Rejected To Be Your Second Chance: Rejecting My Alpha Mate (Book 2)

: Chapter 44

”Come on, again!” I stumbled back, my hands rested on my knees as I bent over and panted. My hair fell in front of my face and sweat dripped down my body. I had to kick my shoes off and remove my over shirt when it got to warm and Nathaniel stood only in his jeans with the sun gleaming down on us. Pearls of sweat formed on his chest and fell down, disappearing into the waistband of his pants.

I brushed my hair back and stood up straight, staring tiredly at Nathaniel who continued the practice.

”One more time!” He shouted as though I couldn’t hear him perfectly fine.

My heart was beating quickly and my legs were turning to jelly beneath me.

”Fine,” i grunted and looked at him. My core clenched and an uneasy feeling filled me from top to toe.

My stomach turned and it felt like I was about to throw up. Staring into Nathaniels eyes I tried breaking past the walls he put up, the same ones that Kade had that kept me from seeing his memories.

”Come on.”

”I’m trying.”

”Try harder!” I stepped closer and lifted my hand, I touched my fingers against his cheek and stared deeply into his eyes as his body tensed beneath my touch. His guards went down and he was left exposed.

Flourishing flowers and a stone in hand he walked down a path that led to the stream. He placed the rock by the water, waving it off as it sunk beneath the surface. His little hand touched against the stones and he sat down with his toddler feet splashing in the water.

”Son, it’s important you learn how to lead our people. Your time is nearing faster than you think.” An older man came and sat next to him. It couldn’t be his father, could it?

He was much older, with greying hair and lines along his arms. Scars that were deep sat on his legs as they were bared by the shorts he wore.

”Are you leaving?” Nathaniel asked and looked with fear filled eyes up at the man.

”Not yet but I must teach you our ways before I do.”

”Am i gonna be alone?” His young voice shook with regret upon asking a question to which he didn’t want to hear an answer.

The old man placed his hand on Nathaniels scrawny shoulder and smiled.

”You’ll never be alone, you will always have your people and you will always have your title. With that comes a line of ancestors who have waited for the legacy’s to be carried on.” It was like a glitch happened and Nathaniels head spun from side to side before looking straight at me.

”Good job.” He praised and I came too.

Falling back on the ground I reached out and scraped my hands against the rough dirt.

Nathaniel shook his head and looked with a quizzical gaze down on the ground before slowly lifting his head. He came over and gave me his hand which I grabbed and was pulled back on my feet.

”You did it.” I dusted off my clothes and caught my breath.

”Who was the man?” He turned and looked at the rocks laying by the river, that’s when I realized it was the exact same spot as in the memory.

”I’ll tell you one day.”

”How did it go?” Justin pushed off from the wall when we came back. Nathaniel walked back to the house and talked to a few people on the way.

I watched as he bent down and picked up a pup, placing him on his shoulders and laughing from the ride.

”It was good, I saw his memories,” Justins smile faltered and he bit together.

”Really,” I nodded my head and stared at him. Why was he acting so strange? He should be happy for me, this is what we’ve been working on for the past few days.

”Why aren’t you happy?” He shook his head and smiled but it was forced and not at all the cheeky one I was used too.

”I am happy, it’s great. Congrats,”

Justin walked away and I followed after him. His shoulders stiffened and pressed up against his ears; his fingers were flexing by his side and he was looking at the road in front of him like he wanted to kill it.

”Hey, stop,” I grabbed his arm and pulled him back. ”What’s going on with you?’ Justin sighed and he was in turmoil with himself, it was obvious but why wouldn’t he just tell me?

”It’s nothing. i’m glad you did well, let’s eat.”

Justin opened the door to my house and pulled out groceries from my fridge. Not that I was complaining, I didn’t have to cook so I just sat back and waited for the food to be ready. Justin started picking out the different pots and pans and cut into the garlic and onions.

He was deep in thought and barely said two words during the whole meal prep.

I wanted to ask what was on his mind but I had a feeling he wouldn’t be honest so I just sat there and drank my water. His eyebrows hunched together and he was slamming the knife down a little too hard on the poor vegetables.

He placed the stake and fries on plates for us and slid mine over with a basil garnish and sauce. The plate reached me and before he had a chance to pull his hand away i placed my hand over his. Justins eyes shot up and I felt him relaxing under my hand.

”What’s wrong?” Shaking his head he pulled back his hand.

I got up and walked around the counter. My hand landed softly on his arm and he clenched his jaw.


”Tell me what’s wrong, something is clearly bothering you.” He stepped away again so i grabbed on harder. Justin reached out and pulled my hand and I yelped as he spun me around and pressed me back against the fridge with my hand locked behind my back. He leaned in and I felt his breath fanning my face. His cheeks were turing red and hot and his chest pressed up against mine.

”Justin,” i said softly.

”Stop.” He clenched his jaw and closed his eyes. His fingers wrapped tighter around my wrist and the cold fridge door was pressing against my skin.

Trying to break free was useless, his eyes shot open and I gulped.

”Why aren’t you happy that I succeeded?”

”Because now he knows that you can.” Justin growled lowly and his eyes started glowing.

I drew a shaky breath and slumped back against the fridge.

”Why-why is that bad?”

”You shouldn’t have done it,” Justin was gazing deep into my eyes and they flickered down to my lips.

”You’re freaking me out, what’s going on here?” He leaned in, his lips hovering by my ear.

”Watch your back.” He whispered and carefully leaned back as he let go of my arm. It was a warning and after he said it he went back to normal.

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