Rejected Queen

Chapter Inside info

Ch 21

Trinity pov

I’m sound asleep when instantly my body wakes me up hissing to the room. I see his silhouette sitting in the corner just watching me. To say that I’m a little creeped out is an understatement. I slowly relax when he just sits there.

“Why are you here, Raston? What is it that you want from me? Why don’t we just get this over with already?”

“I’m here just observing you sleep. You looked so peaceful, and I wish I could have been the one to bring that to you. I don’t want anything from you yet, nor do I want to fight you just yet. I’m unsure if I want to now. Why not just live here forever.”

I jump off the bed and bolt for him while he just sits there. The moment I get close enough I jump through the air landing hard on his lap with my hand around his neck baring my teeth. He just sits there and stares at me smirking. Why is he smirking looking at me?

I feel a hand snake up my back into my hair and my head is whipped backwards exposing my neck. His other hand snakes around my waist pulling me hard into his lap where I instantly feel his hardening cock pressing hard into my core. I’m instantly disgusted but it doesn’t last long. I feel almost a sense of relaxation come across my body and relax into him. I feel him move and soon feel his hot breath on my neck moving across my mark from Tarnac. My mind tries to fight back but my body will not respond. In fact it does the complete opposite and I start grinding on his lap whimpering.

I hear a groan erupt from him when I’m instantly pushed off and fall to the floor on my back. I look up in shock when I see him stand up and quickly walk out the door cursing under his breath. I feel my body still wanting him and feel sick to my stomach. I quickly run to the bathroom and jump in a cold shower. What the hell is going on with me? Why am I acting this way? How is he controlling me to do this kind of thing? I quickly strip and walk in to try and get my brain to calm down.

I just place my hands and forehead against the wall letting the cold water hit my body. I’m so wrapped up in my thoughts that I don’t even realize the water is getting warmer. Almost as if someone is changing the temperature aside from me. Without warning a hand snakes in between my breasts wrapping around my throat pulling me backwards against something rock hard. I can feel his cock pressing hard against my ass when my body instantly relaxes and I start to whimper.

My body starts rubbing against his cock when his hand around my neck starts to squeeze just slightly. His other hand finds its way in between my legs and my legs instantly start to shake. My brain is trying to fight everything that is going on but my body will have none of it. It will not listen to anything I’m trying to do. I feel him rubbing in between my legs and the whimpering becomes louder.

In an instant I’m whipped around and picked up with my back slammed against the shower wall. my hands land on his chest when I look straight into his eyes. I can feel his muscles moving under my hands while he holds me up by my thighs. I feel his hardened member press hard into my core and just close my eyes begging for this to stop and for my body to stop this. We have a mate and I can only imagine how Tarnac is handling this. I open my eyes just as his face gets closer to mine and know I need to do something.

“Please stop.”

That’s all I could whisper out when he stops and just stares at me. He instantly puts me down, backing up and turns walking away. I can hear the roaring and yelling as he is leaving and I instantly drop to my knees on the floor bawling. How can he be controlling my body like this? I can’t keep doing this day after day. This needs to end.


Tarnac pov

To say I’m beyond livid right now is a hundred percent accurate. How dare he touch her. That is my mate and yet his hands are all over her. I’m disgusted that she is even enjoying it but I’m assured that it’s not her. He has her under a spell and is trying to get her to fall for his charms so he can easily end her. Either way I don’t like it one bit. How can anyone like their mate being touched?

I decide that I just need to walk so I head out the main entrance and just stand there in the field getting fresh air. I think of everything from the day she was attacked, to sitting by her bedside, to finding out I was her second chance mate. It seems to have moved so fast and slow at the same time. From the moment we had to run, to me shifting the first time to my white wolf. Now I’m having to wait this out until either she is killed or Raston is killed.

Then it hits me like a ton of bricks! What if she’s killed? How would I even go on? What would I do? No wait I can’t think like that? She will make it right? She has to! How can someone like Raston defeat her? She’s the strongest woman I know!

I’m interrupted from my thoughts with a hand touching my forearm. I stop and look over and see Misty and Baphomet. I just look back out over the open field to the forest edge and just stare in silence.

“We know you are scared. Please don’t be. We know our daughter is perfectly capable of ending it at any time. She just has to realize it.”

“Misty, how do you know that she can?”

“Tarnac, not only did she inherit my abilities, but she also inherited her fathers. She can go down to where he is and end it, but she has to discover that she can. Until then Raston will keep playing his game thinking he can’t be touched.”

“How can we let her know that she can end it? There must be a way? I can’t communicate with her but Maybe someone else can? Maybe you Baphomet?”

“The moment I try to even go down there he will know. That will put her life in danger, and we don’t want that.”

“Ok well can you mind link her?”

“I can try but that will also put her life at risk if I’m caught.”

“There has to be a way! I can’t just let my mate fall for this piece of trash!”

“There might be a way. I might be able to contact Moira. It’s a long shot but if she can get the info through a demon to Trinity we may have a shot.”

I watch his eyes gloss over and shake his head. He’s going through everyone that is near her and can’t get through. I can tell he’s getting frustrated as the connections have been cut left and right. We patiently wait when he holds up his hands. I can see him smirking when his eyes finally return to normal.

“Ok I couldn’t get ahold of Moira or any demon remotely near her. But did manage to get a hold of one that is outside the perimeter of Raston’s reach. He has taken the info and will pass it to someone on the inside. It may take a bit but it will get to her quickly. We just have to wait.”

“Let’s hope it goes quickly. I’m going to go crazy waiting.”

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