “This is a very big change from their usual stance toward humans. They wanted nothing to do with us at all until recently.”

“I remember.”

His expression sobers. “About King Henrick… you do not have to accept him. I’ve heard he is a sound leader and skilled in battle, but I’ve heard little else about him since he ascended to the throne after his father’s death. We can always appeal to one of our allies to ask for a loan to rebuild if you refuse Henrick’s offer.”

Gerold’s words are meant to be reassuring, but I hear what he does not say. What if our allies refuse to help us?

I sit back, considering. I have always wanted only to serve our people and our kingdom. If marriage to Henrick would help to rebuild, I do not know that I can refuse King Henrick simply because I dislike the idea of living in the frozen north.

“What are your plans for the day?” Gerold asks, ripping me from my thoughts. “Swimming again?”

I nod, then look down at my legs. Focusing all my efforts, I lift my left foot slightly, then my right. Gerold gasps. “When did you discover you could do that?”

“A few days ago. I was able to kick a bit more in the water yesterday as well.”

He grins. “Althea was right. The water is doing you some good.”

My expression falls. “I just hope the Fae Healer can help with the rest.”

He takes my hand, squeezing it gently. “Me too.”

I open my mouth to tell him about Errik but stop. I’m not sure how my brother would feel about me spending time with a Merman. I do not think Gerold would disapprove, but I’m not sure, and I don’t want him to demand I stop spending time with Errik. I enjoy his company. This past month I’ve spent with him has been one of the happiest in my life, even despite my injury.

It’s more than that, however. I look forward to seeing him every day.

As I make my way down to the shore, I’m anxious to see him. I scan the water, searching for any sign that he’s nearby. When I notice his glowing blue eyes in the distance, I smile and wave.

He waves back and swims toward me.

“You’re late,” he teases.

My heart flutters as his gaze holds mine and a devastatingly handsome smile curves his lips.

I lift my eyes to the sun. “No, I’m not. I’m early.”

We’ve been meeting daily for almost a month. We swim for several hours every day as I strengthen my upper body and do my best to move my legs to regain more function.

I remove my shirt and pants, leaving me in only my undergarments. No one ever swims along this part of the shoreline, so I’ve never had to worry about discovery when I swim like this. Errik and I are always the only ones out here.

He told me once that his people think nothing of nudity. That the Mer women only cover their breasts because they hate the way land dwellers stare at them. However, I cannot help but notice Errik’s eyes tracing my form now and then when he thinks I am not looking.

I’d like to think that he finds me attractive, but it’s more likely that he finds me strange. He has commented many times on the differences between me and a Mer.

I push off from my chair, and his strong arms catch me before I hit the rocky shore. His skin is warm against mine, and my heart hammers as his mouth curves into a handsome smile.

“Careful,” he gently chastises. “We talked about this. It is not good for you to simply throw yourself onto the ground.”

“I didn’t,” I reply with a grin. “I knew you would catch me.”

He laughs as he carries me into the water, cradling me to his chest with one arm while he uses the other to push himself along the sand. I’ve heard that Mer are much stronger than humans, I believe it now. He has superhuman strength, and holds me as if I weigh nothing.

Once we enter the water, he releases his hold on me, and I already miss his arms around my form.

I arch a teasing brow. “I’m going to beat you today.”

He chuckles. “Is that so?”


I glance over my shoulder at the rock island we usually swim to. We now call it our rock. Without warning, I start toward it, making long strokes with my arms and trying my best to kick my feet behind me in the process.

He swims beside me, his expression serious.

I try but fail to suppress a grin. I know very well that he can swim much faster than me, but he lets me think I am making him work to beat me at this game we play every day. He’s thoughtful, so I do not call him on his ruse. Besides, I love swimming with him. This is the best part of my day—the time that we spend together.

A ship catches my eye in the distance. The large white sail a stark contrast to the blue of the ocean. My mouth drifts open when I notice the golden banner with a falcon crest waving in the breeze. It’s a Skallog ship.

Errik swims up beside me, following my line of sight. “Word has spread among the Mer to avoid that ship,” he says. “The males have been threatening to kill any of my people if we get too near.”


“They say Prince Edwyrd’s new bride is afraid we will try to drown them.”

I still. “Prince Edwyrd?” Although I did not love him, his rejection of our betrothal after my injury still hurt.

Errik’s hand cups my cheek, drawing my attention to him. “What’s wrong, Halla?” His glowing blue eyes search mine in concern. “Why are you upset?”

“Prince Edwyrd was my betrothed,” I explain. “He’s the one who rejected me.”

Errik wraps his arms around me, pulling me close to his chest as we float in the water. “Oh, Halla, I’m so sorry. He did not deserve your love. He—”

“I did not love him,” I answer quickly. “But his rejection made me feel…”

“Feel what?” Errik asks.

I lift my gaze to his. “I’d rather not talk about it. All right?”

Reluctantly, he nods.

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