Rejected Luna Queen

Chapter 7

Nesta’s POV

As dawn’s soft light pierced through the canopy of trees, I stirred from my makeshift bed of earth and leaves, aching and disoriented. The ground beneath me felt foreign, a cruel reminder of the vast unknown that surrounded me.

For hours, I had been lost in a frantic escape, fleeing from shadows and echoes of the past. Each step was a painful echo of the rejection that shattered my heart, leaving me adrift in a sea of loneliness.

With heavy limbs and a heavier heart, I rose from the ground, my body weary from the relentless pursuit of an elusive solace. The memories of Rowan and Nolan, once so vivid and cherished, now felt like distant whispers in the wind, their absence leaving a void that no amount of running could fill

The realisation of their rejection settled upon me like a heavy cloak, I faltered, consumed by the weight of my own shattered dreams. Dreams I dared to have because I was played.

In that moment, surrounded by the silent wilderness, I felt the full force of my solitude. The ache of longing and the sting of betrayal intertwined, weaving a tapestry of pain that threatened to engulf me whole.

But still, I stood, my spirit battered but unbroken, a solitary figure in a world that had turned its back on me. I have more to. do now that I wasn’t alone. But it is so hard. So hard I couldn’t move.

I gazed into the horizon, my heart heavy with grief, I knew that the road ahead would be long and arduous. But with each step forward. I vowed to carry the memory of Rowan and Nolan with me, a bittersweet reminder of a love lost but never forgotten

Each memory of their cruel rejection felt like a hammer shattering the fragile glass of my heart, sending a cascade of shards scattering across the desolate landscape of my soul. With each recollection, the pain cut deeper, carving fissures of anguish that seemed to stretch into eternity.

It was as if their words were knives, slicing through the tender fabric of my being, leaving behind wounds that bled with the bitter sting of betrayal. Every moment replayed in my mind like a relentless torment, each rejection echoing like a haunting refrain in the caverns of my shattered heart.

I could feel the weight of their indifference pressing down upon me, a suffocating burden that threatened to crush me beneath its relentless force. And with each passing moment, the realisation of their callousness pierced me like a thousand needles, leaving me gasping for breath in a sea of sorrow.

But even as my heart lay broken and bleeding, I knew that I would endure. For within the depths of my pain, there flickered a spark of resilience, a defiant flame that refused to be extinguished by the darkness of their rejection


And though the scars they left behind may never fully heal, I would rise, stronger and more resilient than before, a telltale to the indomitable spirit that resides within us all. Not that I could feel any divine strength within me.

I stood, the weight of their rejection pressing down upon me like a suffocating blanket, tears streamed down my cheeks in a torrent of anguish and despair. Each sob wracked my body, threatening to buckle my already weakened resolve as I took faltering steps away from the territory I once called home.

The realisation of my own insignificance pierced me like a dagger to the heart, leaving me feeling like nothing more than a discarded relic, cast aside and forgotten in the wake of their ascent to power.

The knowledge that I had been nothing more than a pawn in their game, a tool to be used and discarded at their convenience, cut me to the core. They shouldn’t have played me like they did..

They shouldn’t have led me to believe we had something. They shouldn’t have led me to believe that our futures are intertwined together forever. I always knew that it was too good to be true but I was also easily convinced.

And yet, even as I stumbled forward, the pain of their betrayal still fresh upon my lips, a flicker of defiance ignited within me.

Though I may have been discarded, I refused to be forgotten. With each step I took, I vowed to reclaim my own worth, to forge a new path untethered by the shadows of their manipulation. I don’t need them to do that.

For I may have been used, but I would not be defined by their actions. I was more than just a pawn in their game. I was a survivor, a warrior, and though my heart may be broken, I would not all their cruelty to extinguish the fire that burned within me.

I disappeared into the wilderness, a lone figure against the backdrop of an unforgiving world, I knew that my journey was far from over. This is just the start but one thing is for sure, I am done with my mates and done with Red Moon Pack.

I stood, tears mingling with the determination etched upon my face, I knew that this moment marked the dawn of a new beginning.

With the gentle flutter of life blossoming within me, the weight of responsibility bore down upon my shoulders like a mantle of stars, each twinkle a promise of the future that awaited.

Gazing out into the vast expanse before me, I felt a surge of resolve coursing through my veins, fueled by the fierce love that welled within my heart. Though the shadows of my former pack loomed heavy in my mind. I refused to be shackled by the chains of the past.

For in the depths of my soul, I harboured a fierce determination to carve out a better life for myself and the precious life growing within me.

Je may not mirror the power and presence of Rowan and Nolan, but it would be a life forged with my own hands, steeped in the strength of my own spirit. They gave me the strength I need now without knowing.

With each step forward, I vowed to embrace the challenges that lay ahead, to confront them with unwavering courage and unyielding resolve.

With every fibre of my being. I would strive to create a world where my child could thrive, where love and kindness reigned supreme. I don’t need Rowan’s power or Nolan’s constant love to raise my child.

So, with my head held high and my heart ablaze with determination, I stepped boldly into the unknown, ready to embrace the adventure that awaited. It might be difficult in every sense but I will make it.

For I may not know what lies ahead, but one thing was certain: I would make it through, no matter the cost. I did in the past. I will continue to survive and thrive.

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