Rejected To Be Your Second Chance: Rejecting My Alpha Mate (Book 3)

: Chapter 107


Alpha Riley was fishing for information. He prided himself in knowing everything about the other packs, and many other Alphas had occasionally come here to blow off some steam, fuck women who weren’t their wives, and get high as kites before returning to their obligations.

During their stay, they indulged in everything that Riley offered, and in return, they shared some information about the other packs. The dirtier, the better. This man was a perv.

“How’s your father?” Riley asked with a sigh when I hadn’t answered any other question he asked.

“He’s good. He and my mother are happy in retirement,” I said.

“Oh, I doubt he’s retired. That man never could live without his job as an Alpha, never even came here to bathe in the bliss of our ways,” he said and circled his arms in the air with a smile.

“He preferred the bliss of home with his family,” Graham said in a monotone voice.

Alpha Riley snarled and scoffed.

“Yes, I suppose he did. You will not divulge in the sharing of information, nor will you taste these hard-to-find beauties I have placed in front of you. How on earth can I help you when you refuse to accept my hospitality?” he asked.

In front of us laid coke, ecstasy, pills for smoking and different herbs you could chew or light on fire depending on which high you were looking for. I smiled and put my elbows on my knees. I dragged my hand over the table and moved all the drugs to the side.

“You will help us because if you don’t, I will burn this drug house down to the ground and leave your pack in ashes. Now get me Sebastian.” Our eyes locked. His were not impressed, but they showed fear, which was all I needed.

“Woah, no need for threats. We’re all friends here, after all,” he said and raised his hands in surrender.

I leaned back, placed one leg over the other, and showed that I’d wait. Alpha Riley muttered something under his breath and nodded in frustration as he got up with a groan.

“All right, all right,” he spat and walked out. He turned in the doorframe and looked at us. “Well, are you coming or not?” he barked.

We followed him outside and into the house next to his. It was even more of a wreck than the others but a perfect hiding spot for a spineless used-to-be Alpha.

“Why don’t you wait here, and I will—” Riley spoke, but I didn’t feel like listening or waiting outside while he went in and warned them about our presence.

I walked up to the house and kicked down the door. However, it would’ve been enough if I just slapped it, seeing how it flew to the other side of the house.

“Knock knock,” I said and stepped inside.

Alpha Riley was staring in disbelief with his hand raised out and a scowl forming on his face.

“Sorry about that,” Graham said carelessly and walked in behind me.

“Riley, is it you?”

We took a right into a room where the windows were boarded up, and smoke seemed to come out through a little hole in the wall.

Sebastian was on a crappy mattress in the corner of the room. His back was half up against the wall, and the pipe that was in his hand slumped next to him.

His head turned. In his foggy state, he could still make out who it was. His eyes widened in panic, and I heard his heart beating faster with each second. My hope was that it would explode if I stood here long enough.

“Get up. We’re leaving,” Graham said and walked over to him.

Sebastian was completely out of his mind. He started crawling back against the wall, kicking and screaming and shaking his head furiously back and forth.

“No, get away, stop it!”

Graham stood a good few feet away and looked between me and the junkie on the floor.

“What do I do? Just toss over my shoulder?” he asked.

“You can’t take him when he is like this. Let him enjoy his last high before you go. You two can spend the night here. You’ll stay in my house. I’m having a party as always, and we’ll throw a feast in your honor,” Riley said with a beaming smile.

I looked around the room. Something wasn’t adding up.

“Where’s Dimitri?” I asked and listened in to see what I could hear from the other room.

“Oh, he’s out hunting with a few others, getting food for tonight,” Riley said.

I walked further into the room.

“Then who is in the other room?” I asked and slowly turned my head to look at him.

Graham looked between me and Riley. He walked over and kicked the door down. On the bed with a filthy blanket lying half awake and half as high as fuck was Sebastian’s younger sister.

“Mason, it’s not what you think.” I spun on my feet and slammed my raised fist in his pathetic face. Riley fell back. His bones were brittle, and he was high himself, so even if I killed him right now, he probably wouldn’t feel a thing.

“You’re getting little girls high?” I growled. My fingers circled his throat, and I pressed him against the wall.

“I-it wasn’t me who gave her the drugs,” he choked out.

“Then who was it? It’s your pack, your people, which means you are responsible.” I growled. My wolf stepped up, and we were seconds away from ending his pathetic life.

“I-it was— It—”

“Mason,” Graham said and nodded toward the door.

“It was me,” she said and stepped inside—the former Luna of the Red Moon Pack, Sebastian’s mother.

I let go of Riley. He fell like a sack of potatoes onto the floor.

“You gave your daughter drugs?” I asked.

“She’s sixteen and well of age to decide on her own,” she said, clearly high herself.

“She’s a child,” Graham said.

“Yes, my child! We have made a life for ourselves here, and for the time being, this is where we live it out, just as the others are. This is our pack now, our home, after you and your brother drove us out from ours,” she seethed.

Her complexion was pale, and her eyes were dull, but she still looked strong.

“Don’t worry, that will all change once Sebastian takes his rightful place as Alpha again,” she said with her chin pointed out and a confident smile.

“That Sebastian?” I asked and pointed to the lump in the corner.

She smiled and shrugged a shoulder.

“It’s only a matter of time,” she said. The woman was clearly delusional, but then again, I couldn’t judge too hard. She lost her husband and her pack and went from being a queen who got anything she wanted to live in a slump with not much around her.

“Now that you have all acquainted yourselves again, why don’t we go prepare a room for you?” Riley said, still massaging his throat.

“You know, if you start taking care of yourself, that’ll heal up in like five seconds next time,” I said as we walked out of the house. I stopped in my tracks and tossed my head back. “I forgot something.” I walked back into the house and into the room where they all were gathered. “Oh, and if you try to run, I will hunt you down and kill you all,” I said.

Sebastian’s mother tossed her arms.

“Where would we go?” she said with a defeated voice, and her true form showed itself.

She knew her son wouldn’t be taking the title back, and no other pack would ever agree to take them in. Her eyes sunk into her head, and I began to see all of her broken pieces.

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