Rejecting the Alpha

Chapter 41


Our paws pounded faster digging into the damp earth and fallen debris to push us forward. I knew Vander was pacing himself so he didn't leave me behind, he was a larger wolf with longer legs, and trained far more than I did. "Run!" I screamed at him in my mind. "Leave me!”

"I won't leave you," he said, his stubbornness on display.

"He'll kill you when he catches us! But he won't kill me. I'll be fine!” The idea of Vander being killed by that monster because of me was the most terrifying thing possible.

"You won't be fine," the obstinate male argued as we dashed forward, dodging trees and fallen logs. "You really should have more faith in me. There likely isn't much difference between me and him. Why do you think alphas are so powerful? Because they gain it from the bonds of their pack. If we were both rogues we'd probably be evenly matched. And being delta grants me some power, surely you felt how becoming the delta female of Lightwood granted you some strength."

I hadn't really thought about it, and I didn't care about his arguments. "You're not both rogues, though. And he's brutal.”

"But he doesn't have you. Not really, not like I do. I can beat him."

"Please, Vander."

"Trust me, Kylie."

I didn't have much choice, because he wasn't going to run off and leave me. It was who Vander was, and it was why I loved him.

I only hoped it would not be why I would lose him.

Another roaring growl from Alpha Gavriel broke the silence. I whimpered, the vision of Vander broken under his teeth and limp like Thedric running through my head. I pushed to the very edge of my desperate strength for more speed, but it was no good. He slammed into view, terrifyingly huge, hackles raised in aggression.

Vander whirled around to face Alpha Gavriel, putting himself between me and the alpha, as if I were the one who needed protection when I was probably the only one who was safe from his murderous wrath. But I loved and loathed him for the gesture because it was a part of who he was.

Watching helplessly as the dark monstrous wolf charged in our direction, I shivered with fear. Vander stood his ground until the last moment, meeting Alpha Gavriel head on.

Blood scented the air and my heart slammed in my chest, but neither of them seemed seriously injured. Vander lunged at the alpha, and I realized he was trying to draw him further away from me. I wanted to beg him to run instead, but I didn't dare distract him. Instead I waited and watched the battle before me, the struggle between two males destined to be mine.

As I watched, I realized Vander had not been lying to me about his own abilities. He was holding his own, even with the disadvantage of his lower position. He wasn't gaining, but he wasn't entirely losing, either.

I began to hope, only to see it quickly shattered.

Alpha Gavriel got his teeth into Vander's flank, and blood poured out of the wound. It was always blood with him. The wound wasn't deadly, but it was sure to weaken him and give the alpha the edge he needed. Gavriel looked at me, dark fur and golden eyes, maw grinning in triumph. He knew he had won.

"Vander!" There had been too much death. I would not allow that monster to kill even one more person, and especially not the one who held my poor battered heart. I ran forward, and threw myself between the two fighters and transformed, oblivious to my unclothed state.

The alpha wasn't as oblivious as I was, and his eyes raked over me. "Alpha Gavriel," I said, eyes narrowed. I waited until he met my eyes again before continuing. "Alpha Gavriel Larson of Stonemason, I reject you as my mate. I reject the bond, I reject you as my alpha, I reject Stonemason as my pack." He growled as I said my last words. "And I am not, and never was yours."

His wolf lost it then, it was as if he had completely forgotten about Vander. He lunged towards me, teeth bared and golden eyes narrowed into threatening slits. I stumbled backwards, away from my injured mate, and the alpha pounced on me, throwing me to the ground. I shrieked and tried to struggle away from the agonizingly punishing—but not deadly—bites of the wolf attacking me.

He wanted to hurt me, to force me to submit to him, but there was no way I was going to do that. I transformed into my sturdier form, but even that did not seem to help, because he outweighed me by two and overpowered me at every turn. I bit at what I could reach and growled defiantly. I wasn't going to give in to him now, or ever again.

Just as suddenly as his attack began, he rolled off of me. I was confused, and then I saw Vander—jaw bloody and holding ripped tears of flesh—leap towards Alpha Gavriel and bite him again. A pitiful whine emanated from the monster's throat, and Vander stepped back.

His golden wolf eyes met my own. "Should I kill him?"

I swallowed hard. "No."

His eyes held surprise, but he didn't argue. He would listen to my wishes, even regarding this monster, even against his own desires. I loved him all the more for the way he respected my choices.

"No. Don't kill him. Because I'm going to do it."

I rushed towards my first mate; the male who should have protected and cared for me but instead hurt me more than anyone else, and tore open his throat with my own razor sharp teeth.

The metallic taste of his blood filled my mouth, and as he stilled I knew he would never be able to hurt me or anyone I loved, ever again.

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