Remorse (The Rhodes #0.5)

Remorse: Chapter 2

The following day, my father strolls into my office wearing an infectious smile I’ve been hoping to see again. I shift my gaze from the numbers on the computer screen and smile back.

He sits on the chair opposite mine and fixes his grey tie which complements a double-breasted grey suit. Dad never wore double-breasted suits when he was younger. After he married my mother, and she took care of his appearance, he started to only wear those types of suits.

That’s why marriage is important to me. I want to live a story like my parents’. Even after Mum’s death, my father still loves her and never thought about replacing her.

A pang of guilt overwhelms me. If only I stayed by his side back then. Losing his wife was already too much, but I forced him to lose his only daughter as well. I hope it isn’t too late to fix my mistakes.

“I assume there is good news?” I ask.

“Why, yes.” He runs a hand through his blond hair, which he passed down to me, spiked with white strands. “My friend from the bank called and he’s willing to give me more time.”

“That’s a relief.” I walk to sit across from him. At least his friends didn’t turn their backs on him. But this is only putting a bandage on an infected wound he will have to amputate sooner or later.

My father meets my gaze, his tame blue eyes are worn out and old. He seems to have aged ten years since my mother’s death. “You think postponing is a waste of time.”

I wince. He’s always been the best at reading me. Perhaps that’s why he knew I had to leave back then.

As a matter of fact, I still do. That encounter with Arthur had me tossing and turning in bed all night, hugging his jacket close to my chest and reliving it over and over until I thought I was going crazy.

That’s not right.

“You know.” My father’s gaze roams around my old office with vintage furniture. “This company was mine and your mother’s dream. We agreed to build a business that will keep us and our descendants happy for generations to come. And now, I failed her. I failed you. I’m so sorry, darling.”

“Oh, Dad.” I sit by his side and take his hand in mine. “You didn’t fail us. You have so much integrity and that’s what caused you to be scammed. It’s not the end of the world.”

He hangs his head. “How will I face her after I’ve lost everything?”

“Dad…” My heart breaks for the sadness in his voice, realising how indifferent I’ve been to his suffering. It is possibly the end of the world for him. This company is the last thing he has of Mum and I just spoke so nonchalantly about it.

Goodness. I’m so foolish sometimes.

I can’t watch my father deteriorate any more than this. His heart condition is already dangerous. If he has to announce bankruptcy, it could be the death of him.

Tears form in my eyes as I clutch his hand tighter. “Did Sophie arrange any other blind meetings for me?”

“No need to do them anymore. I know you hate them.” He pats my hand. “I’m sorry I made you go through them, darling.”

“It’s fine, Dad. I don’t care.” I will just have to marry and to hell with my fairy tale. My dad is more important.

Sophie set me up for a dinner date in a hotel restaurant with tame piano music. I smooth my knee-length pencil skirt and fix my white shirt as I sit down. I even put extra care to my makeup and released my hair, letting it fall to my shoulders in golden waves.

I have to be serious about this.

My date, Thomas, is a few years older, and quite handsome. He’s not a mummy’s boy and he has no problem meeting my gaze. Besides, he’s genuinely interested in my father’s company.

However, all I keep thinking about is dark, haunting eyes prying into my secrets. A shudder runs through me at the mere recollection of Arthur’s firm lips claiming mine. His strong arms caging me against him and –

“Ms James?”

I startle, meeting Thomas’ gaze. I drifted off, dammit.

“I’m sorry.” I smile. “You were saying?”

He cuts through his steak. “I said, one of the options for Mr James’ company is to sell it.”

The point is to revive, not sell it – that’s why I’m stepping on my heart and doing these dates.

I’m about to argue Thomas’ point, but he excuses himself to the men’s room. I sigh, my fork playing with the pasta in my plate.

What am I doing here with a man I would never be able to love?

“Eva, is that you?” A familiar female voice asks from behind me.

My friend Rose’s bright face comes into view. She’s wearing an elegant beige dress and a matching handbag dangles from her arm. Her green eyes sparkle with happiness.

I stand. “Rose!”

We hug in greeting, and that’s when I notice the man with her. Dark eyes so similar to Arthur’s gleam as Alexander smiles at me. He’s a warmer replica of his oldest brother. I offer my hand for a handshake. “How have you been, Alexander?”

“Very well.” He gives a firm handshake and smiles again.

