Rejecting Your Rejection

Chapter Him and Her

“Let bygone be bygone and let's move on for good. Just one more final goodbye with you.’

She stood outside his pack door nervously, after Cameron drops her off. She couldn't even remember the last time she was here but that was the only time she ever been here.

Everything seems to remain unchanged, except for the colour of the packhouse which is now full-on white with royal blue to go with the painting. She knocks on the door as if he was expecting her he opens up the door smiling at her.

"Come in" he opens the door wide and let her inside, she was getting more nervous now as she takes a look around the house. "Don't be nervous, there's no one here, just the two of us Cora and Jem are away on a meeting," she half-smile even though the thought of them alone makes her shiver.

"So it's just you and me" he walks before her heading to the office "yes, none of the pack members lives here just Jem, Cora and some other three guys our Delta just moved out a month ago with his mate. Now come on follow me" she bit her bottom lip then trails behind him.

They went into his office, the same one where she left him behind without compromising with him or giving him a chance. It may seem to others that she was a cold-hearted if they ever find out yet she was just another wounded soul who was consumed with too much hurt and nightmares. Now she's better than ever and here she is in the same office to look things past their differences and accept their fate as it is. "So how's the preparation going?" she asks him as she settled down on a chair before him. He looks hesitant for a moment "Ummm our wedding is cancelled” he says. She didn't know how to react to that so instead, she said the only thing she knew to say

“I'm sorry."

"No need to, besides we fail from the start is just that we pretend for our packs sake," he explains “what did Allen say?" she asks again. "Nothing he's just glad that we both confessed to him the truth before it got serious,”

"hope everything is alright then” he sighs laying his head back to his chair. Daniella was about to say something when Dante leans forward grabbing something from his drawer.

"Let's put my life aside and I want to congratulate you on your wedding" he sincerely smile at her and Daniella felt like she wanted to cry right there.

"This came in today" he wave the invitation in front of her "Dante I wanted to" he didn't let her finish. "Dani it's okay, I don't want you to explain yourself. Trust me I understand” her wolf howl for the first time since she got back here.

She was whimpering with sadness "the moon goddess may have pair us up but that doesn't mean you have to tie yourself to me because it's what expect of you. The bond is not an obligation if your heart isn't in it"

Daniella who couldn't handle it started to tear up, his words have really touched her and she wishes he know how she truly felt but there was no going back for them now.

"I'm sorry Dante, I wish things would have been different for us" she took a deep breath. "I am really sorry Dante for walking away and also for not granting your sister Zoe's wishes" he wanted to ask more but he didn't want to interrupt her.

"I didn't know she was your sister until she said she is and I didn't know that Cora was your sister too. Zoe came for me to come back to you but I declined it. Therefore, I sincerely apologise for my behaviour. I just hope she forgives me one day and for you to let me go happily" She sighs heavily trying not to let more tears down.

"I am deeply sorry Dante and just so you know I forgive you" he looks at her as if he wanted to cry.

"Thank you" he tries to be brave "and you didn't need my forgiveness as you have done nothing wrong. So don't worry about it or me not letting you go. I only hope he treats you better, better than how your own soul mate treated you" he wipes off his fallen tears.

"You were more than good, never doubt that Dante" she stood up going around his desk hugging him as her tears fell from her eyes. Closing them she held him tight wishing that this moment could last forever, this moment where it's just the two of them.

She pulls away "I hope you all the happiness Dante" he smiles at her "thank you and as our final departure let me walk you out" she couldn't agree more with him. Nodding her head yes Dante entwine their hands together as he escort her out of his pack and life.

“This is our final goodbye’ she thought as he opens up the door.

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