Rejected To Be Your Second Chance: Rejecting My Alpha Mate (Book 3)

: Chapter 145


The dust was starting to settle. It landed like snow around the roots of the trees, sinking into the earth.

Quietness suddenly held a whole new meaning. When the dust settled and we all could see, we looked at each other, seeing the scrapes, bruises, and injuries each of us had been inflicted with.

Danielle had it worse. She pulled the board out of her leg, and her head fell back. Her wolf would need time to heal her wound.

The house was in shambles. A wheeze pulled my attention to the trees on the right. Sebastian moved the breakage out of the way and walked onto where the porch had been. He held her tightly against his chest, watching her face and scanning her body.

I listened in and heard her heartbeat. Her little noises were my favorite sound in the world.

The living room was in a pile. I saw repentance of the couch we had sat on.

Sebastian looked up and saw us standing in front of him. He turned his head, eyes widened as he took everything in.

His eyes flickered down to the girl in his arms. I’m going to rip those arms from his body and shove them down his throat. She might be alive and well, but he wouldn’t be. Not when I was done with him.

“How lucky you are…” he said and dragged his thumb over her cheek. “To have so many people willing to die for you.”

I growled in response. Nobody was dead. Layla wasn’t dead. I took one step.

“She does…”

My jaw dropped, and I didn’t even try to block the tear that fell. My eyes started burning. My head swooned. My breath finally exhaled.

“But we prefer killing,” Layla said and tossed something on the ground.

Sebastian followed the rolling object until it stopped, facing up.

Her eyes were wide open, and her lips parted.

The witch’s head lay at Sebastian’s feet.

“Now, hand over my daughter so I can kick your ass,” she panted. Her clothes were torn, and burn marks painted her face.

Layla walked up to Sebastian.

“Or,” he mused and reached back with his hand. He took out a knife.


“Sebastian, don’t!”

I started running. He saw me and raised my daughter with the blade against her blanket.

“Stop!” he growled.

I slid on my feet and halted with my hands raised in the air. Fuck. He was a psycho. I couldn’t trust that he wouldn’t hurt her if I tried to run up there.

“You took everything from me! You killed my dad, took my mate, and you,” he seethed, salivating as he turned to Layla. “You rejected me! My family is gone because of you. Because you chose him. He took the pack because of you, and he drove my family out. I killed them because of you!”

Mason gasped behind me.

“Woah, look at me,” Mason said, arms raised in surrender.

Sebastian turned his head, eyes as black as the coal on the ground.

“Sebastian, you didn’t kill your mom or your sister.” I felt my brows pinching together. I watched my brother move in slowly. “It was Riley and Dimitri.”

Sebastian lowered his hand an inch. “You’re lying,” Sebastian squealed.

I tilted my head to the side and zeroed in on his glossy eyes.

His nose wrinkled in an attempt to push back the tears. Mason shook his head.

“I promise you I’m not. I was there, in the bushes. Dimitri wanted the pack. He never wanted you to take it back. He wanted you gone. He and Riley worked together and killed your family, drugged you and made you think that you did it.” Mason approached. “Sebastian, their deaths are not on you. It is not your fault.”

Sebastian was shaking his head back and forth. His heart wanted to believe Mason’s words, but his mind was refusing. He was at war with himself, and truthfully, he had nothing to gain if he won. Everything he loved was gone—his dysfunctional family, the pack he didn’t even run, even if everything in his life was subpar; it was all he had.

“Stop talking,” Sebastian spat. His eyes shut, and his shoulders tensed.

“The knife that you held that night, planted. The blood on your clothes, wiped off their hands. The lack of memory, drugs. How could I know this if I wasn’t there? You ran, shifted into your wolf and took off. You’re driven by anger to harm Layla’s family but look at that girl you’re holding. Look at her!”

Sebastian cried, looking down at her.

“She hasn’t done anything. She’s innocent. Born into a world she doesn’t understand, relying on the protection of the people around her. There is no blood on your hands. You haven’t taken an innocent life; don’t start now. Don’t start with her.”

Mason was standing close now.

Sebastian looked up.

“They’re all dead,” he said.

Justin walked up to Sebastian with slow, calculated steps.

“I can show you,” he said.

“Show me what?” Sebastian asked.

“The truth.”

Sebastian let the knife rest on my daughter and invited Justin up. He put his hands on his head.

Mason was ready to run up and grab Celine in case he let go.

“Why do I not know this story?”

My voice was monotone, and my brother winced.

Mason’s eye twitched when he turned and saw me. I knew all of his tells, and he knew mine. He knew I was pissed, and I knew he was scared shitless right now.

“Now may not be the time for this,” Anna seethed.

Mason didn’t look away. My eyes were locked on his.

Justin moved his hands. Mason carefully turned his head. His eyes stuck on mine until he was completely turned. His shoulders visibly relaxed.

Sebastian gasped. “I didn’t kill them.” He breathed. Guilt, pain, torment, anger, and loathing all gathered in one single breath that left his body.

He looked past Justin. His eyes found Layla’s, and his lips tugged when his feet started moving. He walked over to her. Sebastian looked down one last time at the girl in his arms. He took his knife and handed our daughter over to Layla.

I released a breath—a breath not unlike Sebastian’s. A breath I was worried I’d never breathe.

“Thank you,” Layla cried and pulled Celine tight to her chest.

“He’s a lucky man,” Sebastian said.

Layla’s gaze found mine, and I smiled for the second she watched me. Her sparkled with joy.

“I’m so sorry about your family.” Layla put her hand on his shoulder. “I’m sure we can help you get back on your feet.”

Excuse me?

Mason turned his head and watched me in shock.

Sebastian chuckled.

“No, that’s all right. I have somewhere else I need to be,” he joyfully exclaimed. Sebastian raised the knife to his throat.

“No!” Layla reached out her hand.

I was up in front of her in a second and held her back. Sebastian slit his throat, blood spilling down his neck.

“No, let me go!” Layla tried fighting her way over to him.

My hand circled her waist, and I pulled her back against me.

“Look at him, Layla!” She stopped fighting. “He’s smiling. He’s happy. Sebastian is going to see his family again,” I whispered in her ear.

He fell. His body hit the ground, but the smile never left his lips.

“Oh my god.” Anna covered her mouth.

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