Requiem Of A Failed Hero

Chapter 59 The Disguise Gate (3): Raith Vs Orc Chief (1)

From the moment he entered Felfhiem and could understand their language Raith had suspected the interference of the abyss, even when he came to Earth too, in all these cases it was reasonable but with a monster?

He could understand a monster!

"Kerrgghhhkkuu ueghhk(Kill the human!)"

The Orc chief shouted pointing his fingers forward.

Amazing grace...

Raith was covered in a horde of green orcs that battered him to death with clubs and axes.

[You have died]

[Level Up]

[You have gained 4 stats points]

[Level Up]

[You have gained 4 stat points]

[Due to title effect 'One who devours death' You will be revived]

The orcs separated as they confirmed the human void of life.

"Uewerghjk...Ueehkk!!(Weak Human!!)"

'...did these motherfuckers just call me weak?'


Raith released a slow breath, the orcs at first did not he had woken up as they had returned to chattering with each other with scoffs and laughs.


Suddenly, with a blast, an orc's large body shot across the crowd of orcs, crashing right beside the orc chief's seat.

The shocked orc chief turned its gaze to the direction the body was coming from.


He growled, standing up from his seat.

The other orc turned to Raith again with a fierce gaze.

'Two levels. I wonder if I can gain more levels if I die...'

Raith twirled the sword of Bael, looking at the orc chief with an intimidating grin.

"Kwwwaaaarrghhkkk!!!(That Human must die!!!)"

The glare worked– the orc chief screamed at the top of his voice pointing to Raith.

Grabbing the hilt of the sword tightly, Raith drew it out of its scabbard.

The voices of the orcs soared into the dark sky as they charged at him with their weapons glinting under the subtle illumination of the moonlight.

[You are using skill 'Way Of The Sword']

[Your Proficiency with this skill has increased]

Raith charged towards them, his sword flashing under the moonlight as he deflected their attacks– no matter which angle it came from it was as if he was expecting it.

[Passive Skill 'Transcendent Sense' has leveled up]

With so many enemies, there were so many threads of attack to deal with but thanks to his speed he could manage at least for now.

'Instant Move'

Raith disappeared and appeared away from the cluster of orcs that was becoming annoying to deal with. With space in between, he could now handle things from a better angle with precision. The orcs turned back to him and rushed towards him letting out war cries as they charged at him.

For the first set of orcs that reached him—





With movement backed by speed, his sword sliced through their flesh and bones with ease, their blood splattering across his face and clothes and the rest sinking into the black blade.

He delved a blow into the next orc with a strength that belied his size–throwing the orc away twenty meters and still tumbling it until it came to a stop, dead.

The orcs looked back at the dead orc and looked at Raith who had killed an orc with his bare fist.

"Kwweeueghhkkuu!!(Don't fear!! the human is weak!!)"

The orc chief's cry replenished the orcs' morale and strength, their war cries rose into the sky again as they rushed at Raith.

Not fearing one bit, he danced through them with his sword blurry as he cut through the air. The orcs were no match for him and soon began to fall one by one under the grace of his sword.

The moonlight bathed the entire place with an aesthetic makeup that exalted the peace of a violent night.

Despite their numbers, they soon began to falter as Raith cut a bloody swath through them. They were no match for his skill and their confidence was beginning to wane as they saw their brothers fall before him.

But Raith showed no mercy, pressing the attack even as they began to retreat. Only a handful of warriors stayed to fight– but as Raith began to take what seemed to them as heavy steps towards them, they backed away slowly from the deadly figure before them. Each step was like a striking thunder into their heart and as Raith's cold glare sank into their eyes, they shivered with fear.

"Kwaaarghhl!!!(Monster!! Monster!!)"

They shouted throwing away their weapons and running with their hands in the air.

"Kawweeghhk Uekkweaa Kwerrghkk Kweerrghhkk!!(Stop! Don't Run! Fight! Fight!!"

Raith stood tall, his chest heaving as he glared at his remaining. His clothes, hair, and face were drenched in blood, and his sword arm shook with exhaustion.

He couldn't tell how long it has been since he started and he didn't care.

The orc chief stared at Raith for a few seconds before suddenly grabbing his chair and thrashing it with one pull. Beneath the chair was a long pale that Raith had no idea what it was.

The orc grabbed the pole and–


With a loud groaning scream, he pulled the pole out of the ground, causing the ground to shake and crack open. Slowly, the orc chief turned to Raith with a smile as he rested the sledgehammer on his shoulders with a smug face that was so absurd considering its tusk and braided brown hair that was almost like a mo-hawk

Their steps toward each other started as gentle and steady but soon the two of them began to sprint toward each other. The orc's steps were heavy and thundering, Raith's, light and speedy with his eyes glued to the sledgehammer.

As the two came closer for collusion, the orc swung his weapon in a wide arc but Raith was too fast–

'Instant Move'

He darted in and out of the Orc's space, slashing the monster's arm.

