Requiem Run

Chapter 16

Felice kept my hand on our sword, Katie’s hand clenched her dagger, and Rhys looked about ready to toss Kydro to the ground if she had to if things went wrong. The man who had spoken to us walked up the steps and stopped in front of us. He was about as tall as Rhys, but his skin was pale green and his ears were tipped like an elf’s. He was also giving us a warm smile.

“Riley Newman, Katherine Menton,” said the man as he bowed to the two of us, “My name is Tarron Kelric. It’s truly an honor to finally meet you.”

“Uh, first of all, I prefer Katie,” said Katie, “Second of all, who the hell are you?”

“I was just getting to that,” said the man, “You see, my friends and I here want to help you. We’re going to escort you to the next region of Menap Island, so you can get to the next Cleansing Temple.”

“That sounds way too good to be true,” said Katie, “What’s the catch?”

“No catch at all,” said Tarron, “We all believe in you, in what you’re doing. You see, a mutual friend sent us to help you out.”

“Mutual friend… Mama?” Rhys said quietly.

“That’s right,” said Tarron, “You’re familiar with her?”

“Yes, very.” said Rhys.

“Uh, introductions,” I said, “Tarron, this is Rhys, she was in the castle, we happened to meet there.”

“A pleasure to meet you… ma’am.” said Tarron, “As I was saying, instead of having to walk, we can arrange a portal to get you to the next region, as soon as we’ve delivered Kydro to our camp for rehabilitation, of course.”

“Wait, if you can just teleport us around,” said Katie, “Why wouldn’t you just teleport us off the island and break the game? Or better yet, just get us out of this universe entirely and just send us home?”

“We don’t have enough power to do that,” said Tarron, “We’d need to build a portal of our own that could travel between the multiverse, and that kind of magic would take a sorcerer more powerful than I’ve ever met. The bastard Emperor has that kind of power at his beck and call.”

“Of course he does.” I muttered.

“We’re a part of Redemption.” The man said. Rhys’ eyes immediately widened.

“Redemption?! The rebellion against the Empire!” Rhys said.

“That’s correct,” said Tarron, “Usually, we try and keep to the shadows and help the maidens in much less direct ways. But now things have changed.”

He paused for a moment and motioned to Kydro, who had changed hands from Rhys to another orc, this one in similar armor to the elf-man in front of us.

“In all my years, I’ve never seen a single maiden defeat a Runner,” said Tarron, “Much less survive to a Ball. But here you two are, freeing one of the Runners - not only that, but you also proved to everyone watching that the Runners aren’t doing this of their own free will, something even I didn’t know! You three have impressed me considerably!”

“Good to know,” I said as the three of us followed the men down the stone steps to the other two people in armor waiting for us.

“The next region closest is Arlen’s Mountains,” said Tarron, “That’s where Xelsa Polimtal will attempt to take your lives.”

“Oh, wolf-boy’s next,” said Katie, “Do you think he’ll be easier to take down, or harder?”

“I don’t think they can compare,” I said as we followed the men in armor, “Kydro wasn’t that physically strong and relied on magic, while Xelsa’s probably going to try and beat the crap out of us.”

“Or eat us.” said Rhys. I shuddered at the thought.

“We won’t give him the chance,” said Katie, “We’re the dream team.”

I smiled at her. Katie was shockingly good at still being goofy even though the three of us had nearly been killed.

“Before we escort you to the next region, we thought you would want some rest,” said Tarron, “So we can bring you to a camp we have in the woods near the swamp. That’s also where we’re going to drop off Mr. Kydro Crollet.”

“He’s gonna be okay, right?” I asked, “No permanent brain damage or anything?”

“I cannot promise anything,” said Tarron, “Mr. Crollet’s been under control of that gem for many, many years. Who knows what kind of damage it might have caused him?”

“Well, that’s… that’s unfortunate.” I said. What else could I say? Tarron seemed to realized how awkward he had just made things, since he nodded to one of his associates, the woman, and she started praying or something, holding her hands together.

Within seconds, a big swirling blue vortex appeared in front of the woman, a portal that would take us somewhere new, to our next challenger. I slowly started to approach the vortex with Katie and Rhys in tow.

