Requiem Of A Failed Hero

Chapter 85 I Hate To Reveal My Abilities

Raith's neck craned upwards to take in the sheer enormity of the building before him. Rising towards the heavens, the headquarters of the Rain guild loomed over the surrounding cityscape. The exterior was made up of sleek, metallic panels that shimmered in the sunlight, reflecting the clouds above. The windows were arranged in an intricate pattern, with some stretching from floor to ceiling while others were smaller and more clustered.

There was a twist and curve to the building as if a strong gust of wind had warped its shape. It was an impressive sight, a testament to the ingenuity of its designers, one wouldn't expect less from the number one guild in all of Korea.

"Welcome, sir." In front of the building door, stood a man in a black suit who welcomed Raith.

Raith, a bit nonchalant about who was in front of him but more because he was frustrated and annoyed at this whole situation, nodded in response and followed the man with no words till they got to the guild president's office.

Mok Jae-Hwa's office was situated on the top floor of the building. The walls were paneled with rich, dark wood and adorned with an array of tasteful art pieces that spoke to the owner's refined tastes. Large windows overlooking the city allowed ample natural light to filter in, giving the room a bright and airy feel.

And in the center of the room, a large mahogany desk dominated the space, its polished surface reflecting the light from the chandelier hanging overhead.

The desk was adorned with an array of papers, a computer, and a few small sculptures, all carefully arranged in neat stacks and precise angles, with Mok Jae-Hwa's face buried behind them.

And in front of Mok Jae-Hwa's desk were a few comfortable sofas, arranged in a small seating area, where guests could wait for appointments or engage in casual conversation. An elegant coffee table was situated in the center of the grouping.

Raith as he entered the office, sat on one of the sofas and crossed his leg, sitting so comfortably one could think he was the owner of the office.

The guide that brought him in showed so hostility and looked like he wanted to knock the fuck out of him for his disrespect but Mok Jae-Hwa had known Raith that much from their one-time brawl.

"Excuse us Shin." He spoke from behind the papers as Shin, the guide glared at Raith who didn't even give a shit about him and his hostility. He didn't pose a threat to him, not even to Cheche.

From when he met him and entered the guild building with him Raith had tried to take an overall estimation of his strength and compare it to himself or his soldiers and thanks to having a perception stat. It was now so easy.

That wasn't the only good of having Perception stat, everybody that walked around him, even so far backward, he could feel their steps and sense their feelings, with this new stat, sneaking up on him by even stealth ability users would be difficult.

'He's weak.'

Raith had evaluated after observing Shin's magic energy.

'...Che would defeat him, maybe not easily. But he surely will.' Che was a rank C dark soldier which meant that he was on the same level as a rank C hunter, the only exemplary thing about him was the fact that he had a skill while he was alive but that too was gone because his precious sword absorbed the skill.

When the orc chief was summoned, he came with no skill. But Raith understood this, it wasn't a loss, and compared to Kortopi, who still maintained a rank B, Cheche's rank was C.

Raith's hypothesis was simple for this situation. Monsters he killed with them surrendering were probably likely not to be summoned with all of their strength, Kortopi had given up on the fight and when he was summoned he readily answered but it wasn't the case for the orc chief who had two failed attempts.

This was still a hypothesis, we don't know anything for sure until more dark soldiers join the army.

"How have you been?" Mok Jae-Hwa asked with a smile but that smile from Raith's vantage point was corny and annoying.

'Let's not think too much about it, losing was a good thing because now I have this great skill.'

Raith was talking about the 'Parallel Thought Pattern'

"I suppose I am now your guild member... but don't think you can order me around just because I am," Raith stated with a firm tone.

Maybe his position as the leader of the dark army was giving him an egotism he has never had before.

Mok Jae-Hwa chuckled, "I have no intentions to order you around or disturb you. I would just love you to work together with us and receive your money. You also don't have to get too involved with the guild activities, like I said before this is to protect you"

"Protect me from what?" Raith uncrossed his legs and leaned forward.

"An enemy you might not be able to handle. Not when you couldn't defeat me."

"You can't be so sure... we only fought once. I'm sure I can defeat you now."

"Hmm, I see... so you are the type that never repeats a mistake huh. Well, you see that once is all this man needs to kill you. But let's not talk about that. Let's talk about the gate you will be raiding today."

"A gate huh..." Raith's face soon became relaxed and a smile seeped into it.

Mok Jae-Hwa took a pause on the papers he was arranging and looked at Raith. "It must be the association report, they say you are crazy about gates, seeing you smiling like this..." Mok Jae-Hwa shook his head slightly and stood up from behind his desk, walking to his right side which was adorned by a shelf of books and a little table that hosted a coffee machine.

After preparing coffee, he walked over to Raith and slipped one mug of coffee to him.

Raith didn't mind the gesture, he appreciated it, not that he thanked him.

"Have you ever been to an A rank gate?"

Raith paused after taking his first sip of coffee, it had a very sweet smell, he licked his upper lip and savored the sweet taste of the coffee. The matter in front of him was more pressing...

"Rank A?"


contemporary romance

"Agent Jong-Su said the other merchants and guilds are always busy on those, so it is hard to get a high-rank gate," Raith replied.

"Well, he is right in a way. To be exact, starting from A rank gates, they are always auctioned. That is how the association makes so much money and that is why the guilds hate the association. High-rank gates are auctioned for at least 50 billion dollars for an A rank.

Of course, other gates are also auctioned but it is for a little price that the guilds don't always mind. Plus so many guilds are always looking for high-rank dungeons, so the more the demand, the higher the prices go."

"I see... so the association sells off their gates for money."

"Hmm, that is a way to put it. But that is how they are able to pay you so well for raids."

'Whatever, what is important is that I am entering a high-rank dungeon. Ever since the last B rank I entered, all the ones I've been entering are too simple and too weak to kill me.'

"Hunter Raven."

Raith looked at Mok Jae-Hwa's face which became rigid.

Oh shit! -cause Raith didn't want to be ordered around for real and that eyes looked like they were about to do just that.

"I have records of your raids with the association..." Mok Jae-Hwa started.


"And there's one thing that has been consistent in everything."

Raith silently observed and waited for the man to reach the point he was trying to make.

"Hunter Raven, you won't be going into this gate alone."

Raith was taken aback, he sat right and looked at Mok Jae-Hwa' again.

"And why is that?" 'This bastard wants to find out my powers.'

"Because you and one of our best main guys will be training the recruits."

"Training? Why will I train anyone?"

"It is more of a supervision. You are not supposed to be involved but since you are dying to get into a gate, I thought it would be a nice offer so long you are able to enter the dungeon. This is your first time going into an A rank gate right?"

Raith looked down, he couldn't deny that.

This was his first time and regardless of whatever their motive was, he could get the level-ups he hasn't gotten for a while and could even get more dark soldiers since the limit has increased. The only problem is that he is very skeptical about showing anyone his abilities.

Very skeptical.

'...this ability, I don't want to show it to anyone

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