Although he shares Arthur’s dark features, he’s nothing like his brother. Alexander is the reserved, peacemaker type with boyish charm. That’s probably why Rose has been head over heels with him since they were in nappies or something.

Arthur is all darkness that just keeps pulling me in. Or kept. Not anymore. One kiss won’t change my mind – no matter how shattering it was, or how much I tingle in remembrance.

“I can’t believe you returned.” Rose brings my attention back to her. “Why haven’t you told me?”

“I was a bit busy with work.” I stroke her hand. “I’ll make it up to you.”

“Of course you will. My father is hosting a banquet next week. You’re punished by keeping me company from the elders’ boring conversations.”

“Fair enough.” My father would take me there anyway.

She hugs me again, grinning wide. “It’s really great to see you, Eva. We have lots of catching up to do.”

“I’m also glad you returned.” Alexander’s warm eyes spark. “Arthur hasn’t been the same since you left.”

My stomach flips just at the mention of his name. What the hell am I? A teenager? I’m beginning to think I’m hopeless.

I push a strand of hair behind my ear. “What do you mean?”

“Let’s just say he vented all his energy in working and at the gym.”

That explains the well-defined muscles. But Alexander must be misreading the whole thing. Arthur was the one who always pushed me away; I just made his wish come true.

“See you around.” Rose waves as she and Alexander step out of the restaurant. Since they’re keeping a distance, perhaps their relationship hasn’t changed since the last time I’ve seen them.

Rose has been waiting for Alexander to take the first step for years. My friend and I are hopeless over those Rhodes men.

Thomas returns to our table, and we continue our dinner. He’s not bad, actually. He’s just the introverted type who’s looking for a suitable woman that he can start a family with.

Not sure if I’m ever going to be the one. My version of a fairy tale is so screwed up, it includes a villain instead of a hero.

A strong hand clutches my arm, and I stumble to my feet to collide against a hard chest.


His eyes are darkening to a frightening colour as if the devil came out to play. He probably did. This is the part of Arthur no one should mess with.

“Eva.” His low voice is haunting as if he’ll break hell loose any second.

My lips part, and once again, my body spikes up under his touch. I’m so doomed.

“Who are you?” Thomas stands and wipes his mouth with a napkin.

“Leave.” Arthur grits out, his gaze is still on mine, his clutch on my arm is possessive and unyielding. For some stupid reason, it sends tingles through me.

“Excuse me?” Thomas asks.

Arthur’s features darken with murderous rage as he flicks his attention towards Thomas. I’ve seen that expression before. The inability to control his rage. Thankfully, I have the right cure for it – or I did up until three years ago.

I slip my hand in Arthur’s, and just like magic, his shoulders relax a little.

A grin lifts my lips. I love how I always had this effect on him and still do.

“I’m so sorry, Thomas.” I grab my bag and smile. “I will call you.”

I take Arthur’s hand in mine and practically drag him down the restaurant’s hall and into the lift. Thankfully, no one else is around.

As soon as the lift’s doors close, Arthur hits the stop button. “You won’t.”


“You said you will call him. You won’t.”

I cross my arms. “Why not?”

He advances until I’m against the lift’s wall and his arms are on either side of me. “Are you trying to drive me fucking mad?”

Arthur only curses when he’s royally pissed off. Strange satisfaction courses through me for being able to stir this side of him, but also knowing I’m the only one who can calm him down.

The disease and the cure are all in my hands.

“I waited three years for you and this is how I find you? Wining and dining?” His face is inches from mine, nostrils flaring as if he will breathe fire. “Who the fuck is he?”

“My future husband.”

This is so wrong, but I can’t help the need to push his buttons. It’s only fair that he’s taken off balance just like he does to me.

As if possible, the black of his eyes darkens further as he growls. “What the fuck did you just say?”

“You have no right to question me, Arthur.” I push at his chest, but he’s like an unmovable brick wall. “We’ve been over for years.”

“To you!” His strong hands cage my face as he tilts my head back so I would stare straight at him. “For me, you were always mine and I was always yours.”

I melt. My pulse thunders in my ears, and no matter how much I try to resist it, those words lodge deep inside me.

His lips devour mine. He’s angry. He’s longing. And he’s claiming me mind, body, and soul. I’m lost in his taste. In his embrace. In his scent.

I missed him. Goodness, I miss him. All the reasons why I shouldn’t allow him to mess with my equilibrium vanish.

He’s all I ever wanted.

He’s all I will ever want.

Just for now, I want to stop thinking and live the moment.

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