Just as we were going to touch the swirling color, I squeezed my eyes shut and took the hands of my friends, who accepted them gracefully, and we felt the pull of the portal as we went through.

When I opened my eyes again, we were in a clearing in a wooded area. Rhys and I took a moment to steady Katie, who had nearly collapsed on the spot when the teleportation stopped, and then we looked around.

The clearing had several tents put up, men and women walking around in armors of all sorts, a lot of them stopping to stare at us while we showed up.

“What’s with the looks?” I said.

“You two are the first maidens to arrive here… ever, as a matter of fact.” said Tarron, “As I said before, we usually helped the maidens from behind the shadows, leaving food or weapons for them. Though, I’m surprised to find you already have weapons of your own.”

“We came prepared.” said Katie, taking a moment to pull out her dagger and admire it before putting it back, like a true badass.

“Well, allow me to get you some cots so you can get some sleep,” said Tarron, “After your fight with Kydro, I believe you might be needing some rest.”

“You would definitely think right,” Rhys said, “But shouldn’t we be potentially worrying about ambushes?”

“Well, no.” said Tarron, “This camp is in a forest between the region, so the Runners can’t touch us and we’re covered enough that we can keep the Emperor’s forces back.”

“I’d imagine they’ve never sent too many,” said Rhys, “The Empire likes to pretend you guys don’t exist.”

“That is true.” said Tarron, “Well, you three can go take a rest if you’d like, then wash in the lake if you so desire - there are signs to indicate where to go.”

“Now that you mention it, I’m beat.” I said, yawning, “Shall we, girls?”

“We shall.” said Katie as the three of us made our way into the tent Tarron motioned to for us. Inside were several cots, all lined up together.

“Man, I’m beat,” said Katie, “And if I’m tired, I can’t imagine how you must be feeling, Riley.”

“You know it.” I said, “Let’s get some sleep, then we’ll worry about impending death.”

“That’s what I like to hear!” said Katie as she collapsed onto one of the cots. Rhys and I chuckled to each other, then we listened in shock as Katie started snoring, having apparently fallen asleep immediately.

“There’s just no stopping her, is there?” said Rhys.

“Sleep seems to be doing a pretty good job.” I said, “Speaking of which, we should probably get some shut-eye ourselves. Remember: one down, three to go.”

“Ugh, don’t remind me.” said Rhys as we laid down on cots side by side, sandwiching me between Rhys and Katie. I was out like a light within minutes.

I thought it would be nighttime when I woke up again, but I must have been more exhausted than I thought, as it was early morning the next day. Katie was still in her cot, snoring away. When I turned over, I got a shock when I realized the other cot was empty.

“Where’s Rhys?!” I said, sitting up straight, “Katie, get up, Rhys is gone!”

“What?!” Katie seemed out of it only for a moment, and was full attention when she realized what I was saying. We scanned the whole tent, but there was no sign of her.”

“Good morning, you two.” Tarron said as he entered the tent, “Rhys went to the lake to wash up early. She said she didn’t want to bother you two.”

“How dare she?!” said Katie, “Imma go down there and pour a bucket of water on her head for scaring us like that! Speaking of which, where’s the lake, and do you have a bucket I could borrow?”

“Well, the lake is deeper in the woods,” said Tarron, “We have some signs to lead to and from. As for a bucket…?”

“Never mind her, Tarron.” I said, “We’ll just go meet her down there. Let’s go, Katie.”

Katie pouted at me, but she did follow me out the tent and down to the lake, following the signs as we did so.

“Wonder why Rhys didn’t wait for us?” Katie mused, watching some scaly-looking birds fly above us.

“Maybe she’s self-conscious about her body?” I said, “Though I couldn’t imagine why…”

I realized too late what I had said out loud. My face went hot as Katie smiled at me, knowingly.

“I totally ship you two.” Katie said.

“Hey, why don’t you not.” I said, smiling back.

“Huh? Ship?” Felice must have been observing us the whole time, but only spoke now, “What do boats have to do with anything?”

Katie burst out laughing, but quieted down as we approached the lake, when I got a sight that made my face even hotter.

Rhys was sitting in the shallow of the lake, pouring water on herself. Katie got an evil grin on her face.

“Oh no, what are you planning?” I whispered. Katie just winked at me, then she rushed forward and started calling out to Rhys before I could stop her.

