Rejecting Your Rejection

Chapter Mending

"You're the only one who can make me feel this way and I love how you mend it'

When she woke up the rain is still heavy on the outside. She rolls back to find him still sleeping on the other side of the bed with his bareback facing her.

She scoots over and cuddles him from the back resting her head on his shoulder, despite her first time being naked with someone. She had disregarded all those second thoughts including her embarrassment and embrace this moment with her mate.

The man she almost lost because of her stupidity in decisions. How naive she was and blind to see that her mate truly loves her "I love you" she whispers.

She felt him move then throw his head sideways to try and look at her then he turns around facing her. His hand trailing the outline of her face as she closes her eyes feeling his touch.

"I can't believe it," he mutters "this is real," her eyes slowly open she rest her left hand on his cheek.

“I'm sorry," she told him "my mind was full-on revenge to your rejection that makes me blind of what my heart really wants."

Tears began to drop from her eyes that he instantly wipes it away with his thumb gently.

"I almost lost you" she sobs and he hushes her with his kisses then pulls her towards him. "We almost lost each other," he too started to cry hugging her tightly to his chest.

"I can't believe I'm given a chance, how can you walk out of the day you've been dreaming about.” His hands untangle from her body as he sat up holding his head between his hands, with his legs bending a little not reaching his chest.

"Jem was right, I shouldn't... I shouldn't have to come... I'm so selfish. *

Daniella feeling rejected again sat up straight she didn't want to go over that again. She thought she was what he wanted yet it seems like what just happened between them was a mistake.

Questions began filling her head "did she make a mistake? No...definitely a no" she reaches across him.

"Dante please don't do this to me again” her eyes pleading with him but his head was still lower in shame.

Feeling hurt Daniella jumps out of the bed looking for her clothes which she fails to see as her lingerie was in pieces. The only piece of cloth she has as her wedding dress was in disarray in the hidden room downstairs.

"damn it."

She felt Dante's hands around her waist, the tingles making her shiver with pleasure as their situation is quite intimate.

"Where are you going?" he nuzzled his head to the crook of her neck where his mark engraved. They have already completed the mate bond when they mated a while ago.

"I'm sorry if you thought I'm rejecting you again, but I feel like what if I wasn't there maybe you'll be married hap-" He didn't finish as she abruptly turns around putting her finger between his lips, her forehead to his.

"Even if you didn't I would have been looking all over for you like a mad mate right now. I was in doubt about everything. Actually walking down the aisle makes me realize it. The man at the altar I wish it was you instead” she tried to hold back her moan since they're skin to skin and it's hard for her to continue on.

"I wanted you not him but your rejection holds me back, something that was over 5 years ago add the two I've been away and yet I was still holding a grudge refusing to give you any chance."

She didn't want to tell him that she did break off the wedding the week before resulting in Kiev brutally beating her up lucky for Cora who saves her before he took away her sanity.

“I'm telling you this again I love you, Dante, so please spare other unwanted thoughts and take me again as you're really making my hormones gone wild."

He laughs at that biting her lower lip before throwing her back on the bed then he hovers above her closing the distance between them. Sometime after she panted while drawing circles on his chest, "can I ask you something?"


"if you weren't there to stop the wedding then why."

He kisses her on the forehead "I came to let you go. I wanted to imprint you once again in my mind and heart before letting you go," he huff as if something heavy has been uplifted from him.

"Did you paint it?" she asks and he nodded his head in yes.

"When did you learn how to paint?” she asks him again. "I always love to paint, if I wasn't an Alpha I would have become an artist" she caresses his cheek

"I love how you painted me" he smiles "hmmm you do" she nodded her head then leaned to kiss him on the lips.

"I couldn't get a 15-year-old out of my head, that origami I swear I still have them in my drawer. I picked them up after you know-"

A bang on the door interrupts their moment making Daniella groan.

"l know she's here"

"No she isn't... look elsewhere" they heard Jem telling a female but she kept on banging the door.

Dante tries to get up but she pulls him back "don't! let her be, not today besides I'm pretty sure Jem can handle it" she pouted her lips at him.

"I thought this is the part where I get clingy and you get up to handle the situation,” he smirks at her "well not this girl," she jumped on him. "Where were we again.... did you hear anything?" he nodded no with a knowing smirk on his face as she pretends not to hear anything. "Nope," then she leans into him.

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