Requiem Of A Failed Hero

Chapter 216 King Balam (3)

Since Raith and Balam started this fight, has Balam not been injured in his hand?

When he was a colossal creature, Raith pretty much damaged his entire hand with Bal's lightning. Yet the demon was devastated that a human cut through his skin.

This was because Balam in this form had extraordinarily tough skin, a skin that never should be penetrable. It didn't matter the sword used, Balam was part of the few demons who had the [origin].

The [origin] bestowed upon these demons an extraordinary augmentation of their physical abilities, rendering them impervious to divine powers or any form of magic designed to negate their inherent nature. Remarkably, the [origin] was primarily found in archdemons, making Balam and a handful of other greater demons who possessed it truly exceptional.

Balam's [Origin] was his tough skin, he wasn't a demon that knew how to use fire, the lava cracks on his skin were proof of his uniqueness, and his [origin] was his skin durability.

This was why he was shocked and still couldn't comprehend the fact that this human cut his hand.

"This is inconceivable! Who are you? From where did you hail? WHO ARE YOU?!" he roared furiously, his shoulders heaving with anger.

The fractures on his skin, akin to molten lava, emitted wisps of steam as his brow furrowed even deeper. Clenching his razor-sharp teeth, he fully exposed their gleaming whiteness for the first time.

Raith's countenance immediately hardened a stark departure from his previous taunting of Balam, even in the face of the demon's anger.

[Due to Ultra-Instincts you have sensed a great demonic power around]

[The weight of the power will cause a tremendous effect on lesser existence]

[Your stats will reduce by 50%]

[Due to your class MONARCH OF DEATH you can resist the effect]

[Your Will is low]

[Your stats will reduce by 30%]

As the notifications faded away, Raith keenly felt the oppressive atmosphere enveloping him. The sheer weight of the power bore down upon his being, making even the simplest movements a herculean task.

It was as though an incessant vibratory force pressed relentlessly against every fiber of his body. In precise terms, the gravity had intensified tenfold, rendering it exceedingly arduous for anyone to navigate their surroundings.

Despite his class affording him some degree of resilience, Raith remained constrained by the overwhelming force. His low Will state prevented him from completely nullifying its effects, leaving him grappling with its debilitating consequences.

However, of greater concern to Raith was the immense power Balam must have unleashed to cause such an exponential increase in the surrounding gravity.

Unbeknownst to Raith, a bead of sweat had formed on his temple, slowly tracing its path down his cheek.

His narrowed eyes remained fixed on the demon before him, an intensity burning within his gaze.

"I traversed the deep depths, enduring eons of torment and anguish. I clawed my way through the writhing masses of infernal souls, yearning for something greater, something that would set me apart. I craved a kingdom, a dominion that would reflect my unparalleled might and unmatched splendor. Yet, as I reached higher, they rejected me. You have no idea how much I have suffered to get here, I have waited patiently for this plan and you dare? Your existence is a torn in my flesh, you should never be able to look at a being such as I, yet..." Balam was heaving.contemporary romance

"...yet you express such amazing strength before me. Your very existence annoys me. It vexes me from my bowels. I have no grudge against you human. But you have no place here... you do not deserve what you have."

Raith's composure suddenly became relaxed as he heard what Balam just said.

'Is this guy serious right now?'

If anyone were deserving of such a statement, it was not Raith. While he may not have endured the same level of suffering as Balam within the context of their world, he, too, had traversed numerous hardships to arrive at this pivotal moment.

The evaluation presented by Balam felt grossly unfair, a skewed perspective that failed to acknowledge Raith's personal struggles and growth.I think you should take a look at

Raith's frown deepened, his dissatisfaction apparent upon his face.

Balam, noticing the crease on Raith's brow, attributed it to the human's inability to accept the truth.

"Your countenance reveals your disagreement, but such reluctance is unsurprising. Humans often struggle to confront the harsh realities," Balam sneered,

"You speak of suffering, if you truly have suffered then you should know very well than others that no one reaches this point without adversities. I did not have all this handed to me on a platter of gold, you can try dying for a taste."

Balam's narrowed eyes betrayed a flicker of contemplation. Raith's arguments had an unexpected reasonability, causing the demon to question his own perspective. Slowly, the notion began to take root within him that perhaps Raith had also endured his fair share of tribulations.

"I too have had my fair share of hardships... and even right now, fighting you... I am having one because, after this fight with you, I will not be the same. I will have grown."

Balam's eyes widened in awe, marveling at Raith's mindset. "Truly remarkable. In every aspect, you display magnificence. I appreciate your perspective. It is an insult that you believe you can best me, but the fact that you perceive this battle as an opportunity for personal growth intrigues me."

With a resigned sigh, Balam lifted his amputated hand, instantly regenerating it.

"From this moment forward, I will take you seriously. Our dynamic will undergo a profound shift."

"I don't need things to be easy," Raith replied, tightening his grip on his sword.

"Hahaha! Haaaa!" Balam burst into wild, mad laughter. "Come at me, human! I admire your spirit!"


Raith defied the constraints of the heightened gravity, propelling himself forward like a swift arrow, his sword poised to strike from behind.

Balam remained unfazed, convinced that his protective barrier would effortlessly withstand the impending assault.


But then, Bal let out a deafening scream as it sliced through the space, making contact with the top of Balam's head.

The demon's bellowing scream reverberated, as the sword effortlessly shattered his supposedly impenetrable barrier like fragile glass.


Reacting swiftly, Balam leaped away, the force of his movement causing the ground to splinters and upheave as the sword descended, nearly making contact.

The sheer weight of the blade bore down upon the earth, a testament to the immense gravity it carried—a gravity magnified by the existing field cast by Balam himself.


Amidst the unfolding chaos, Raith's transformation became apparent. Steam slowly escaped from his mouth, a visible sign that something within him had shifted.

Balam, ever perceptive, quickly grasped the significance of this change.

A notification materialized before Raith:

[You have entered the state of Samadhi]

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