Requiem Run

Chapter 18

The platform gave way to woods, sideways woods, considering we were on the side of a mountain, that was to be expected. I was hoping that we would come across more shelter as the sun was going down, but it was looking like that wasn’t going to happen.

“We’re going to have to set up a camp,” said Daniel, “I was hoping we could avoid this, but it looks like that’s what has to happen now.”

“We’re gonna be hella vulnerable if we sleep out in the open,” said Katie, “Are you sure there’s nothing else we can do?”

“Not unless you want to walk through the night,” said Daniel, “We’d save on time, but you’d probably be exhausted.”

“More than I already am?” said Katie, “No thanks. I’m willing to take the risk.”

“You’d rather risk death than be a little tired?!” Felice asked, completely incredulously. Katie just smiled in response and nodded. Felice laughed and shook her head ruefully. Rhys and I, on the other hand, we were just used to Katie’s antics at this point.

“I can get a fire going in a couple of minutes,” said Daniel, “Maybe even a couple of seconds if one of you is good with fire magic.”

“I’m not good with magic period.” I said, even though Rhys was already stepping forward and raising her hand.

“Alright, cool.” said Daniel, “I’ve got some sleeping cots in my bag here, so we should be good, for now.”

“Damn, how deep is that bag of yours?” Katie asked.

“Bottomless,” said Daniel, “I’ve got an enchantment on it.”

“Wow, you know, of course that would be a thing.” I said, “I’m surprised I didn’t even think of that.”

“Hold on, I’m hoping that’s in my spellbook,” said Katie, flipping through the book she took from Kydro, “If I could cast that on my backpack, my life would be complete.”

“Aren’t you still working on enchanting a spiritual arm?” Felice asked, “That would help with things.”

“Okay, one thing at a time.” said Katie, though I wouldn’t be surprised if she found a way to memorize everything at once. I turned back to Rhys and Daniel, only to see they had already gotten the fire roaring to life.

“That was fast.” I said.

“Magic works like that,” said Rhys, “Hold on, I’m gonna try to make a force field to protect us, just in case Xelsa goes for a sneak attack in the night.”

“Is it powerful?” Daniel asked.

“About average,” said Rhys, “So yeah, we’re still gonna have to take shifts when we sleep.”

“Noted,” said Daniel, “I’ll take first shift, you want second?”

“Sounds good,” said Rhys, “Be sure to actually get some sleep during my shift, can you?”

“I’ll work on it.” said Daniel. I noticed, just barely, that he had that ghost of a smile again when he said that.

“Do you even sleep Daniel?” Katie asked, “You didn’t sleep back in that house on the mountainside.”

“I have to keep a lookout,” said Daniel, “My job is to protect you.”

“Your protection won’t mean much if you end up passing out on us,” I said, “Can you at least try and get some sleep?”

“Whatever you say, Mother.” said Daniel. I glared at him, but stopped when I realized I finally got a smile out of the man, and even a chuckle to boot. As far as I was concerned, I was the winner.

“Winner of what?” Felice asked.

“Can you not read my thoughts like that?” I asked, “Unless you want to start sharing yours?”

“I’d love to, if staring at a thick black cloud is something you like doing in your spare time,” said Felice, “My memories are still rather foggy.”

“I thought you said they were coming back a little?” I asked.

“They’re still so dark and scattered,” said Felice, “Completely incoherent, as far as I’m concerned.”

“That’s unfortunate,” I said, “Is there anything I can do to help?”

“I don’t think so,” said Felice, “The only thing that’ll give me my memories back is time. It’s been working so far, hopefully if we keep going, I’ll remember everything soon enough.”

“Hopefully,” I said, “I’d love to know more about you, considering you know everything about me.”

“More than I ever thought I’d know about another person I’m not intimate with,” said Felice, “You know, in a romantic way.”

“I know what you mean.” I said. We cut the conversation short as the fire lit and roared to life, and our sleeping cots were rolled out so we could get some sleep. I tucked into mine and was out like a light.

The dream was different this time. I thought when I closed my eyes that I was going to be in my common room again, talking to Felice. Instead, it was like I was looking through the eyes of someone else, running through the woods, pushing back branches and jumping over roots.

I tried to ask “What’s going on?” but my mouth - dream mouth? - wouldn’t cooperate with me. All I could do was watch, a prisoner of my dream body as I came to a stop by a small riverside. I peered over the side, and gasped internally when I saw my reflection - rather, Felice’s reflection peering back at me. My dream must have been one of Felice’s memories.

Felice washed her face in the river water, and looked around, spinning her head fast as if she were keeping an eye out for any attackers. I could feel the sweat dripping down her face, the pounding of her heart, and the quick, sharp breaths she took from her sprint.

