Rejected To Be Your Second Chance: Rejecting My Alpha Mate (Book 2)

: Chapter 49


I was showing our guests around the house, and while Dmitri and Aldo seemed fascinated, Sebastian had a deep scowl on his face the entire time as looked jealousy around at everything that wasn’t his.

”So your pack members live here?” He asked and touched a painting with his hand.

”No, they all have their own houses. The head warriors are the only ones who live in the house together with me and my family.”

”Anna, where do you live? In a shoebox?” He said and laughed. His laugh turned to grunt as his father slammed his elbow into Sebastian’s side.

”She lives here,” I said and looked at the kid. ”She’s Layla’s best friend; therefore, she is family.”

His eyes sank, and he stayed quiet after that, only throwing the occasional ugly glare at Anna from time to time, but she didn’t seem to mind.

We got back to the second floor and stopped as I waited for one of the warriors to come and take our guests to their rooms. Sebastian leaned over the railing, and his eyes were following something. Looking down, I could see what it was that had caught his attention, and she was coming up the stairs. I stepped an inch to the side, blocking Anna’s view of her, but I couldn’t very well cover her ears as well.

”Kade, do you have a moment?” Anna growled behind me and stepped around to see her.

”I’m busy right now,” Sebastian walked up to her and reached out his hand with a sleazy grin. ”I’m Alpha Sebastian, a friend of Alpha Kade’s.” Mason scoffed beside me and quickly covered up his mouth, that idiot.

”I’m Danielle, Alpha Kade’s mate.” Everyone froze in their positions. Sebastian’s Hand froze in the air, still holding onto Danielle’s, and his head slowly turned with furrowed brows and a devilish look in his eyes. Dmitri and Aldo looked equally confused as they looked between me and Danielle. Why the fuck did she have to say that?

’because it’s the truth. We still haven’t rejected her’ We will.

’Before or after we get our mate back?’

”Danielle and I were mates. She left, and I was mated to Layla.”

”So you have rejected each other?” Dimitri asked.

”We have not.” His face contorted in a grimace.

”How is it possible for you to be mated with two women?” I sighed and cursed the woman standing in front of me.

”It doesn’t matter.” Dimitri raised his head.

”It does matter. If we expect to trust one another, then I expect the same honesty from you that you do from us.” I couldn’t blame him for that, but truthfully and respectfully, this was none of his damn business.

”Danielle and I were mated, she left, and the mate bond grew weaker. Upon entering your pack for the meeting of Alphas, I met Layla and found that she was my second chance mate. That is all you need to know. Anything other than that is none of your concern.”

”If you already have a mate, then why not let Layla-”

My eyes glowed, and I growled loudly, everyone stepped back, and Dimitri shut his trap.

”Do not test me when it comes to her.” I growled, and he bowed his head.

”Alpha.” One of the head warriors came over to us with his hands clasped behind his back. Even Sebastian, an Alpha, felt his authority and squirmed in the back.

”The rooms are ready,” He said.

”You will be staying on this floor. your rooms are down the hall. Peter will show you to them now, and you can settle in. We’ll continue with our talk once you’ve settled.” Without speaking another word, they turned around and followed Peter down the hall. I saw the slight twitch on Dimitri, and he looked over his shoulder. Our eyes locked and something sneaky shone in them. I turned my head and looked at Danielle, only to find her staring at Dimitri.

She eventually turned and looked at me, and I was seething.

”Leave.” I ordered, and her eyes fell. She hung her head and plastered on a fake smile before turning towards the stairs.

”Do you trust them?” Mason asked.

”Not even a little bit.”


I was laying in bed, and staring at the ceiling. Sleep had been escaping me for days now, and though I was exhausted, I was kept up with the thoughts of Layla being out there instead of next to me. I couldn’t sleep without her. Hell, I could barely function without her. The only thing keeping me going was the need to find her. I need Layla.

My eyes drifted of, the ceiling looked like waves dancing in the sky and my head grew heavy against my pillow.

Are you there?

There was no response from my wolf. There was nothing around me but I was weirdly aware. Did I fall asleep? No, I still feel everything and the same thoughts are spinning in my head just as they did when i laid in my bed, so how the hell did I end up here?

‘open your eyes’

“who’s there?” I looked around but it felt like looking for a shadow in a pitch black room.

‘open your eyes, it’s okay’

My were were open, I was looking around but I couldn’t see anything.

‘open your eyes, Alpha Kade’

My eyes jerked open and that’s when I realized that I wasn’t asleep in my room but I wasn’t awake either, I was gone.

“hello,” her voice was smooth like silk with a deep touch, it reminded me of my mothers or less stern.

“who are you?” she giggled and smiled.

“you ask the same question,” my brows furrowed as I looked at the strange woman standing in front of me with her hands clasped in her front. Her back was straight, she clearly had no trouble with her confidence and a bright aura surrounded her.

“the same question as who?” the woman stepped forward and reached out her arm. Without even thinking about it I circled my arm in hers and led her into the wicker cottage. We walked through the small doorframe during which I had to duck. A teakettle was preparing on the stove and a fire was lit in the small fireplace in the corner.

“please, sit.” I took a seat, suddenly obidience wasn’t an issue. What the fuck was going on?

Why was I trusting a woman I had just met?

“Here you go,” she handed me the cup and I looked at it before placing it down on the table.

“Why am I here?” She stopped halfway down on her seat and then regally continued and placed one knee over the other.

“Because I need your help, things have progressed much faster than I anticipated.”

“You still haven’t told me who you are.” I said and leaned back on the chair.

“My name is Analise,” She said with a smile as she took a sip from the hot tea.

“And what do you want me to help you with?” She slowly placed the cup down and folded her hands on her knee.

“It is time you rejoined your mate. I will show you the way and you must hurry, Layla needs you.”

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