Rejected To Be Your Second Chance: Rejecting My Alpha Mate

Rejected To Be Your Second Chance: Chapter 23

Kade and I fell asleep away from each other and I woke up on my side facing the window and Kade was gone. I didn’t turn around because the sun warming my face was a feeling that I didn’t have to dwell on. I closed my eyes and felt the warmth and the light wake me up and calm me down.

”Layla, you up?” Anna came walking into the room and I turned around and missed the sun as soon as it was gone from my face.

”Yeah what’s up?” She sat down on the bed with a pout and was very unlike her cheery self this morning.

”Are you alright?” I sat up and turned to her, trying to look into her eyes but she wouldn’t let me.

She was holding the robe around her body and fiddling with her fingers. Her eyes were cast down in deep thought and her bottom lip was pouting.

”What’s wrong? Talk to me,” I grabbed her hands and Anna looked up at me. The speed of which my heart fell into my stomach when I looked into her eyes and saw her emotions was alarming.

”I got a text from my mom.” She said and I saw the tears piling up in her eyes.

”What happened?” I whispered and it was killing me how much I had to hold myself back from shaking the words out her.

”The pack was attacked, rogues came in and…Tracey’s hurt,” I felt my eyes widening second by second and as the words landed in my consciousness I flew up from the bed and headed for the closet. I pulled on a pair of black workout tights and a hoodie and tossed some clothes for Anna as well. She got dressed and we bolted out of the door.

I was about to run to the gates but saw that they were closed.

”Kade!” I screamed and ran back inside to see where the fuck he was. Kade came walking around the corner.

”What’s wrong?”

”Open the gates,” I seethed. His worried demeanor was gone and he stiffened.


”My pack was attacked and my sister’s hurt. I have to go to her,”

”Layla it’s too dangerous.” He said and I saw Cara’s jaw dropping to the floor beside him.

Was he serious right now?

”If it were Cara who was hurt and someone stood in your way of getting to her, what would you do?” I asked and stepped up in his face.

Kade bit down and his gaze hardened.

”Mason get the car.” He ordered and Mason took off.

We walked out on the staircase.

”OPEN THE GATES!” The gates began to slowly open and the car drove through them fast as hell and drifted to a stop right in front of the house.

Mason got out and Kade opened the door for me. ”I’m coming with you.” Kade said and jumped in behind the wheel. Cara got in the backseat with Anna and Mason bowed his head knowing his responsibilities now that the Alpha was leaving.

He didn’t follow any traffic rules and drove as fast as the car could handle but still I felt as though it wasn’t fast enough. The second we crossed the border and he drove up to my house I jumped out and the door to the house opened up.

My moms face when she saw me was utter relief and her feet carried her quickly down the porch and over to hug me.

”Oh honey, it’s so good to see your face,” her hand was holding against the back of my head and her arms were tightly wrapped around me. The smell of rosewater and citrus was a familiar scent that I had missed and for as long as I could remember this is what she’s smelt like. My father was stepping out as well and walked slowly down he stairs, reaching out his arms as he did.

”Sweetheart, welcome home,” those words nearly brought tears to my eyes and I was engulfed in a big hug as my mother stood back.

”How’s Tracey?” I asked when I pulled back. They looked at each other and then back at me and shook their heads.

”Not good, she saved two pups form being attacked and took on five rogues by herself doing so,” I drew a shaky breath and nodded my head.

”Where was Sebastian in all of this?” My fathers eyes darkened dangerously and I saw the hatred brimming in the center. The ominous feeling that hung over the pack hadn’t been there before I left. Something told me that the trust in the Alpha wasn’t what it had been.

”He was too busy with that girl of his to react in time,” he seethed and drew to his fullest size.

”Missy?” My mother nodded her head. Sebastian allowed his pack to be attacked and risked everyones lives because he was busy with her? Why hasn’t anyone overthrown him yet?

”Can I see Tracey?” My mom grabbed my hand and my dad took out the car keys.

”Of course, honey,” she said and we walked to the car.

My mom saw Anna and smiled widely as she pulled her in for a hug.

”It’s good to see you too, Anna. You made the right choice by leaving, both of you did. This pack is down on its last strings,” I gulped and me and Anna locked eyes.

Has it really gown this down hill in just a matter of days?

My father stepped up to Kade who reached out his hand.

”It’s good to see you, Alpha. I hope you’ve been treating my daughter well,”

”Of course, sir, and Kade is alright.” My dad nodded his head and smirked.

We walked through the hospital hallways until we reached a nurse and they told us where Tracey was being kept. She was laying in the bed with her eyes closed and her body was as still as a corpse. Her natural porcelain skin was now pale and grey patches had formed where her wounds were.

”Tracey?’ i grabbed her hand but she didn’t react.

”Is her wolf healing her?” I asked the nurse who slowly shook her head and sighed.

”No, i’m afraid not and we haven’t been able to figure out why. She’s been in a coma for two days now,” the nurse looked at Traceys vitals on the screens and then turned around. I looked into her eyes and past the emotions.

”Did you hear that?” It was the nurse, she was standing with her colleagues in the left wing of the hospital.

”Was that a howl?” I heard it too as it got louder.

People started screaming outside and the nurses ran to the windows and looked in horror at the attack.

‘Call on the warriors and move out!” She screamed and they all ran to help out the pups and the elders.

They shifted as I stood and watched through the window. It was a bloodbath, they were killing everything in their path but something was wrong. The warriors shifted and ran down to fight for their pack but somehow the rogues were stronger it seemed. I looked closer on the nurse who had positioned herself in front of a pup who was stumbling on his tiny legs as he tried to run away. The wolf in front of her, his eyes were different, they were blue. These aren’t rogues…

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