Rejecting Your Rejection

Chapter Foes

“Friend or foe I won't hesitate to kill you. Just not quickly but slowly so that you could feel every pain you have inflicted on me.’

Two Alpha whose pack were sworn enemy way before they were born. Those two Alphas then became the best of friends. Thought to make a new era into their pack one Alpha betray another and once again they are sworn enemy.

Running at each other in full speed as their pack warriors fall behind them in their wolf forms, nothing standing in their way as they release their wrath on to each other.

When they reach one another their fists going at each other hitting one another with full force. Dante feinted his right hand and landed a blow on Allen's ribs sending him back.

Allen held his ground growling at Dante then leap up again for him hooking his jaw caught in the air Dante astutely pulled his head back, colliding with Allen's nose.

Fist with fist they fought not even shifting in their wolf's form. Allen kept throwing punches at Dante who tries to avoid seeing an opportunity he threw a right hook then sway back and came back with a swift straight to Allen's body catching him off balance so that he could finish him with an uppercut.

Dante thought of something his father taught him when he was young apart from fighting in his human form with just a fist he was taught in other fighting styles. Instead of doing an uppercut, he launched a double palm heel strike penetrating through Allen's body reaching and made contact with his bladder and under the side of his cheekbones. Allen lies on the ground his hands gripping the leaves on the ground. He laughs shortly at Dante before cracking his bones he was shifting into his wolf. Having a new strength and howling with thunder Allen's wolf sneer at Dante who was breathing hard and still in his human form.

There were bruises and blood from their fighting before yet he wasn't fazed by Allen's wolf. Snarling at him Allen jumps at him his paws landing behind Dante who dodges him and turns around with quick speed and deflected his attack. Allen caught his leg with his paws about to rip him to shred when Dante shifted into his wolf form and fought him back.

Their brutal fighting continues both shiftings from time to time in their wolf and human forms with neither of them wanting to lose anytime sooner.

Daniella who has to escape the cell at Allen's pack with Carla by burning it into the ground and kills the cell guard emerged from the woods full speed ahead. Her eyes wandering around the scene in front of her, where all she could see was blood. Her eyes then remained on two big wolves fighting she knew one was Dante and the other one was none other than his traitorous friend, correct ex-friend.

She told her wolf to give her a little bit of her strength and make sure to protect their pup at all cost. As they were not to fight with anyone in their wolf form, it will be dangerous if they shift considering their condition.

Skeptically she kept her eyes on the two big wolves with no one knowing her presence. Then she caught sight of Zane shortens for Lozane, the Crescent Beta crawling from behind with a silver blade in his hand looking for a way to attack Dante from behind who again shifted in his human form.

Daniella growl at their unfairness in taking on her Mate. She pushes her legs to move her wolf protecting their pup while lending half of their strength for Daniella to fight.

Their eyes wander for something to counterparts Zane's attack as they couldn't just lure straight in there without a weapon considering he was holding a dangerous one. She saw a glistening metal attached to a rail. She was surprised to see this but given that it's all cover in grass must have been close a long time ago. Using her werewolf strength she pulls it off, thanking the moon goddess when there's a sharpened end to it. Zane releases a growl as if they will be in victory jumping from the back of the tree to stab Dante in the back but it was too late. Daniella landed right in front of him taking him by surprise as she uses the metal to hold his silver blade that was to slash Dante's back up in the air.

She pushes it off then kicking him to his groin then to his chest sending him off to a tree. Dante felt a huge relief back a little bit to stood by his Mate while holding his fighting stance.

He held on to her hand as they stood side by side whispering to her "Thank you for being alive" she smiles through their links "let's finish this mate” seeing their opponents retaliating they both leap before them.

She fought off Zane real good going on for an hour that's when someone snarl in her direction

"let him go or I'll kill him."

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