Rejected To Be Your Second Chance: Rejecting My Alpha Mate

Rejected To Be Your Second Chance: Chapter 21

”What the hell is this?” Anna asked with a choke in her voice.

My lips were trebling and the words had fallen deep into my gut along with my heart.

The bed stood big and tall in the center against the wall in front of us. A fireplace with framed pictures and ornament against the right wall and dressers and desks. A couch in the corner with a little table and a big reading lamp. Above the bed, with two lamps on either side, hung a big picture of Kade and his former mate.

Danielles smile was as big and bright as ever as she leaned against Kade. On the door that led to what I presumed was a bathroom hung a short pink robe and on the closet hung a blue thicker one.

”Layla,” Anna whispered and placed her hand on my shoulder. The colors of the room were warm and inviting. Everything, just like the rest of the floor, was clean and tidy as though someone was in here everyday and another terrifying thought hit me. What if someone was in here everyday? What if Kade came up here and remembered his mate?

”Layla we should go,” she said softly. I shook my head and walked out into the hall but just as we stepped over the threshold I gasped as I saw three shadows standing there. We turned and saw Kade, Mason and Cara. Kades eyes were on the open door whilst the other two were looking at me with so much pity I thought I’d die.

”What have you done?” He asked me coldly.

”What have I done? You said you were over her, you said no more secrets and all the cards on the table! You lied to me!” He stepped closer but I lifted my head and he stopped. I was fuming, my hands were shaking and I had half a mind to kick his ass regardless of the consequents.

”I didn’t lie to you. It was true what I said, I am over her.”

”Then what the fuck is that?” I pointed to the room and saw as the color slowly washed from his face.

”Layla please let it go,” he sighed. I scoffed and shook my head. Was he honestly saying that to me?

”Let it go? You want me to let it go?” I asked and he lifted his head.

”I want you to trust me!”

”Well I don’t!” The tear fell down my cheek as I yelled back at him and from the side of my eye I saw the door next to their bedroom.

”You don’t?” He sounded sad when he said that but I couldn’t allow my feelings to misjudge the situation. He may be my mate but he isn’t mine, not completely.

”No,” i breathed.

I turned my head and looked at the door. I walked over to it and cast a glance over my shoulder at Kade. His eyes widened and he began to frantically shake his head. His jaw tensed and his arm reached out just as I was about to reach for the handle.

”Layla don’t!”

”No, Layla!” Cara and Mason yelled. I grabbed the handle and pressed down.

”Layla, please. I’m beginning you,” my hand stopped when I heard the desperation and pain in Kades voice.

I looked at him, I felt his emotions, he was feeling so much pain and sorrow and above all fear. But still I saw no memories.

I let go of the handle and my hand dropped to my side. I watched the worried faces of Mason and Cara and Anna was just standing there unsure of how to react. She wanted to protect me and stay by my side and I knew that if I were to open this door she would be there with me.

”I get it, I understand why you don’t feel like you can trust me but please, let me win your trust.” My lips tugged up in half a smile and I grabbed his hand.

”I don’t know if you ever can,” even now as I was touching him I felt the sparks but the bond wasn’t what it was supposed to be. The connection wasn’t fully there and I knew what the problem was now.

”You may feel as though you have let her go in your mind but she still exists in your heart. And as long as she owns your heart, it will never truly be mine,” I whispered, scared that if I talked any louder I would cry.

I let go of his hand, our fingers slowly pulling away from each other and my other hand being grabbed by Anna. She tugged me away from him and down the stairs.

”Layla,” Cara said softly.

”Don’t,” I whispered and continued down.

”Luna,” one of the warriors met me and Anna in the hallway.

”Layla will do fine,” I said and smiled. He bowed his head and handed me a letter.

”This just came for you,” he gave me the letter and then walked away. I stared at his back and with a quizzical look my eyes drifted down to the letter which had an odd stamp on it.

”What is it?” Anna asked me. I opened the letter and pulled out a piece of paper. Folded inside was a purple flower. I saw someone walking past us and up the stairs. He was carrying a toolbox and walked up to the fifth floor. They were fixing the door right away.

Anna looked at me and shook her head with sadness brimming in her eyes. I slowly wrapped my fingers around the flower and my head flew back as the surroundings the disappeared.

Where am I?


’I’m here’

Where the hell are we? What is this?

’It’s a memory, Layla’

Whos memory?

’I think we’re about to find out’

From behind a corner a man stepped out. With rugged brown hair and a t-shirt that showed his tattooed arm as he held his hands clasped behind his back.

”Welcome, Layla, I’m glad you got my message.”

”You sent the flower?” i asked but he didn’t react to my question.

”I’m sure you have questions but unfortunately I can’t answer them. You see this is a memory, it was the only way I knew to get in contact with you as you are currently under the protection of Alpha Kade and his men. I hope you received my earlier message and that you looked in the rooms,” it was him, he was the one who had talked to me.

”I would love to tell you how I did that,” he laughed and tossed his head.

”I would love to tell you everything about the powers you to behold. I assume you don’t much about them and they aren’t easy to control but I promise you, Layla, you are much more powerful than you can imagine. Listen to me now, you can’t trust him. You can’t trust Alpha Kade. He may be your mate but you are not his, not his first at least and he will still choose her over you had he been given the choice. You belong with us, with me, with people like yourself. You’re not just any werewolf, you’re special and I hope I show you just how special you are one day. Until that day, just remember my words and do not trust your mate. Don’t worry you will hear from me again soon.”

It was like someone punched me in the gut before delivering three hard kicks at the same spot. I bent over and gasped for air.

Anna held my shoulders and lifted my head as I came too.

”What the hell was that?” She asked me in panic.

”Layla?” I turned around and saw Kade standing there. His brows hunched together and his eyes narrowed down on the flower in my hand. His jaw clicked as he walked over and ripped it from my hand.

Kade scanned it and then the letter before locking his angry gaze on me.

”What is this?” He growled.

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