Requiem Of A Failed Hero

Chapter 233 Mad Angel (1)

"Shit shit shit shit shit"

Balam shot away like a speeding arrow, determined to distance himself from the angels.

However, his efforts proved futile as a powerful gust of wind surged past him, and a brilliant streak of light zipped ahead, causing the ground to tremble and cave in, creating deep craters as if the very earth sought to escape from beneath the angels' feet.

"What do we have here? A demon, roaming the land of the living," remarked the angel confronting Balam, his hand resting thoughtfully on his chin.

His blue, wavy hair gently touched his shoulders, and except for the extraordinary pair of large wings extending three feet on each side from his hips, he bore a human-like appearance.

Balam's brow furrowed, but he remained silent.

The angel's gaze moved up and down, seemingly assessing Balam. Yet, he appeared unperturbed by the demon's silence.

In fact, he might prefer Balam not to speak, and the demon was well aware of this possibility, hence he chose to keep his words tightly locked away.

Facing an angel of this magnitude, Balam was confident he could emerge victorious, provided he hadn't exhausted too much of his strength battling Raith. Even so, he held on to the belief that he could take on the angel and survive. His eyes exuded a resolute determination.

ραndαsnοvεl.cοm "No, no, no..." the angel shook his head and pointed a finger, disapproving of Balam's expression.

"That countenance of yours is unsettling. You seem prepared to face your demise. I won't allow it. Our mission concerns the archons and the archons alone," he declared, shifting his gaze to the tall archons and the two other angels accompanying them.

Compared to him, who possessed just one pair of wings, the archons had two pairs, magnificently large and beautiful.


Balam pressed his lips tightly together, resisting the urge to speak. He had heard stories about the angels' insufferable pride.

The demons' accounts described them as outwardly beautiful but inwardly repulsive, the epitome of absurdity in their claim to spill blood in the name of justice. This knowledge guided the demon's cautiousness.

Though he loathed the path he was forced to take, survival was paramount. He couldn't squander the second chance Raith had granted him, and the idea of dying prematurely without fulfilling his purpose for Raith disgusted him.

Balam desired to witness the extent of the human's potential, how high he could soar. If cunning and trickery were necessary for his survival now, so be it!

"You are not talking, it is kinda annoying. You see I am not like the other two there. While you can call the two their archangels, I am just an angel. So, don't be so stoic, you can freely speak."

This statement contradicted what Balam had been told. He eyed the angel with suspicion, narrowing his gaze and furrowing his brows in response.

"Really, I am seriously I'm not going to say to you speak and then say to you how dare you use your filthy mouth before me, that is more of my brethren Urkiel's thing." He said with a little giggling.

Balam swallowed his spit. "Then permit me and the rest of the humans to leave."

The angel looked at the humans who were scattered around Balam.

"Hmm..." he cocked his head left and right a few times, taking his time to make a decision.

"You see... I can't do that. But I do find it interesting that a demon cares about what happens to a human. I have always thought you demons to be very cruel. But if there was any chance that we all would be able together in harmony, I have always believed in it." The angel stated with a written passion of words on his face. His gesticulating hand further accentuated his seriousness at this moment.

As much as Balam wanted to consider how absurd this really was, he was dumbfounded and couldn't help but want to take him seriously, especially when there was no telling what can happen if he talks down the angel.

The guy could snap and decide to kill everyone right here and right now, so he was never to forget to be careful at least until they leave.

"Do you believe we can also live in harmony too?" The angels trailed off voice finally got back to him. He belatedly raised his head, taking a moment to respond.

"Well, I don't know. There is a reason why we are considered counterfeits of each other." contemporary romance

"Hmmph, you are right. My brethren have always said to me the same thing too. But if it is that way, I guess following the rules of that counterfeiting should be the sensible thing to do right? And I am trying to be sensible because everyone back in heaven says I am delusional and crazy. Wait you don't think in crazy too right?"

"At all," Balam shook his head. "I do think you to be quite genuine. You are not like the angels we were taught in our books and history.

"Right right, I know right. Those guys are probably the war angels, we... we are more of the peaceful kinda angels. The gods would say that we have gotten so weak compared to them. Of course, they are still where they are. They are the circle of the seraphim after all but they are inactive, so yea... this is what you get."

Balam slowly nodded his head, "...I see..."

Even though the angel seemed carefree and okay, he was still not going to give in to it. He wouldn't stop trying so hard to be careful.

"So do you want to know my name? Perhaps together we can make a change, we can become the protagonist of this story, two friends who overcome their difference and hatred for each other and herald an era where demons and angels lived together in harmony. What do you say? Sounds noble right?"

"Indeed, my name is Balam... and you don't have to tell me your name."

The angel's carefree expression became a frown and quickly turned to a giggle.

Balam was still dealing with the reminiscent of his panting heart when the angel frowned, he thought he would have to fight him immediately. It was a relief that—


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