Rejected To Be Your Second Chance: Rejecting My Alpha Mate (Book 3)

: Chapter 96


As the lamps dimmed outside the windows and people were closing the doors to their houses, I was still seated on the wicker chair in the corner of the room. My hands rested on my legs, and I looked over at my bags by the door. I couldn’t bring myself to open them or move them even an inch, and I hadn’t dared sit on the bed. When I thought of freedom, this wasn’t what I had expected.

I wanted to be back in my house, sleeping in my bed and pretending to be okay with all this from a place of privacy where I could close the door and be alone.

I drew a deep breath and looked around the room. Over the bed hung a painting of a man holding a sword. He swung it in the air, about to run toward a pack of wolves.

Another painting showed a king with a large crown on his head, and another was a painting that portrayed the pack as it was before.

It was impersonal, but somehow, it showed me everything I needed to know about Nathaniel. It showed me everything he cared about: the pack and power.

The door slowly creaked open, and Nathaniel stepped in. He pulled at his shirt and drew his thumb over his lips as he wiped them.

When he saw me sitting on the chair, he stopped before slowly closing the door behind himself.

“What are you sitting there for?” he asked.

“I— I didn’t know where to sit,” I stuttered. The awkwardness that filled me was profound, and I wanted to disappear into the ground.

“On the bed?” he asked with a grin and a raised brow.

“Right,” I said and stood to my feet.

“Nate, what am I doing here? In your room, I mean,” I asked.

“Like I said, you proved yourself last night. I thought you’d enjoy the freedom that came with being on the right side,” he said as he stepped toward me. He stopped inches away and raised his hand, his hand cupped my cheek, and I smiled.

“I do. It’s just that I assumed I’d be getting to live out that freedom in the house you gave me,” I said lightheartedly, not to sound suspicious.

He smiled and stepped closer. With each breath, his chest brushed against me, and he placed his hands on either side of my face.

“But I want you here with me,” he murmured as his eyes flickered between my eyes and my lips.

I gulped and nodded. The only way for this to work was for me to stay out of that room, and to do so, I needed Nathaniel to trust me and believe that I was on his side.

“Don’t worry, I won’t do anything until you tell me.” I fought the widening of my eyes as he said those words and just continued smiling, hoping he wouldn’t see the fear in my eyes.

Nathaniel smirked and stepped back. He pulled his shirt over his head, exposing his rippling muscles and bare chest.

Just as the shirt covered his face, I pictured Kade in front of me for a split second—his rippling core muscles, the broad shoulder and the distinct V that disappeared under his waistline.

“Enjoying the view, sweetheart?” My eyes jerked up and locked with Nathaniel’s, and his grin deepened.

“I wasn’t,” I said and turned away.

“Where should I put my stuff?” I asked and lifted my bag as I stared at him.

Nathaniel chuckled and pointed to one of the closets.

“I cleaned that out for you, so feel free to use it as your own.”

I was baffled but didn’t let it show.

“Thank you,” I said and began unpacking.

“I’m gonna take a shower. Do you wanna join? Get a better look,” he asked with a devilish look.

“I’m good,” I said with a strained smile.

“Suit yourself.” Nathaniel walked into the bathroom.

As soon as the door closed, I fell on the edge of the bed and covered my face with my hands. I pulled my hands down and stared at the bag on the floor.

“Fuck,” I cursed and pushed away from the bed.

I unpacked the few clothes I had and folded them in the closet. I also saw shirts and dresses there that weren’t mine, but it seemed they were intended for me. Everything was becoming messier, but I had to make sure that this worked. It was the only way to stop him, so I would pretend for however long I needed to see it through. I quickly undressed and put my pajamas on before he got out of the shower.

“Do you want to shower?” Nathaniel asked when he came out. He had a towel wrapped around his lower body and another with which he dried his hair.

“No, I’ll shower in the morning,” I said and smiled timidly.

The thought of getting in bed with him was as overwhelming as I hoped it would be. My feet wouldn’t move, and I was standing by the closet in my pajamas, staring at the bed.

Nathaniel looked between me and the bed. He walked over, and the bed dipped as he sat on his side.

“You don’t need to be scared. I won’t kill you in your sleep.”

I pursed my lips and raised a brow.

“Thanks for that,” I snarked.

He chuckled and pulled away the covers before walking over to the other closet and pulling out a pair of pants. The towel dropped from his body, and all was exposed. I turned around, my face warming, and I gulped as I pretended not to have seen anything.

I could feel his grin without looking at him. He was enjoying every second of my discomfort.

“You’re safe now.”

I slowly turned around and peeked with one eye to ensure he had clothes on. Sure enough, his bottom half was covered, but the rest was bare as he got in bed.

I looked at the cover and saw only one, which meant we would be sharing. He placed his arm over his eyes and got into position, ready to sleep.

“Will you turn the lights off before you get in?” he said and pulled the cover over himself.

I took a deep breath and forced my feet to move to the light switch.

“Wait,” he said just as my fingers were about to touch the switch and cause the room to descend into darkness. “I think we should discuss the new rules first,” he said and leaned over on his side.

“Which are?” I asked.

“You’re free to roam about the house as you please, but until I know that I can fully trust you, you are not allowed to walk outside without me.”

My jaw dropped, and my hand dropped to my side.

He continued, “You are allowed to talk to the girls that work in the house but never one-on-one. The younger ones must always have a handler with them.” He stopped and looked at me to make sure I followed before continuing. “When I call for you, you will come. We will eat dinner together every night, and you will be in the room at eleven p.m. at the latest each night. And, Layla, if you should try to venture out despite this warning or you try to disobey my orders or defy these rules, I will have you tied to my side for the rest of your life, and you will never experience a glint of freedom ever again. Are we clear?”

I nodded and tried picking my jaw up from the floor, but it was heavy and stuck.

His face had contorted into a dark, serious expression, but it seemed to lighten up once I agreed. He wanted the same control over me as he had over his girls. He wanted me braindead and submissive to his words.

“I need you to say it,” he said.

“We’re clear,” I said lowly.

“Good, turn off the lamp and get in the bed,” he said and moved the cover to the side.

I clicked the switch, and the room went dark.

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