Rejecting My Lycan Mate: The Throne (Three Lycan Kingdoms Series Book 3)

Rejecting My Lycan Mate: The Throne: Chapter 48

Dimitri’s POV

I sank my canines into another rogue’s neck, biting through all the flesh and bone. His body went limp in my mouth. I grabbed him and tossed him to the side.

I looked around me and saw my warriors and my guests fighting with the rogues. We were winning, but something about all this didn’t feel right. I had a bad feeling in my stomach ever since Will and I arrived at the border. I thought it was because I had to leave Maddie, but the more I thought about it the more I realized that wasn’t the reason.

Will? I mind-linked him as I sank my canines into another one of the rogues coming at me.

Yes? He responded, panting a little.

Something isn’t right. I mumbled. Look at how they are behaving.

A rogue came at me. He barely attacked even though he was a big wolf and he could have done some damage. He snapped his canines at me, missing my arm for only an inch. But it seemed like it was on purpose. He could have hurt me if he wanted to.

What the fuck was going on?

What are you talking about? Will asked.

I killed the rogue that was attacking me and I looked around until I saw Will. He was fighting with one of the rogues, but the rogue wasn’t causing nearly as much damage as he could have.

Look at the way he is fighting, Will. I said as I started moving toward him. He is only taunting you. He isn’t attacking with full force.

Will glanced at me before he finished killing the rogue.

My stomach twisted and turned. Something wasn’t fucking right.

Did anyone enter the packhouse? I mind-linked the warriors I left to guard the woman and children.

I told them not to let anyone other than women and children in. I made sure that every fucking Alpha was out there fighting. I wasn’t going to let anyone stay behind. I wasn’t going to risk anyone getting to Maddie while I was gone.

One of the biggest flaws of my packhouse was the absence of a safe room in case of an attack. My grandfather never built one. He believed that the war was over. He believed that we wouldn’t have to hide from anyone anymore. My father thought about building it when the number of rogues started growing, but he gave up on the idea after a while. The rogues never attacked and my father was proud of the peace he kept after his father passed away. As far as I knew, none of the packs in my Kingdom had safe rooms anymore.

I should have fucking known better. I should have built one as soon as I became the King.

But I had confidence in my warriors. They wouldn’t let anyone get inside.

No, Alpha. One of the warriors responded. Everything is okay here.

A small wave of relief washed over me.

What about Kendrick or any members of the council? I asked, making my way to Will. Did they come there?

No, Alpha. The warrior responded. We haven’t seen them.

I growled as another rogue jumped at me. I killed him with one swipe of my paw. I started running faster. I needed to get to Will.

I want to go back, Will. I told him. Our warriors can handle this. There aren’t many left.

Will glanced at me and nodded. He finished killing the rogue he was fighting with.

Don’t kill them all. I ordered through the mind-link. Capture some of them and bring them to the dungeon. We need to know who sent them.

Yes, Alpha. My warriors mind-linked me back simultaneously.

Will approached me, killing two more rogues on his way over.

Is Maddie okay? Mike mind-linked me.

Yes. I said as Will and I started running back. She is in our room with Ali. No one entered the packhouse.

Good. Mike said. Are you going back?

Yes. I answered. Make sure to take some of them to the dungeons. We need as much information as we can get.

Yes, Alpha. Mike said, cutting our mind-link.

Will and I shifted back as soon as we were away from the battlefield. I could still hear screaming, shouting, and breaking of bones. I could still smell the blood in the air.

Will and I put our sweats on and we continued running toward the house.

Maddie? I mind-linked her.

I was now finally able to mind-link her. I didn’t want to do that before. I didn’t want her to worry.

I expected her to respond immediately and my heart clenched when she didn’t.

Maddie? I mind-linked her again. I am coming back, princess. I am okay.

My legs almost gave out when she didn’t respond.

Madeline? I tried again. Answer me.

I was sure I was going to pass out when she didn’t. Why the fuck wasn’t she answering me?

“Mind-link Ali,” I told Will as I started running faster. “Maddie isn’t responding to me.”

Will growled and picked up his pace. I kept glancing at him, waiting for him to tell me what Ali had told him. I knew that something was wrong when he narrowed his eyes and clenched his fists.

“What did she say?” I asked, my voice trembling slightly.

“Nothing,” Will growled. “She isn’t responding either.”

‘I can’t feel Skye,’ Skol mumbled and I almost fucking lost it. ‘I can’t feel her, Dimitri.’


No, no, no, no, no!

“Madeline!” I screamed as I started running even faster. “Madeline!”

We were getting close to the packhouse. I could already see the lights. I could already see my warriors walking around. They looked up when they heard me screaming.

I ran closer, trying so fucking hard to remain focused. I could hear my warriors talking to me, but I couldn’t hear what they were saying. I had to get upstairs. I had to find her.

“Madeline!” I screamed as I found myself on our floor.

I had no fucking idea how I got there. I couldn’t remember climbing the stairs.

I practically broke our bedroom door down.

“Madeline!” I screamed, looking around the room.

I almost died on the spot when my eyes fell on Ali.

“Alison!” Will screamed, running past me, and throwing himself next to her.

I watched him grab her and turn her around. She was breathing, but she was passed out.

“Ali!” Will cried out, patting her cheeks and trying to wake her up.

Everything around me slowed down. My heart, my breathing, my mind. Everything felt like it was working in slow motion.

Where was she?

Where was my Maddie? Where was my princess?

Will looked up at me. I saw his lips moving, but I couldn’t hear what he was telling me. All I could hear was the desperate thumping of my heart.

Where was she?

Someone ran inside the room. I didn’t see who it was. My vision blurred completely. I couldn’t hear anything. I couldn’t see anything. I was completely overwhelmed by pain.

Someone placed their hands on my face. I didn’t know who it was. I didn’t even know where I was.

I lost all the feelings in my legs and I felt something hard under my knees.

Skol howled loudly and I let the pain overwhelm me completely.

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