Requiem Of A Failed Hero

Chapter 99 Absalom's Ranking (2)

Japan was one of the biggest countries in Asia, right after the Korean guilds they were the next strongest, even with no number of special rank hunters. They had several S-rank hunters but that was not enough if they wanted to measure up to other nations.

Hence, the ranking evaluation process, and the awakening of hunters were something that associations as guilds took with much dedication.

Absalom was walked into one of the biggest chambers.

Passing people who all sat down, either waiting to be evaluated or waiting for their license cards but one thing is clear is that these people were of high class and it could be seen in the way that they were dressed.

Absalom looked all around like a curious kid till he was fully in the chamber.

There was a large crystal sitting in the middle of the room and a long queue of aspiring hunters that slowly proceeded forward.

"C rank?!! Oh thank goodness, I am so lucky!" The man shouted as he walked outside.

Absalom watched the man walk away in happiness. After the man was gone, he asked the man in front of him.

"Is C rank the highest power?"

The guy in front of him glanced back at him with disbelief written all over his face and didn't exactly give him an answer but with that look, he knew the question he asked was absurd.

"C rank is like average. With a C rank, one will be able to earn a decent lifestyle. I mean, we don't even have a lot of high-ranking hunters in Japanese anyways so..." The guy behind him responded to his question.

"I see..." Absalom nodded. "Then what is the highest rank?" He asked.

"The highest rank is S. But there are two other ranks that are considered special rank, they are often placed on a different kind of ranking scale because of the enormous strength that hunters in these ranks possess."


"Yes, Disaster rank and Catastrophe rank." The guy noted to him.

Absalom nodded his head like a diligent learner. One thing he was actually good at was the act of learning.

Finally, it got to the chance of the guy in front of him who had snubbed him earlier.

"B rank!! Yes, I got a B rank!" The guy shouted, as he jubilated outside, a swarm of guys in suits surrounded him. They were all representatives from different guilds. Unlike the Korean Association, the Japanese Association have something they call Open Evaluation where guilds can freely send their representatives to recruit hunters during their evaluations.

For Korean Association, it was impossible, the guild has to work hard to find the information. That is why the reporters like to lurk around the association every now and then.

"Next," The man in rectangular glasses called, adjusting his glasses on his nose as he looked at Absalom.

"Place your hand on the crystal." The man instructed, holding a tablet in his hand.

Absalom immediately did as instructed and after a while, it appeared before him.

In holographic red color.

[You have come in contact with magic energy]

[Due to your immortal body, you can resonate with magic energy even though you are a vampire]

[You have awakened as a hunter]contemporary romance

[This is a temporary awakening as you will revert to your true strength when you leave this world]

The thing that appeared in front of him. Absalom knew very much about it. A voice that speaks to them in rune words showing them the path to their strength. Only when one reaches the age of two hundred and fifty years can one awaken the voice.

In their coming-of-age ceremony, they are taken to the only temple of the first king of Felfhiem.

But that is happening to him right now, he isn't even a hundred yet.

[You have been ranked]

[You can view your profile information]


> Name: Absalom

> True Name: Vârcolac

> Race: Vampire

> Class: Crimson Warrior.

> Magic Energy: 120

> Fiendish energy: 45200(locked)


> Blood lance(S)lv.1

> Blood magic(EX)lv.1

> Blood drain(SSS)lv.1


> Strength: 78

> Stamina: 234

> Speed: 350

> Charisma: 99

> Intelligence: 677

"Wow..." His eyes widened, although he was not impressed with a few things that he was seeing but he was amazed that he could see the runes just like how people used to tell the tales back in Felfhiem.

Meanwhile, the person that was supposed to call his rank had gone silent with an open mouth for a while now.

"Agent Yakamura what is going on?" A senior agent, that seemed older by pure physique asked, going towards the front to meet the man in question.

As his eyes fell on the computer screen, he also entered the same kind of shock.



A one-second silence overwhelmed the room and swoosh.

All the guild representatives came rushing to the front, completely destroying the queue. The boy from before who had all their attention and was taking his time to choose was left standing with nobody around him because all the representatives had gone to meet Absalom who just turned out to be Japan's first Special rank hunter.





After the pontifices meeting a world-level order was issued to the entire world that all nations are to unify with each other in order to clear the gates which are posing trouble to the world.

But that was not all– they also issued the use of the Templars.

That was the height of it, that was how generous they could be and that alone showed that the archons were truly concerned about the state that the world was going into.

And everyone was talking about it as they awaited the day they were finally going to see a templar for themselves.

"Legends have it, that in the first time when the world was created by the unison of the archons, every first generation of humans offered their first child, and using the archon's flesh they were forged into immortal war machines, their body was not weak against the blade, nor could it succumb to poison or explosion attacks, they were the greatest of warriors to ever exist.

After the first days, and the first set of pontifices were selected, it is said that the Templars were ordered to stay inside the temple and were locked forever inside because of the danger that they pose to the world.

I believe that the Templars can take down these strange gates that our dear heroes cannot take care of."

The man declared, with one leg on the wooden table and drunk people surrounding him.

Afar off them was seated a jet-black haired man in a black coat.

"I heard you know my brother." Before him, was seated a familiar young man.

"Did you pay my bail because you wanted to ask of your brother, after sending him out because he was a failure?" Curtis leaned back and folded his arms.

"I don't care what you think, I just need you to answer my questions. I have the legal right to do whatever I want with you. Because I had to pay quite an enormous amount to get you out of jail. They say you were a black market dealer. Was Raven a black market dealer too?"

"That numbskull? There is no way a dumb being like that can get a dealer." Mael responded with a scoff.

Curtis' cold and dark eyes stayed on him for a few minutes. Unlike Raith who was born with heterochromia eyes, other Dellagados' eyeballs were very dark and Curtis's own in particular had a hollow feel to it, that somewhat gave off the atmosphere of how detached he is from emotions.

Yet that same guy was here looking for his precious brother.

"I don't care what you think of him. I just need to find him."

"Bro and you thought it was a good idea to ask me? I have been in jail for the past six months, how the fuck am I supposed to know where your brother is—



His head smashed the wooden table as Curtis slammed it and pinned it down.

"You are rude and I don't like it."

The eyes of people that were enjoying the stories of how their world would be saved thanks to the pontifices taking action, shifted to Curtis and things quickly became awkward so he let go.

The people were too busy hearing the stories to give a shit about what was going on so they faced their business.

"I will ask you one last time... and if you don't answer me wisely, you will be damned for the rest of your life." Curtis threatened him with a fiery glare.

"Where. Is. My. Brother?"

"Bro, I swear I don't know... anything. I swear the last time I talked to him was when I betrayed him!"

"I heard someone paid a bail of three hundred and thirty thousand leus for him, and I was wondering who would dare pay such a large amount for a criminal..."

Curtis' eyes widened and he quickly jolted back as he found Amber Rose, sitting at the table adjacent to his table with sexy legs crossed and arms folded on her moderate breast.

'The hell? When did she get here?'

"Hello Sir Curtis, I thought you didn't care about your brother?" Amber Rose asked with a cunning smile.

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