Rejected To Be Your Second Chance: Rejecting My Alpha Mate (Book 3)

: Chapter 117


He turned around, his eyes scanning his phone after his call before lifting his head and looking at me. This was the first time in two days that he made eye contact with me. Nathaniel had been gone by the time I woke up, not saying a word during the day and coming back to the room only to sleep. No dinners, no walks, no talks at all until now. What changed?

“I just got some good news,” he said and looked genuinely happy.

“Who was it?” I asked and closed the book. I heard the weakness in my voice, but there was something about not having spoken to anyone for two days and being completely ignored that made me squirm for some type of contact… from anyone. Nathaniel hadn’t only closed me out but also told everyone else in the house to do the same. My dinner was delivered in the dining room, and then they left. No one would talk to me, not even the girls my age I thought liked me.

“Jackson,” he said and scanned my eyes.

He must’ve seen something, something that brought him joy. I had no doubt that it was the fear that probably flickered for a second when I had heard his name. Jackson had left days ago to look for Justin, and if he finished what he would do, did that mean Justin was dead?

My heart started beating erratically from the thought. The question was on the tip of my tongue. However, I was too worried to ask it.

Nathaniel smiled and walked over to the chair I was sitting in. He kneeled next to me and raised his hand. I closed my eyes when his fingers caressed my cheek, and they moved down my neck, over my collarbone, and stopped right before my chest. I held my breath and prepared for the pain.

“Aren’t you going to ask?” he asked mockingly. He wanted me to ask, and he wanted to answer. He wanted to see my face when he won.

“Why don’t you just tell me?” I spat.

He dragged the tip of his finger to the center of my throat and up my jaw, drawing patterns on my skin but luckily avoiding the spell on my chest.

“I said I wouldn’t hurt you physically. I stay true to my word.”

Something about how he said that caused my body to freeze. I remembered his earlier warning. “I’m going to give you exactly what you want. You have a hard time making the tough decisions because you’re always thinking about the people who love you, so I’m going to take them all away.”

I felt my eyes widening. My hands fell on my stomach, and the book dropped on the floor.

“What did you do?” I breathed.

“I stayed true to my word, Layla. Something you need to learn how to do.” He cupped the side of my face harshly and leaned in. Nathaniel’s forehead pressed against me, and his lips were hovering over mine. “I told you there would be consequences,” he whispered.

“It wasn’t my fault.” I squeezed my eyes shut and took a shaky breath.

“I hold you responsible, darling. The price is yours to pay, and I’m cashing in.” His thumb graced over my lips, and they pulled down.

I could tell he had trouble controlling his urges. He hadn’t touched me before. He had held himself back. Just as I held my breath and looked at his face, he pulled himself back, and my body bounced back in the chair.

“Fuck, it’s hard to keep my hands off you. I get why Kade made his little visits. If you grow tired of handling your needs on your own, let me know. I’ll be happy to oblige.” He smirked and walked out of the room.

I took a deep breath, filling my lungs with air and licking my dry lips.


Don’t talk to me. I’m done with you for now.

“What the hell did I do?”

Are you fucking kidding me? You killed the doctor!

“To protect you.”

From something you can’t even tell me about!

“That may change soon.”

Well, when it does, we can talk about revisiting my talking to you.

“But you’re talking to me now.”

Goodbye, Clara.

I pushed her back and pressed a pillow over my face that I screamed into. Whatever this spell was that the doctor mentioned I had on my chest, it weakened certain senses, like hearing and smell. I didn’t feel the mind powers weakening, though, so it couldn’t be too strong.

“He needs those powers. That’s why they aren’t affected.”

I thought I pushed you away.

“You did, but I chose to come back up. You know this is not a prison with locked bars, right?” Clara asked in a genuine question.

The only good thing to come from these last couple of days was that I no longer threw up every ten minutes and could keep most foods down. The only food my body still rejected was chicken, and as long as I had red meat, I was good.

Someone knocked on the door, and it opened slowly. One of the girls poked her head in and smiled.

“Dinner is ready in the throne room. I’m here to walk with you.”

I got up and pulled my shirt as I looked at her.

“You’re talking to me,” I said and watched as she stepped in with her head held down and her fingers nervously pulling at each other.

“My king said the shunning was over.”

The shunning? “Right,” I said and smiled. It was a fake smile, but the girl didn’t notice the difference. That was how good I’d gotten at smiling.

No more niceties and attempts to bond; I was done with them. They would cater to his every whim, even sunning me under his word, so why should I put effort into something that would always be against me?

“You have to,” Clara said.

I was getting really tired of her voice.

I don’t have to do anything.

“Yes, you do. You have to pretend to be on their side. Don’t you remember the plan?”

I do, but I’ve decided not to listen to you anymore.

“You’re acting childish.”

Clara, I live in secret, and you’re the only one here who’s supposed to be on my side. Now, you’re not even that! You’re keeping secrets from me. I’m sorry, but I can’t trust you anymore.

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