Rejected To Be Your Second Chance: Rejecting My Alpha Mate (Book 2)

: Chapter 56

~Third Person~

Everyone is shaped into the people they are because of several different circumstances. Whether it be a certain upbringing, the friends you surround yourself with, the pack you run in, or the dreams and visions you had as a child about what life one day may be. It all conspires through the years to turn you from clay into a person. After that has happened and you have become whole, it is time for you to become your own person. This is done by stripping away anything and everything that has been instilled in you. You need to reset yourself to truly find yourself.

But what happens if those who shaped you come back? Are you eager to turn away from who you have become and revert back to your default state or do you stand true to the person you have become?

Hidden deep in each and everyone is a seed, that seed will never go away; not truly. Even if you stumble back into old habits that seed is there to guide you right. As the moon reaches its peak and you stare at the luminescent light that feels like home, you hear a voice in your heart that reminds you of where you belong.

listen to that voice, that voice means you well, it is like your wolf and has only your best interest at heart.


The night turned on us sooner than I expected. The darkness devoured our pack grounds and the field was empty around the house. I went onto the small hill we had in the back and sat there, staring at the full moon and asking it questions as I had been since I was a kid.

Sometimes nobody around me had the answers and so I always found comfort in asking the moon. Somehow I think I was tricking myself into thinking that the moon goddess heard me and whispered the answers in the wind.

Right now, sitting here on the damp grass, I was desperate. Layla’s face kept showing up wherever I looked and I knew that I wouldn’t be at peace until I had her by my side. I vowed to bring her out here and talk to her under the moon, to let her be the person I went to with things, to trust her, and to never disappoint her again. In order to make true to those vows I first needed to bring her home.

”Kade,” Mason slumped down next to me.

”I thought you were asleep,” I said without taking my eyes of the celestial body that brought me less and less comfort for each day.

”I wasn’t, I got up and went looking for you. Guessed I’d find you out here.”

”Are you getting any answers?” He asked me when I didn’t respond.

”None, the wind is quiet but everything else is so fucking so loud.” I grabbed my hair and pulled it down. The thoughts in my head were those of a nightmare thinking about every little thing that could happen to Layla.

”We’ll find her,”

”Yeah but when?” My voice rose and the frustration built up within me to a certain point where I thought that it would explode but I didn’t want my little brother to be recipient of that.

”Soon, we’ll find a way. Mom said we had to find that woman, right?”

”I think I know where she is,”

”Where?” His eyes furrowed and his shoulders tensed.

”The nightingale forest.”

”Where the Emberclaws pack is?” Nodding my head I figured it was the only place. I remember the tight grown forest and the sky high trees. It had to be there.

”You’re not going alone.” His voice darkened in a warning when he figured out my next move.

”And nobody’s coming with me so that leaves us with no options.” I got up and wiped my hands before turning around and walking back to the house. Mason ran up beside me.

”Going there alone is a suicide mission.” I turned around and slammed my hand down on his shoulder.

” Then I will die with the woman I love knowing that I didn’t sit on my ass doing nothing to save her.” He scoffed as I smiled, nodded my head, and continued back inside.

The next morning was not one I was excited about. After myt all with Mason last night I went straight to my office and started working on a way to narrow down the location of this mystery woman.

The forest was gigantic, people didn’t voluntarily wonder in without a really good reason and an even better map. My path had been shown to me by dragonflies that lit up the darkness and they did the same thing on my way out. There was no telling if they would do that again for me this time considering I was trying to find someone who clearly didn’t want to be found.

The door to my office opened up. It was six o’clock in the morning and everyone was in hurry to wake up and get in here it seemed. Sebastian came in first followed by his father, my parents, my siblings, Anna and Dimitri. My mother and Anna had been really hitting it off and I think their main bonding factor was their distaste for how I treated Layla when she was here. The biggest giveaway was the glares they would throw me and the obvious comments made by my mother on how I hadn’t acted like the man she raised me to be. She also wanted Anna to feel welcome and safe, she was the strongest woman I knew and had been nothing short of a true Luna when she ran the pack with my father.

”Son, are you ready?” She asked and bowed her head with a grin shadowing her lips.

I nodded my head. ”Let’s start.” I said and everyone took their seats.

”Before we do can I just mention one thing real quick?” Sebastian said and placed his foot up on his knee as he leaned back in the chair.

”Go ahead.” I listened in eagerly wondering what bullshit he’d spit out.

”My mother called me, she said that she had a friend who knew an Emberclaw once and they aren’t at all as powerful as you are making them out to be.”

”Was there a question attached to that or did you just feel that a piece of gossip was relevant to this meeting?” He choked on his breath and cleared his throat with his eyes darting back and forth.

”What I’m saying is that why are you lying about them? We’ll just gather the warriors and head in.” A deep sigh escaped my lips.

”Go ahed, storm their pack, let your warriors have a go at them but when they cut your head of and throw it in front of your mother as proof of their power and your stupidity, try not to take it to hard.”

Sebastian leaned back up, his shoulders rose to his ears and a deep scowl grew on his face.

”They are powerful, more powerful than you, I and our packs combined and then some.”

”My son wasn’t trying to disrespect you-”

”Then teach him to keep his mouth shut.” I growled. ”Any and all stupid ideas take away from valuable time and will hereon forth be seen as obstacles in the path to find my mate. Is that clear?” They all bowed their heads but I saw the wheels turning in Aldo’s head. He was not about to let this one go unnoticed.

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