Requiem Of A Failed Hero

Chapter 133 Chozek (1)

'Wow...he caught it alive...' Raith was amazed, he never would have thought any of them would be this impressive considering how cheering and lovely they were. In fact, it would be safe to say he thought they were not going to last in battle– he foresaw some kind of death for them except Mok Jae-Hwa and was even hoping he could write some requiems while at it.

"They might not look like it but they all are amazing in their own way." Mok Jae-Hwa assured Raith and walked up to Sung Min who forced the red Orc to its knee.

"Yeon-Woo do your thing?" Sung Min said with a vibrant and innocent smile, as if he didn't just viciously beat the shit out of an S rank red orc.

"Is there really a need for that though? I thought big bad wolf was there already."

All of them exchanged glances at each other and then shifted all their gazes to Sung Min who caught a red orc despite knowing that there wasn't any need.

"You wanted to flex your strength didn't you?" Shin questioned with squinted gaze.

"Ah, ah, ah... I can't keep letting the catastrophe rank hunter taking all the spotlight right." Sung Min stated, with his sheepish laugh.

'If we don't hurry, Fenrir might kill all of the orcs before we get there.' He looked down, even though he was extremely itching to get into action and just go rampage on some orcs he was acting calm.

This group of people were slow as fuck, and as expected he confirmed for himself.

'...I'm better off alone.'

"Alright, let's march forward"

Just as they were about to move, an heavy pressure fell on the atmosphere, this was not red orcs no.


Raith's eyes widened, glinting with red glow as his hand tightly held the arrow that was a dot away from his widened eyes.

'...shit, I moved by impulse, I should have just died and taken the opportunity to level up'

Not just Raith, the arrows came on the others too from different directions and they warded it off with their weapons, while Sung Min blocked it with his hand– the arrow bounces off as it met his bare skin.

They scan around but couldn't find anyone, the intense pressure just now was completely gone, as though it was never here.

"What the hell are those?" They all shouted as the presence that shot arrow at them disappeared without delay.

Raith was frowning, it's been a while since he has been this furious, something was wrong.

"Hunter Raven?..." Mok Jae-Hwa muttered as he noticed the strange atmosphere around Raith.

"My summon... it died." Raith said softly and looked forward into the path ahead of them that was supposed to lead to the hideout of the orcs where fenrir is.

And at once–


He faded into the wind, darting into the distance before him and leaving the rest of the team in awe and with a blast of wind.

"His summon died?" Ga-Yun repeated after him, there wasn't any particular reason, those words strangely came out cool that she had to repeat it to see if she could replicate the same thing.

"Ah! If the catastrophe rank hunter is gone how are we supposed to reach the red orc's hideout." Shin exclaimed.

"Stop making a fuss, you can just go down this path." Yeon-Woo replied him and moved on as he fixated on the book he was reading.

"I wonder if he ever finishes the volume of that book" Yujin said as she also followed him.

All of them walked forward but Mok Jae-Hwa was lost in deep thoughts and it was evident. He didn't know how important that summon was to Raith but he was very angry. contemporary romance

Of course, Fenrir's death was not a permanent one. Raith's dark soldier had the ability to regenerate as long as he still had dark energy in him. But right now, the little that was left thanks to much he spent naming the sword of Ba'al has been used off by Fenrir.

What bothered Raith the most was not Fenrir's death but rather who was strong enough to kill such a monster. Fenrir was the second strongest monster on his army.


He increased his speed as he thought of it– and thoughtlessly leaped into the cliff in front of him. Below the cliff was an entire settlement of red orcs.

Sturdy, earth-toned hut made from local material could be seen from Raith's aerial vantage point as he descended down the cliff without stress, spreading his arms into the air. The village took a circular shape, with a bonfire in the center, serving as a focal point for service and celebrations.


Raith landed right into the middle of the village, destroying the areas all around.

He stood up and looked down, "Who killed my baby?" Raith asked.

The red orcs in all sizes and shapes had already gathered outside some of them with amazing and refined metals thay at a glance they seemed comparable to Dong-Hyun's works.

stomp stomp stomp

From the middle of the orcs came out a warrior, regarded to be the strongest. By his extensive tattoo, broad shoulders and thick arms one could tell that this was their champion.



"Chazek! Chazek! Chazek! Chazek! Chazek! Chazek! Chazek!"

Raith didn't need to know their language to understand that the name of this warrior was probably Chazek.

The orc grinned and stretched his greatsword forward at Raith. The sword was enormous and would require Raith to also use something like that to at least be on the same footing with them. Not that he was scared...

"...thanks to that bastard, I will have to do this on my own" Raith's brow furrowed as he remembered that the last of his dark energy has been used the moment he named black.

He flung out the black fenrir dagger and charged at the monster– he was already at mid distance when he suddenly crouched low and slipped into the orc's space as it threw a broad sword swing, his sword humming as it sliced through the air, while it immediately jolted backwad to avoid Raith's dagger on its belly.

By sheer size and weight of the weapon, it was as if the sword was going to send tremors into the ground. Chozek's eyes burned with rage as he charged at Raith, swinging his sword with brutal force.

Raith as if he was waiting for him dashed in and out of his space, his movements were quick and calculated as he dodged and weaved, narrowly avoiding the deadly swings of Chozek's sword.

He darted in close, slashing with his dagger, aiming for Chozek's exposed joints and vulnerable spots. But the orc's thick skin and brute strength made it difficult for Raith to land a decisive blow. Raith bounced back in admiration of the orc's tough skin.

'..I've been wondering how they are different from green orcs so I guess their skin is one of the reasons.' Raith said in his thoughts as he got ready for the Orc again. The monster, roared with fury, unleashing a powerful overhead swing that forced Raith to leap back, narrowly avoiding the blade that carved a deep gouge into the ground. Raith's heart pounded in his chest as he realized the immense power behind Chozek's attacks, but he refused to back down.

 Using his speed and agility Raith suddenly got faster and began to circle around Chozek, darting in and out with quick slashes of his dagger. He managed to find a weak spot in Chozek's armor, scoring a shallow cut across the orc's shoulder, but Chozek's rage-fueled adrenaline kept him fighting ferociously. As Chozek swung his sword in a wide arc, Raith rolled under the swing, coming up behind the orc and plunging his dagger into Chozek's back. But the orc's thick muscles and tough hide absorbed the blow, and Chozek spun around with a roar, delivering a crushing blow with the pommel of his sword that sent Raith sprawling to the ground.

Raith groaned, his body aching from the impact, but he refused to give up.

He scrambled to his feet, using every ounce of his agility and speed to stay one step ahead of Chozek's relentless assault. He aimed for Chozek's legs, trying to disable the orc's mobility, but the orc's greatsword continued to cleave through the air with deadly accuracy.

it a burst of determination, Raith lunged forward, weaving past Chozek's sword and driving his dagger into the orc's side. Chozek grunted, staggering back, but his sword descended in a powerful sweep, slashing across Raith's arm and drawing blood.

Ignoring the pain, Raith pressed on, delivering a flurry of rapid stabs with his dagger, aiming for Chozek's chest. The orc's movements slowed, his breathing labored, as the wounds took their toll. With a final, desperate lunge, Raith drove his dagger into Chozek's heart, and the orc let out a guttural cry before collapsing to the ground.

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