“Boys…?” Felice called out - rather, she croaked, as her throat was probably dry from all the running she’d just done, and drinking river water was obviously out of the question. Felice stood up, stumbled a bit, and took three steps before the cracking of a branch in the distance stopped her dead in her tracks.

Felice turned to see what was behind her. The only thing I saw was a glimpse of something red before Felice tore through the woods, sprinting faster than she even had been before. I could feel the panic coursing through her veins, the breath ragged in her throat, and her heart pumping out of her chest.

Felice ran for what felt like ten miles before something tripped her ankle and she went sprawling into the dirt. Despite her attempts to crawl out of the mud, something slammed down on her back, pinning her in.

“This game of ours is over, my darling Felice.”

I could feel the chill run up Felice’s spine as it did my own from recognizing the voice - it was one that I remembered well, even though I’d only heard it a couple of times. Felice was forced onto her back, and came face to face with Easton, the emperor.

“This isn’t a game Easton!” Felice yelled, “You’re messing around with real people, and their lives!”

Felice was shrieking, near hysterical, panicked in a way I’d never seen her before. Easton leaned in close to her, far too close for comfort, and smiled.

“These real people you speak of are nothing but tools for our master plan,” said Easton, “Soon enough, we’ll all be joining Paradise.”

“If Paradise is a place where you’ll be, I’d rather go anywhere else!” Felice said. She was trying her best to be calm and measured, but I could sense the fear in her voice. Easton must have been able to see it too, since he smiled again and pulled her to her feet, keeping her arm in an iron grip so she couldn’t get away.

“Fortunately for me, my love, you don’t have a choice in the matter,” said Easton, “You’ll give me my vessel, one way or another, and it will lead us to the cleansing of this world!”

Easton pulled Felice into his arms. Despite her struggles, Easton’s grip was too strong and she wasn’t going anywhere.

“I don’t belong with you!” Felice yelled, “My fated mate is - “

“Don’t you dare say his name!” Easton yelled, suddenly getting in Felice’s face, far too close for comfort, “If I hear you say his name one last time, or you try and escape from me again, I’ll raze your entire island to the ground. Do you understand me, darling?”

Felice said nothing, just glared. Then she hocked up and spit in his face. I silently cheered her for that one.

Easton flinched, but only for a second, and then he went back to evil smiling as he waved for something or someone to come over to them, something Felice, and I as well looking through her eyes, couldn’t see.

“Lights out, my darling,” Easton said, “When you awaken, you will give me my vessel.”

Easton blew something green into Felice’s face, and she went out like a light.

“Riley? Are you okay?”

I opened my eyes and sat up, shielding my eyes from the sun in the sky, which was the easy indicator to me that we had managed to sleep through the night with no incident. Rhys was kneeling over me, the one who woke me up. I yawned, stretched, and was helped up by her.

“I’m good,” I said, “I slept pretty well, you know, considering I’m still fearing for my life and all. How about you? And where’s Katie and Daniel?”

“They scouted ahead to see where the temple is in relation to us,” said Rhys, “They said to come running if they’re not back in ten minutes. That was… five minutes ago.”

“So they should be back in about… now.” I said, just as Katie and Daniel came around the corner from the forest of trees in the distance.

“We’re super close!” Katie called, “Just another day of walking, and we’ll be there!”

“Then what are we waiting for?” I asked, “Let’s get going!”

I started packing up our campsite as Daniel and Katie joined us to help, and Felice appeared beside me.

“Hey, uh, something happened last night in my dreams,” I said to Felice and just her, “Were you there for those?”

“Uh, no.” said Felice, “What happened?”

She was lying. She was making eye contact with me, speaking measured, not even a flinch, but my gut feeling was telling me she wasn’t telling the whole truth. What I had seen was a memory of Felice, and the memory indicated to me that she knew the emperor on a personal level, possibly even a romantic or sexual level. For now though, she wasn’t saying a word, so I dropped the subject and went back to packing up, handing Katie her bag and getting ready for the walk.

The idea that Felice was on Easton’s side crossed my mind at first, but I quickly brushed it off. Felice had been helpful and encouraging from the start, ever since we first met, and she had been helping me ruin the emperor’s plans from the start. There was no way she would ever betray us.

I could feel Felice flinch, and I realized I forgot that she could read my thoughts. I tried to clear my mind, but I knew the damage was done. Still though, the idea of her being a traitor was off the table.

“Is everything okay, Riley?” Rhys asked.

“Uh, yeah, everything’s fine!” I said, “No problems here, other than wondering how we’re gonna take Xelsa down.”

“Sure.” said Rhys.

I could tell that she didn’t believe me, but she didn’t say anything else.

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