"Shit, it's shallow."

He muttered and he flung out of the area as the Orc's hammer came crashing down on where he was standing, splattering the hard rocks.

Raith with this seen evidence knew one blow of that hammer would be deadly, if not deadly he would probably be rendered all bones broken.

The Orc roared in anger and dashed at Raith but he was ready– with swiftness he ducked under the Orc's and sliced his leg, immediately pulling a retreat backward with a backflip.

The Orc stumbled but quickly recovered and followed him, swinging his hammer in a downward arc‐ aiming for Raith's head.


Raith tilted his whole body to the side, avoiding the hammer by a hair's breadth and still finding ample time within that pinch– he counterattacks with a sword thrust but the Orc blocked with his hammer.

Raith leaped back immediately, with his eyes scanning for the monster's weakness.

The Orc dashed forward again with a lousy and wide arc– with a sidestep, Raith slashed the Orc's back misjudging the Orc's intellectual for a moment–

The Orc made a quick turn in that tiny moment and caught Raith off guard swinging the sledgehammer toward him.

Even though Raith made a quick tone and used black armor which turned his entire body black he still stumbled back.

'Shit, did he suddenly increase his speed while we were fighting."

While Raith was sure he was superior in speed he wasn't too sure about strength, since he couldn't see the Orc's strength.

[You are using the skill 'Truth Seeker']

[You can see the status information of the target]

[Target Information]

Name: Kawaek Orc Chief

HP: 4,201/5,200

Rank: B

A.P: 6,700contemporary romance

D.P: 15,300

Skill: Thunder Smash(A)

Raith's mouth dropped...

'He even has a skill and has not used it?'

He scoffed.

'This bastard...'

Raith darted a deadly glare into the monster and he returned the gesture, their eyes stayed locked on each other for the next few seconds.

With the Orc's impressive defensive power, it was clear to Raith that he couldn't win this fight with brute force, he had to rely on his nimbleness and speed.

He could boast of incredible stats thanks to the +15 increase in all his stats due to his body being modified because he absorbed a lot of cosmic energy.

He had lasted this long.

It was a miracle, he would have died so many times originally.

But this was not enough, as much as Raith knew he needed to fail and die to become stronger, he wanted to win this battle with this cocky Orc and show him who's boss. Just like that time with the goblin too.

Raith looked down at his status cautiously staring at the Orc that stood from afar and searched him for weaknesses.

His speed stat was on 83, and he had 13 available stat points...

"All thirteen to speed ..."

[Your Speed Stats has risen by 13 points]

He said as he swung his sword and began to walk majestically towards the Orc that gnarled at him holding his sledgehammer to one side with both hands.

'Instant Move'

With even more force of speed, Raith's body blurred and disappeared and the next time he could be seen was as the blurry image slashed the Orc's leg. The Orc grunted and swung its hammer immediately at Raith– he was adapting to Raith's quickness by forcing himself to react immediately after getting hit.

But Raith was too fast, using [Air Leap] he soared into the air with the moonlight casting a subtle and deadly stream of white light on the blade of his sword as slashed a downward arc on the Orc but the Orc blocked it with the long length of his hammer pole.

The Orc pushed Raith back with ease and tumbled him to the ground– his hammer rose into the air about to smash down on his fallen opponent but Raith was gone.

He appeared behind the Orc and slashed the Orc's back, his sword biting deep into the Orc's green flesh.

The Orc chief let out a tremendous cry and turned to Raith with a reddened face, its eyes were bloodshot as it glared at Raith with an evident breath of Rage.

"I hope hyungnim is okay..."

Min-ho shook with more fear as he heard the extra loud cry. He had been hearing the war noises but it was part of the battle but this one was different, it made his heart shake and his limbs trembled. It was a very very bad angry roar.

The sky began to rumble as the Orc panted slowly locking his gaze on Raith.

'Is he finally going to use his skill.'


Raith heaved a very big exhale and readied himself as the Orc chief rose his hammer into the sky. The sky rumbling continued more intensively, and thundering began to erupt between the dark clouds.

Large streaks of lightning gathered around the dark cloud that swirled over Raith and the Orc– it was difficult to tell in particular who it was coming for.

"Keeeewwwugggghkkkk!!!(THUNDER SMASH!!)"

With full force, the massive and large dancing streak of lightning poured on Raith erupting and razing the entire ground and even blasting away the wooden houses nearby.


Min-ho screamed as he saw the lightning descend and heard the thunderous sound of the environment shattering. Despite his fears, he pushed his shaky legs forward with a furrowed brow of determination and began to run forward.


[You have died from an impressive skill attack from a rank B monster]

[Your Strength stat has risen by +4 due to the nature of the monster that killed you]

[Your Endurance stat has risen by +5]

[Level Up!]

[You have gained +4 stats points]

[Level Up!]

[You have gained +4 stats points]

[Level Up!]

[You have gained +4 stats points]

[Level Up!]

[You have gained +4 stats points]

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