Requiem Of A Failed Hero

Chapter 69 Fear The Goddamn Ants (1)

Everyone in Therut has been waiting for this day.

The day that the Elemental guild will finally clear the level 10 dungeon that plagued them.

Thaw Sanada has received so many thanks, and he had even become the most searched word on the internet.

When you search Thaw Sanada or Rigeria city, the first thing that comes out is about the level 10 gate.

The entire island was already taken by the monsters. And the government had even employed high-rank heroes of the throne archon who were vast in barrier creation.

This was how the country had been able to survive and contain these monsters in one area.

Thaw Sanada stood in front of the seaport that led to Ephselon city.

"What are you thinking about?"

Virgo approached him, donned in sleek armor sitting atop his black turtle neck, he adjusted his hands' gloves as he stood next to Thaw.

Thaw Sanada closed his eyes with a smirk.

"History is about to be written. With this Virgo, I will prove myself as the strongest in the entire world."

Thaw Sanada stated, staring at the golden light of the barrier that shone from afar.

"Sir! The chopper is ready."

A man in a black suit approaches Thaw.

He turns back with his hands in his pocket and nods, looks at Virgo one last time, and walks away.

The Elemental guild consisted of heroes that were chosen by the nature(or elemental) archon. Ranging from fire abilities to water manipulation, lightning, earth, and wind, although it may sound stereotypical, there are different applications to these abilities. For example, Thaw Sanada is a pyromancer who can even create his own fire.

But there is another fire ability user whose ability is to ignite tremendous fire bombs that leave an explosion effect strong enough to bring down a 100 floors skyscraper in one minute.

The main team consisted of Thaw Sanada, Shira Keith, a white-haired girl– whom the world know today as Thaw's girlfriend. Leonard Respiro, an adept earth manipulator and the troubles tanker of the team, and still able to effectively switch to the role of support when needed.

Ismael Chaths, Will Griffin, Virgo Blackman, and Ulardrel Strongtower who is one of the few elves who have not hidden away from humanity on an island.

The seven of them entered the chopper but that was not, of course, all they would need to raid a dungeon. The entire Elemental guild which consisted of seventy-six members along with a hundred armed soldiers to support them had gone earlier with the ship.

This was definitely supposed to be a successful raid.


In thirty minutes they entered the golden light boundary– which made it impossible for anyone to come out from inside until they were sure that the dungeon had been cleared.

The entire island was overrun with ant monsters. And they were different from, black ants which were only capable of walking red ones that could fly, purples ones who only could walk but made use of deadly poison that would kill anyone in seconds.

The tall buildings and skyscrapers of Ephselon city which used to be a center of attraction had become ruins, an apocalypse was the best description for this city. Red sky, broken roads, fallen buildings, and ants swarming all over the debris, they had burrowed a habitat in every area of the city and this was what the Elemental guild was to fight.

As the ship dropped them, they charged into the city, with the soldiers on a shooting spree, killing any ants they laid their eyes on.

The ant monsters were different from your average Joe, with massive bodies and almost impenetrable scales. But the reinforced bullets that they were using made things so easy.

With the soldiers at the forefront of the battle and the elemental guild supporting from behind, they pressed further. Killing whatever sight of ants they saw. Until they came in contact with the red ants that were capable of flying.

They began to kidnap the soldiers one by one and no amount of shooting could hit them– their flight was so fast and it was almost as if they could see the bullets coming, they would fly in different patterns to evade the bullets and chop off the head of the soldiers with their mandibles.

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This caused a quick change in the tide of the battle and put the Elemental guild in the forefront, the soldiers' numbers had been reduced to half in just twenty minutes since the appearance of the red ant monsters, and the other soldiers were beginning to cower.

At least the elemental guilds had a chivalrous nature. They stepped in and began a full-out battle. With abilities ranging from fire and lightning to water and wind, they used them all to devastating effect. Flames leaped from the hands of the fire users, lightning bolts struck down ant after ant. Ice users created walls of ice to hold back the swarm, while water users summoned waves to wash them away. Wind users created tornadoes to fling the ants into the air, while earth users used their powers to create barriers and traps, also smashing the ants to bits with massive boulders.

The formation calmed the tide of the battle and things were progressing slowly and looking good. Although the red ants retreated immediately this formation played out and could be seen holding back on top of buildings and watching as the purple ants and black ants were being dealt with, just a few of them flew towards the heroes and faced the same fate, the majority watched.

But even the walking ants were not to be underestimated. They were ferocious fighters, with powerful jaws and claws that could tear through steel. They used their impressive strength to counter the heroes: the purple ants began to spray purple, slimy liquid that melted the ice walls immediately.

The battle raged on for hours, with the ants dying at an alarming rate but soon as fatigue began to set in things began to change slowly, it was then the red ants flew in and began to break their formations. The heroes regardless of this change fought with all their might, knowing that the fate of Ephselon city rested on their shoulders. But it was a drag, they were too tired and the red ants were posing more threats than they could angle being able to fly anytime they want and launch surprise attacks with strong mandibles that snatched their heads off their necks in just one swing.

Everything was slowly getting to an end— until the main attack team joined the battle.

Thaw Sanada's fire was like a hell, soaring through the sky and burning the red ants massively, their carcasses fell from the sky.

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