“Hey Rhys!” Katie called called, stepping out from behind the tree, “You want some - “

“ARGH!” Rhys suddenly shouted and turned to us, scrambling for the shore of the water as fast as she possibly could while Katie and I approached.

“Rhys, it’s cool!” I said, trying to play everything off, “We’re all ladies here, we don’t need to worry about…?”

Katie suddenly trailed off as Rhys didn’t say anything, just kept crawling as she sputtered, as though she weren’t able to talk.

“Rhys… what’s wrong?” I asked. Rhys said nothing, crawling through the water to get to her clothes.

“Hey, we didn’t mean to stumble… in…” Katie said, but then she stopped. That was when the two of us noticed the way she was walking, keeping her thighs closed, her hands trying to cover her…



“Rhys…?” Katie said as I turned my head and went red, realizing what was going on, “Is that a…?”

“I… I…” Rhys started stuttering before she bolted for her clothes, hung up on a low branch for ease of access. When I glanced back, she had her pants back on and was going for her top. She dressed as quickly as possible.

We were all just standing there for a long time, longer than what was probably necessary. Finally, I was the one who spoke up.


“You don’t need to say anything!” Rhys snapped, “I know, I know! I’m a male orc that dresses up like a lady! I’m a cleanser-riddened freak!”

“Huh?” Katie said, “Rhys…”

“Ever since I could remember, I didn’t… feel right,” said Rhys, looking down at the ground, “Something felt wrong, like I was a prisoner in my own skin. When Mama first found me, I told her I was a girl and… it just felt right.”

Rhys was sobbing, just trying to get through what she was saying.

“So there it is, all out in the open.” said Rhys, “Quite literally. I’m a freak amongst orcs. Just go away, I can find my own -“

“Rhys, there’s nothing wrong with you.”

Rhys froze mid-rant when I said that for a beat. Then, she locked eyes with me.

“… Say that again.”

Rhys was speaking in a way I’d never heard from her before; so quietly, so deadpan, like she never thought that someone would ever say that to her. I wanted to cry for her, but I kept my tears back as I made my way over to Rhys, put my hands on her shoulders, and looked her in her red eye, the one that wasn’t hidden by her hair. I could see my reflection in it, shining from the tears threatening to brim over.

“There is absolutely nothing wrong with you.” I said, “You shouldn’t even need me to say this. You are a woman, and there is nothing wrong with - “

Before I could finish that sentence, Rhys choked and pulled me into her. It took me a second to realize that she was sobbing, full on ugly crying, and hugging me tightly. Katie jumped in for a group hug as well.

We stayed like that for a while, just together, hugging each other, until Rhys finally stopped sobbing and was able to calm down.

“Does your mama know about this?” I asked.

“No.” said Rhys, “Well, she definitely does now, since she said she would watch this whole thing and cheer us on.”

“I can guarantee you she’ll still love you when we get back,” said Katie, “And if she doesn’t, I’ll beat some sense into her.”

She raised her fist for good measure. That was the thing that broke Rhys, and she started laughing. I had never seen Rhys laugh before besides a couple of small chuckles, and I had no idea it was going to be the cutest thing I’d ever seen in my entire life.

“Riley, Katie… thank you,” said Rhys, “You two are the best… really, the only friends I’ve ever had.”

“Wow, let’s not make this sad, okay?” said Katie, “Hey, we still need to bathe Riley, we stink like crap!”

I could only agree. While Rhys sat at the shoreline, Katie and I stripped and hopped into the lake. A little bit of washing, followed by Katie nearly drowning me for splashing her, and we were about as clean as we were gonna get. Re-dressed, and we made our way back to the camp.

“Hey, Katie,” I said, “We should watch what we say about Rhys back at the camp.”

“What do you… oh.” said Katie as she glanced over at Rhys, “Yeah, definitely.”

Rhys nodded in thanks. Her eyes were still glossed over, so I assumed she was still too emotional to talk. When we got back to the camp, I noticed some people walking around eyeing us, as if it were odd three girls were bathing together.

“Ladies.” Tarron said as he approached us, “Are you well-rested and ready for the next region?”

“Pretty much, I would say so,” I said, “We just need to get our stuff and we’re good to go.”

