Rejected To Be Your Second Chance: Rejecting My Alpha Mate

Rejected To Be Your Second Chance: Chapter 35

”Justin will show you around the grounds and if there’s anything you need don’t hesitate to ask.” He turned around, and I stared at his back.

”I never got your name,” I said. He turned back and placed his hands into his ripped jeans. Not something I though a king would wear.

His white pike shirt was hanging over the waistband, and the diamonds on his golden Rolex watch glistened under the light from three ceiling lamps.

”Nathanial, but mostly everyone here calls me Nathan.” I bowed my head and tured to Justin. He was still in that stiff position, much like a warrior standing guard.

”That’s your Alpha, huh?” I said as we exited the house.

”King,” Justin corrected, with much more pride in his voice than I had heard thus far.

”Right, king. So who are you? What’s your position?”

”i mostly oversee so everything runs smoothly when it comes to builds or external affairs,”

”External affairs?” I raised a brow, and he turned and smiled at me.

”Oh, you mean me.” He chuckled and bobbed his head up and down.

”Come on,” we walked down the paved pathway that lead all though this forest town. It wasn’t big, and whilst walking in the center, you didn’t even think about the fact that you were deep in the forest.

Only when you looked up or we got to the edge of the town did i notice the tall trees and the bushes that made it impossible to see further away.

”The runs here must be epic,” I said and looked between the branches that stretched and entwined. Walking closer to the dividing line between pack and forest, I was suddenly grabbed by the arm and pulled back.

Turning my head, I saw his clenched impression and furrowed my brows. What was he not telling me?

”There is plenty of space to run within the vicinity of the borders. We never cross the line, or at least you don’t.” He let go of my arm I softly pulled it back to my side with hesitation.

”Why? You have miles and miles of forest to roam through without anyone ever seeing you. Why not take advantage of that?” I smiled and wondered how the wolves didn’t itch to go running out there. I know Clara was; she was writhing and whining in the back of my mind at the thought of shifting and taking off among the trees.

”because it is dangerous. This whole entire place was built to protect wolves like us, to keep us safe, and walking outside the perimeter isn’t safe. If one single person or werewolf would spot us it would be all over. We’d be hunted down…again.” The horror in his eyes was masked by a fierce belief in his own words.

”You don’t have to try to see what I’m feeling, Layla. I am scared of the thought of loosing what we have. I’ve seen firsthand what happens to Emberwolves who fall into the wrong hands.”

”But nobody ever comes here, I didn’t even know this place existed and i don’t think anyone would even dare walk this far into unknown woods.’

”It’s the ‘think’ part that is dangerous. In a split second every life in here could be put in risk. Just follow the rules and you’ll be good.” I stepped back and lifted my head.

”And if I don’t?” He sighed and pulled his shoulders up to his ears.

”You will, I know you will. Not let’s go practice.”

We walked to a big green patch by the river where the sun streamed down. It was quiet and empty for a while before people started coming.

”is everyone ready?” I saw children laughing as they ran down and took their places. A woman stood on top of a smaller rock and looked with a wide smile at everyone. Justin threw me a cheeky smile and I groaned in realization. I was taking a kiddy class.

”Deep breath in, feel your chest and stomach expanding.” She said and everyone did it. I flicked my tongue and turned to glare at Justin who seemed too amused for my liking. He mimicked her movement, trying to show me what to do, and I flipped him the finger. Someone gasped beside me and I saw a small boy with wide eyes staring at my hand. I quickly folded it back and turned back around.

Finally giving in to what I was forced through I breathed in and followed the teachers movement.

”Very good, now I want you to close your eyes.” They closed their eyes and started poking each other. It was hard to focus with all this giggling happening.

”Children please, focus.” She said and cast them a fierce glare. They pinched their lips together and closed their eyes.

”What is the most important part of using our powers?” She asked.

”Focus!’ They all exclaimed.

I opened one eye and peeked around. My head turned slowly and I saw Justin watching me.

’Close your eyes’ he mimed and i rolled my eyes.

”Now think of a happy memory, maybe you’re playing with your friends or having your favorite food with your mom and dad. Maybe you’ve seen their wolves and you can’t wait until you get your own. Breath in and hold that memory tightly in your mind. You see it, you feel it, you can touch it and smell it.”

My mind drifted to a memory and it wasn’t what i thought it’d be.

Kade was walking into the bedroom, holding a tray with breakfast and coffee. We sat in bed and talked for hours. That was the memory that came up.

”Feel how it fills you with love and joy. It’s warming you like a hug.”

He placed a strawberry by my lips and placed a kiss on my cheek.

His fingers entwined with my own.

’How are you?’ He asked me and it was like I was there with him, sitting in the bed and talking with my love.

’I’m…I miss you’ I new he couldn’t hear me but I heard me. It was my voice that spoke but how was that possible.

’I miss you too, come home’ what was happening? I tried to open my eyes but each time I closed them and opened them I was still there with him.

’Layla, come back to me’ his smile faltered.

’I’m not here, this isn’t happening’ panic flooded my body and my heart started beating erratically.

’It’s real, it’s your mind, it’s you’ he leaned in and placed his forehead on mine. I felt it, the pressure of his head leaning against mine and the warmth radiating from his skin.

’Kade i’m scared’ he leaned back, his eyes flickering between mine.

’You should be. You’re in danger, Layla, get out’ how do I stop this? I needed to come back, this wasn’t happening.

His face froze for a second but his eyes held more life in them than I had ever seen and they were growing darker.


I gasped and fell down on the ground, my body spasming.

The teacher was bent over me and her hands grabbed the side of my face.

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