Rejected Queen

Chapter Demands

Ch 18

Baphomet pov

When I left the cave and started walking I could hear Trinity screaming and it tore my heart out. I finally got to have a relationship and now I’m walking away again. Although this time I do have intentions to return this time. Although hearing her scream after me reminded me of the day I walked away from her mom Misty. The screaming after me when all I saw was what I wanted for me. Not what I should have wanted for us.

Looking back now and seeing how selfish I was. Except I can’t change the past, even if I wanted to. I made my decisions and have to live with the consequences. I’m just happy that now I get a second chance if you will. I have a chance to make things right and be there for my daughter and support her.

I make my way to the edge of the forest and walk in taking a deep breath. I close my eyes and take a step forward and when I open them I am in Lucifer’s layer. I look around and see his little pets slowly moving along the walls just watching me. They know that I’m still powerful and can cause trouble but they aren’t who I want.


No answer. I know he has to be somewhere so I start going room by room all while being watched by the little pets everywhere. I find Moira who is startled when I call her name.

“Moira I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you.”

“It’s ok Baphomet. It’s been quiet around here since Lucifer is gone now. I know who you’re looking for and I have no clue where he is. He pops in and out and asks if anyone has come looking for him.”

“Do you know where he goes from here?”

“That I don’t. Sorry.”

I nod my head and continue looking around when I make my way back to the main entrance. The only other place that he would be would be in the throne room which I would not be able to get to by myself. Hell I don’t even know if Trinity would be able to get to it. I keep looking around thinking when I see one of Lucifer’s pets start making their way towards me crawling across the ground.

These things always creeped me out. Solid black with red beady eyes. I watch it as it extends his arm towards me and drops something about a foot away. The moment it’s dropped it scurries away back to the wall. I look down and see a folded up piece of paper. I walk over picking it up and slowly unfolding it, noticing there is writing inside. I look up as I continue unfolding because I can only imagine what it says.

“You know who I want! Don’t come back without the bitch!”

I look around at the pets and they just stare. I walk over to Lucifer’s office and find a pen to write back. I take a deep breath right before I respond so I don’t tear the paper to shreds.

“Listen you little piece of shit. You think you are so tough because you have taken over Lucifer’s position, but you have no clue how wrong you are. I will be back with her.”

I threw the pen down and folded the paper back up and turned around to walk back to the entry. When I make my way back into the room I don’t see any of the little pets anywhere. Where did they all go? I figure they were told to leave me so I say to myself fuck it and I’ll just go back. I take a step forward to go to the forest and I’m still in the entry.

I’m puzzled so I close my eyes and take a step. I feel no change in the atmosphere so I open one eye and I’m still in the same entry. What the hell is going on? How am I still here? I start running around to try and find Moira and even she is gone. What the hell is going on?

I go running back into the entry when I see him standing there. Since he took over Lucifer’s position he is now as big as Lucifer was. I just stare at him seething through my teeth when he just looks up and smirks at me.

“Now did you really think I would just let you go back to them? To what, go get reinforcements. You know even if you got them down here they wouldn’t get down to the throne room. Let alone even here. See I have my little pets and they know that I’m in charge now since Lucifer is gone. I’ve been away but as soon as I felt him killed I knew it was time to take my spot.”

“You won’t get away with this Raston! She will kill you!”

“No she won’t. See now that I’m the new ruler here these little pets follow my orders. So if I wanted to have them kill you I would. But I need a reason for her to come. So I will be sending a nice little note up to the surface for her to come alone. Then when she does this will end and she will be gone and out of my way.”

I can feel the rage rising and I launch myself across the room straight at him when I’m grabbed by his little pets and held back.

“You won’t win, Raston!”

“Oh just wait. Maybe I’ll be nice and give you a front row seat while I end her life.”

At that moment he starts laughing and disappears with all these pets. I stumble from being off balance when I just stand there. I’m stuck here and who knows what he’s doing to get ahold of her. I might as well get something to eat since I will be here for a while.

I walk over to the kitchen and start looking to see what there is. I make a sandwich and grab some chips with water and sit in the dining room. I know he is going to make me wait for a while. Who knows when he is going to get a hold of Trinity. He will probably make her wait a while so she can freak out because I’m not back yet.

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