Rejected To Be Your Second Chance: Rejecting My Alpha Mate

Rejected To Be Your Second Chance: Chapter 15

”Are you ready?” Anna had just curled her hair and she was putting on lipstick.

”I’m ready,” I said and got out of the bathroom.

”Holy shit,” she gasped and scanned me from top to toe. My silver satin dress had a bit of cleavage but the back was the real show winner with an open back that stopped right above my ass.

”Should we tell Kade that we’re leaving?” I asked her whilst putting on my earrings.

”Nah he’ll find out, besides he’s in meetings with other Alphas util late tonight from what Cara told me,”

We had taken a walk through the town earlier during the day and seen a lot of cute stores and restaurants. It was bigger than the pack back home and the people were a lot nicer and friendlier. Being here felt good, it felt really good in fact and I was beginning to see it as a home.

”Let’s go,’ we walked out and saw the others waiting with their cars. They whoo’d and honked their horns as we walked down. One of them, the driver, was chugging a bottle of vodka and the girls were doing shots.

”See you started the party early,” I said as the bottle was handed over to me.

”Well it does take us a lot longer a lot more alcohol to feel the tingle so I figured why not get a head start,” he said and winked. The driver was Tom and in his car was Axel, Maria and Stina. The other car had two girls I hadn’t met yet but they were happy and nice as they gave us each a shot.

”I’m Claire and this is Julie,” the red haired girl said and filled the shot cups with another round.

We jumped in and drove off.

It was only half an hour away from the pack and as we drove into the town I saw it was packed with humans. We went in through the black door and walked toward the blasting music. The smell of alcohol and cigarette smoke hit us in the face and the dance floor was filled with people. The vibe was something I had definitely missed. We used to go to clubs back home as well in the neighboring town and though they weren’t like this, we always had fun.

Me and Anna walked straight to the dance floor and raised our arms as we started singing along to Fireworks by Katy Perry.

We laughed and sang and danced, the drinks were brought to us by the others so we didn’t have to move away even once.

My eyes were closed as I swung to the music, the bas hit me from all directions and it felt like my heart was beating in tact with the waves. I couldn’t think or react to anything, I was in a trance and I loved this feeling.

My head jerked to the side, my fingers twitched and my eyes snapped open when a feeling of dread suddenly filled me. The hairs on the back of my neck rose and I shivered.

Anna was still dancing, her eyes were closed and she was in the same trance I had been in. I kept dancing, moving my body and letting my arms flow with it but my eyes scanned our surroundings.

I saw our pack members by the bar and some were on the dance floor. Everyone else was dancing and minding their own business but behind a group of humans I saw a man. He was big and broad with a heavy skin jacket and a tattoo around his neck, his eyes were on me.

I quickly looked away and looked to my left where I saw another man, slender and blonde, he was watching us as well.

”Anna,” i said and continued looking around.

”Anna open your eyes!” Behind me was two other men and to my right was another, they were casually walking back and forth with their eyes locked on us. We were surrounded.

”Anna!” I grabbed her arm and her eyes jerked open.

’Layla, run, run now!’

I grabbed Annas arm and pulled her after me but the man had circled the tables and was standing by the exit. I spun around and looked at the stairs leading up to the second floor but it was blocked.

”What’s going on?”

We’re surrounded

’We need to get out of here’

Who are they?

’I don’t know but that danger I felt, it just tripled’

”Layla what’s going on?”

”Is everything okay, you looked stressed?” Claire and Tom looked at me warily and I heaved a sigh.

”No I’m uhh,” I turned around and saw one of the men behind me hidden amongst a group of people.


”We need to leave,” I said and the tone on my voice indicated the hurry.

But no matter where I looked I couldn’t see a way out of here.

”Hey come on, it’s fine! Let’s just drink and dance and you’ll be good,” Anna said and held my hand.

”No it’s not that, there are people here,” she furrowed her brows and looked around.

”Yeah a lot of them, which it usually is in a club?” She said and looked at me in confusion.

’Where did they go?’

I looked around and the men were gone. They just dissapeared as if they hadn’t been there to begin with.

”You’re probably stressed,” Anna grabbed a hold of my shoulders and turned me.

My eyes flickered back and forth and all exits were free, the men were gone, all of them.

”Maybe you’re right,” I said and continued scanning the room.

She dragged me to the bar and ordered a drink but this weird feeling that we were being watched didn’t go away. It almost felt better when i could see them.

I chugged the shots and the two drinks before he headed out on the dance floor again.

’Keep your eyes open, they can’t have just vanished’

But where they really here?


”Excuse me, care to dance?” I turned around and saw a guy in a leather jacket, his hair fell to his shoulders in brown waves and his light brown eyes stared deeply into mine. A smirk grew on his face and his hand reached out for mine. it was him, one of the men that had been watching me. The tattoo wrapped around his neck and I saw it was twines with thorns and in the middle it looked like blades that were overlapping.

”No,” i said shaking my head and took a step back. I looked over my shoulder at Anna, she was dancing with one of the other men. His hands were on her waist and she was smiling as they danced in unison. The guy lifted his head and looked over Anna and his eyes locked with mine as he grinned.

”No, Anna!” I was about to reach for her when my hand was pulled back.

”Don’t do that, he won’t her her unless he has too,” I raised my fist and it went flying towards his face.

Someone screamed from further away and I turned my head.

Kade, Cara and Mason stood there watching us but Kades glare was the only one that worried me.

”Was there something about you not leaving the pack that didn’t register with you?’ He growled and the humans turned their heads and looked at him weirdly.

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