“I understand,” said Tarron, “In the meantime, I’ll have my men set up the portal to the next region.”

“Can you teleport us straight to the temple?” I asked as Katie and Rhys ducked into the sleeping cot, “That would definitely save us some time.”

“Unfortunately, no.” said Tarron, “The temple is well hidden, and contains anti-magical properties that prevent us from perfectly locating it. That’s why I’d like one of our own to accompany you, so that a portal can be made to get you back to camp quickly.”

As Tarron said that, a human man stepped over to us, wearing lighter armor and a sword in his sheath. He looked older, around his early thirties maybe, with red hair, pale skin, and brown eyes. I also noticed a long scar across his eye, like Rhys’, but over his right eye instead of his left.

“This is Daniel.” said Tarron, “He’s one of our best men, and he’s familiar with the portal spell. He can teach it to Rhys as well, and ensure you’ll always have a way back. Right, DD?”

“… I told you to never call me that.” said the man, Daniel, then he turned to the two of us and nodded.

“Okay, Daniel.” I said, sticking out my hand, “It’s nice to meet you.”

“… Likewise.” Daniel said, after he stared down at my hand for several seconds, leaving the two of us as awkward as possible.

“Don’t mind him,” said Tarron, apparently reading the room, “Daniel’s been through quite a lot, you see.”

“I don’t mind,” I said, “We’ve all been through things, I get it.”

“Thank you for understanding.” said Daniel. I noticed a ghost of a smile on his lips, something that seemed to shock Tarron. Katie and Rhys returned from the sleeping cot.

“Hey guys,” I said, “We got a new member to the party. Meet Daniel.”

“Hello.” Daniel said. Rhys and Katie waved, though I noticed Katie eyeing him a bit, and then I noticed something Katie had.

“Did you steal Kydro’s bag?” I asked.

“Well, it’s not like he’s gonna need it right now,” Katie said as she motioned to the bag and nodded, “Besides, he also had some elixir on him, so maybe if I can learn some spells from his weird little spellbook, maybe I can actually start contributing to a fight.”

“But you contributed last time,” I said, “If it weren’t for your dagger, I might have seriously hurt Kydro when I got that gem off him.”

“That’s not much, and definitely not enough for me,” said Katie, “Besides, can’t I just want to learn how to throw a fireball just for the sake of it?”

“I feel like that would be a terrible idea, but there’s no way I’m going to be able to talk you out of it, am I?” said Rhys. Katie just smiled and shook her head.

“Ugh, fine.” I said, “It’s not like we can stop you anyway. Kydro might be pissed when he wakes up and finds out you stole his bag.”

“And if he is, he can kiss my ass.” said Katie, slapping Kydro’s bag - HER bag now, I guess - as if that was the end of that conversation. I just sighed while Rhys shook her head. Tarron and Daniel remained stoic, as if they weren’t amused at all, though I could see the ghost of a smile on Tarron’s face.

“So, are we heading out now?” I asked.

“Yes, of course.” said Daniel, “Tarron, can we hurry this up?”

“The portal’s almost ready,” said Tarron, “It will take you to the base of Arlen’s Mountains, the next closest region, where you will most likely encounter Xelsa Polimtal.”

“Wolf-boy,” said Katie, “Ooh boy, this is gonna suck.”

“I’ll take you to the portal now.” said Tarron, “Follow me, please.”

We did so, Daniel keeping close to us as the five of us made our way through the camp, nodding to the people watching us. Katie managed to stifle a giggle at some of the men who bowed to us as we passed by them.

Tarron led us to a clearing, where the portal awaited. Even though I had seen a bunch of these things by now, it was still amazing to look upon the swirling purple vortex. Meanwhile, Daniel and Tarron were looking at the thing like it was no big deal, probably used to this sort of thing.

“The villages and the temple in this region are most likely on the sides of the mountain,” said Tarron, “There are all sorts of bridges and pathways to get up them, but maintenance is… non-existent, to say the least.”

“Oh yay, fall damage.” said Katie.

“Less damage, more insta-kill.” I said. Daniel snorted, but covered it with a cough.

“So, shall we get going?” Daniel asked when he was done fake coughing. Katie, Rhys, and I nodded, and we all made our way into the portal.

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