Requiem Of A Failed Hero

Chapter 204 Apocalypse Of Therut (16)

"What is that?"

Amber's eyes shook with despair as she saw the massive figure and the destruction it caused. They were standing at the end of all that destruction, if the archon had been a meter longer then they too would have been caught in all these rumbles.

All of them were dazed, they stood bewildered, even the elves that just joined Draear, the elves from Faleron who unlike the Driamwen elves show kindness to humanity. If Draear was considered a proud elf and just like his people too.

Then this guy Corian, with white hair and sky blue eyes was the complete opposite of that, his gaze was gentle and serene, showing sincere sympathy for the surrounding and the lives lost, while Draear kept on his rigid and agitated face, especially since Corian was in this place.

"I can't contact anyone."

Amber paced restlessly, clicking her communication wristwatch, it is a device that was supposed to contact the association but it was not working, there was no response.

The emperor was not in a good state and the dark ant that had been fighting Hallan Lamar up until a moment ago suddenly disappeared.

After the large explosion, the place was in ruins.

Amber looked at the three new elves that were just added, of course she knew them, she especially had always liked the strongest because the heroes would always speak of him.

"Corian." She muttered, but right now finding a solution to whatever was happening was more important.

"S-s-s-stop." The Emperor spoke out with his strength seeping away.

Amber sharply turned in the direction and arrived at their instant, bowing to one knee.

"Your majesty! You are trying to say something." She said to him.

Indeed, Alexander was trying to say something but he had been struggling to talk, he held the dressed wound with one hand but it was useless. The moment he tried to start talking again, blood dripped down his nose and he coughed with more blood.

"Your majesty?!" Amber shouted but with genuine concern.

"Find-d-d t-t-that... stop-p-p him." He struggled to talk so much that Amber felt so pitiful. No matter how much he wanted to speak, blood was what flowed out as he opened his mouth, not to say, the wound that Amber had dressed was beginning to reopen.

Without too much to say, she could tell that the person he was talking about was Hallan Lamar and his entry into the divine chamber probably had something to do.

"Young lady. Perhaps you need our help with something." Corian asked her as he slowly stepped closer. She had missed when he flew over to her side from her side which was afar off on one of the broken buildings.

Amber scanned him with her assertive eyes. His approach was condoning so he was a natural pass compared to the other one with a arrogant face who was a summoner of two dragons.

If not for the dire situation they were all in, she would have spared a few more minutes to her judgemental thought on who was more handsome between the two.

"Thank you for your help! Please I think we will need to enter that place."

Her eyes were fixated on the opened place, that was standing unscathed amongst these ruins. She had questioned what it was and the only answer Dellagado could provide before suddenly flying off was that.

"That is the Divine chamber, nothing good will come from such a man entering that kind of place."

Then he took off rudely as though he was onto a more important task.

Amber was truly tired of the heroes in this empire, all of them are thrashy... maybe the entire world itself. They all just liked doing shit.

"Alright. If that will be the case then we shall enter this divine chamber and uncover all there is about him. Please focus on saving the Emperor."



Something like a black blur swung past them immediately and into the divine chamber.

Corian who had not been here earlier was filled with nothing but a cautious glare. Pearls of sweat began to form all over his face and he hesitated to move.

Amber Rose too was not blind, even though it was an impressive speed it wasn't like she didn't see it and something in her guts told her that it was Raith again. She frowned her face and abandoned all.I think you should take a look at

She ran forward, shaking the ground with every step from her metallic boot that goes back in history to the death of Thard-Harl.

It was awestruck watching a woman make such powerful marks on the ground just by purely running. Corian was astonished.

"Are you going to stand there and watch all day?!" Draear shouted as he flew into the chamber with his dragons.

This one was weird because up until now he didn't even say anything and was just standing afar with his summoned dragons, however the moment he saw that outstanding speed he plunged forward.

Corian had not met Raith, he didn't know who it was for all of them to be so hastened but he could also feel the urge to want to press further faster, get there real quick, some sort of excitement to want to watch the fight before it ends.

He succumbed to the feeling and ran after them too.


Hallan grinned with broad fulfillment as he was holding a shining red crystal in his hand, the crystal seemed like it had broken.

"Soon in the other seven places, they will have the shard and the plan for our lord will finally commence. The power to bring down a great demon will be unleashed. I will bring upon a great demon and destroy the archons." "You are a fool if you think a great demon is enough to kill the archons"

Hallan suddenly threw his face back to see who was taking but there was no one.

This was a dark and enclosed space, although it was very broad, the hallway that led to this underground part was very narrow, and without guidance, anyone could die before reaching where he was, different traps were certain to endanger the life of anyone that entered.

Hallan was sure that no one would be able to enter so he was shocked to be hearing another person's voice.

He turned around once more with a tight frown on his face. 'Everything has come to this point, I can't have any bastard come and ruin all these for me.'

"Tell me, Hallan Lamar, why do you do what you do, to what end?"

With the voice sounding again, Hallan Lamar recognized the voice immediately. Fear seeped into his heart immediately even though he had the darkness to hide it. But Raith was not bounded by the darkness, he could see as clear as the day and he could see that Hallan Lamar was currently shaken.

"I asked a simple question. Fine, you discovered that this world is a lie. What drives you so mad that you don't mind killing millions of people to prove your point." Raith asked.

Hallan Lamar paused and was frowning trying to figure out which side Raith was on exactly. But with the surrounding darkness, it was as though Raith was everywhere.

"Perhaps, all this is just an excuse and a lie. Maybe you are no different from the archons after all."

"No! Don't compare me to such nonsensical beings!!"

"I smell a grudge from you. A deep grudge. You have met a demon before, haven't you? Who was it? Who was the demon that armed you with the knowledge you have today? There's no way you would have been able to leave Therut, it is impossible unless you were helped by someone on the outside.

I would have suggested a primordial but that makes no sense. If a primordial or celestial was behind you, then you wouldn't have taken this long to wake up the archons."

Raith folded his arms and finally revealed himself, "So tell me Hallan Lamar, who is that demon that put you up to this?"

Hallan Lamar was frowning very hard, he looked like he had been pushed into a tight corner by Raith's questioning. He was angry and became very unstable, brimming with anger.

"Ahh!! You can't do anything about this anymore. I will bring down King Balam and make fire and destruction birth a new beginning for Therut."

"Balam uh, so that was the name of the demon that was involved in all of this," Raith muttered to himself, his chin was rested on his hand, he entered deep thoughts for a few minutes and nodded his head as if he was consenting to the result of thoughts he was having.

He then looked back up.

"Perhaps it is time for me to see how far I have truly grown. Is there a way to summon this Balam guy without killing too many people?"

"The sacrifice of lives is essential to invoke the presence of a great demon but more important than that. This crystal shard can make up for all. I will harvest seven more from the hidden sanctuary of all the archons."contemporary romance

Raith looked and listened to him while wondering how he got to find that out again. But what concerned him was how he could help Hallan Lamar with bringing the Demon king Balam without causing too much death.

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