Rejected To Be Your Second Chance: Rejecting My Alpha Mate (Book 3)

: Chapter 84


That feeling when the skies turned dark, not because the sun set but because the clouds drew together in anticipation of a dark harmony; the rumble you waited for and the light show you knew was about to happen. It felt like that, only I couldn’t see the sky. Not a single drop fell on the ground, and not even a hushed whisper rippled in the air.

I looked out the window at the barely lit little town they had built. My mouth was so close to the gas that with every breath, a layer of fog dimmed the view.

Everyone moved about their days, albeit much slower than before. They would glance up at the window where I was standing and watch me like you watch animals at a zoo. The children would point, and the parents would make sure that they didn’t step to close.

My shoulders sank as I sighed, and with heavy feet, I turned from the one thing connecting me to the outside world. All of my decisions played in my head, leading up to the very first one I made back at my old pack when I rejected Sebastian.

It was all a series of events that led up to this moment. Was I blind before? Did I miss something when I left with Kade? Could I have done something differently to ensure I did not end up here?

So many questions and so little space to think. There was nothing I could do about it now, anyways, but that didn’t stop my brain from circling these patrozning thoughts.

’There was nothing you could’ve done.’

That’s what I keep telling myself.

’What will it take for you to actually believe it?’

For nobody else to get hurt because of the choices I’ve made.

’It’s been a week, Layla, and we’re still right here. Nothing has changed, which means everyone is safe.’

For now.

The room had a small bed in the corner with a marigold metal bedpost. The walls were a gold coin color, and a rustic vintage dresser with faded paint was pressed up against the wall next to the door. Whoever decorated didn’t take into account that someone might actually live here; or they just had terrible taste.

I sat down on the bed after having paced around so much that burn marks were showing in the off-white carpet. The threads on the tassels were spreading out on the floor, and there was nothing else to do but sit and wait.

This last week had been composed of me tearing my hair out, thinking about how dumb I was when I thought I could keep my meeting with Kade a secret. I thought I’d been strong enough to block Nathaniel out of my head, but I was just fooling myself. Justin told me to be careful, he warned me about the consequences but I didn’t listen. Meeting Kade for those few hours seemed worth it at the time… they were worth it. Seeing his silhouette waiting for me in the darkness, his arms reaching out and grabbing me when I ran into his body. His flickering eyes that narrowed to their fox-shape and darkened in lust as he looked at me, his hands drawing over my skin, and his fingers grabbing me as his lips claimed my own. He knew what he did to me, and he loved how my body reacted to him—how my legs buckled under his touch and how my desire grew wetter from just one kiss. He relished tasting his victory and watching as I turned to a trembling mess under his mercy.

My fingers were rubbing over my clit as I laid in the bed, my moans echoing in the room as I thought back to his heavenly touch and how his fingers entered me and brought me to climax.

’They’re coming’

I withdrew my hand quickly, turned to the side, facing the wall, and I pulled my knees up to my chest, pretending to sleep. The door opened up and someone stepped in before closing the door.

“I can smell you, sweetheart. No need to pretend you’re sleeping.”

I turned around and rolled my eyes as I sat up. Nathaniel stood at the foot of the bed with his hands tucked in his pockets. His eyes turned obsidian as they slid over my body.

“If you need any help with that,“ he said huskily and raised his head, “all you have to do is ask.”

’Disgusting,’ Clara tuned in.

“I’m good.” I snarled.

His lips turned up in a smirk, and he nodded his head.

“How are you adjusting to your new home?” He asked, looking around with amusement in his eyes.

“You mean the cubicle you forced me into? Very well,” I said and pushed up against the headboard. “You should be grateful that this was the only thing I forced you into. I could’ve killed you for what you did. Disloyalty is not something I take lightly,” He said as his teeth clenched together.

“Killed me? And how would you have carried on your plan then, huh?” I held his gaze and refused to back away as I challenged him.

Nathaniel’s eyes turned pitch black from my defiance, and it seemed that the king wasn’t used to people talking back. For him, girls were servants and toys for pleasure, or warriors to help carry his cause, But whatever position you held in his reign, you were not to have your own opinion, which nobody here seemed to have. I cursed myself for not noticing it sooner.

He walked around the corner and came up beside me. His lips softened, and his jaw relaxed, something was happening.

His eyes took on a playful glint, and the bed dipped as he sat down beside me.

“You’re right, I can’t do this without you. Your life is in no danger until the plan is complete,“ he said as he reached out his hand and moved my hair back, his fingers caressing my neck. “But what use do I have for your parents? Or Tracey. I heard that rogue attack nearly killed her. Tell me, Layla, why are people always so quick to assume that they were attacked by rogues?” My breath got caught in my throat, and my eyes widened. It was exactly what he wanted, to inflict fear, his lips pulled up in a smile and his hand pulled away as he stood up.

I watched his back as he walked towards the door. My feet hit the floor, and I stood up in panic, running after him. I reached out and grabbed his arm. Nathaniel turned around and locked his eyes down on where my hand was pressed against this bare skin.

“Don’t hurt them, or I swear—“

“What?” He asked and stepped closer. I pulled my hand back and held my breath as his chest pressed against me.

“Or what, little one? You’ll kill me? You can’t. You’ll stop me? You can’t. This has been written in the stars for centuries, and nothing you do will ever be enough to keep it from happening.

You came to me, remember?” He said, and I felt as my fingers rolled up into a fist and I raised it against his head.

Nahtniael grabbed my hand just as it was about to land on his temple and he pinned it against his chest.

He leaned down, his lips pressed against my knuckles and his breath fanned my face as he held me close.

“You play your part, and I’ll play nice. I know where they live, I know how they operate, and if need be, your sister will suffer something much worse than a coma,” Nathaniel said. His hand circled around the back of my head and his fingers entwined in my hair. His head leaned against mine and his nose burrowed into my hair as he inhaled a deep breath.

“Remember who you belong to now; there’s no turning back,” He said before pulling his hands away and walking out. The door slammed shut behind him, and the lock clicked into place.

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