Rejected Luna Queen

Chapter 12

Nesta’s POV

After walking for what felt like an eternity, my weary legs carrying me through stumbled upon a pack that seemed like a beacon of hope in the vast wilderness.

ed terrain and treacherous paths. I

Relief flooded through me like a warm tide as I beheld the welcoming sight of their territory, nestled amidst towering trees and lush foliage.

With newfound energy coursing through my veins, I quickened by pace, eager to join their ranks and find solace in the safety of their embrace

But as I drew nearer, the atmosphere shifted, a palpable tension hanging heavy in the air like a storm on the horizon. Something was wrong.

The wolves on patrol regarded me with wary eyes, their expressions grim and unyielding. Gone was the warmth and hospitality I had hoped to find, replaced instead by a steely resolve that sent a shiver of unease down my spine.

Despite their menacing demeanor, I pressed on, determined to prove myself worthy of their trust and acceptance.

But as I approached the heart of their territory, the truth became painfully clear: this was not the haven I had imagined. And I promised myself not to go back to the same hell I left in the Red Moon Pack.

The wolves surrounding me bore their teeth in a silent warning, their hostility palpable as they barred my path with menacing growls. I jumped back almost falling but protectively held my tummy.

Fear clenched at my heart, threatening to overwhelm me as I realized that my hopes of finding refuge had been nothing more than a cruel illusion. This wasn’t what I expected.

With a heavy heart, I turned away, the sting of disappointment burning like a brand upon my soul.

Though the journey had been long and arduous, I knew that I could not risk my safety by staying in a pack that viewed mel with such hostility. I won’t make the same mistake twice.

And so, with a weary sigh and the weight of problems heavy upon my shoulders, I resumed my lonely journey, knowing that the road ahead would be fraught with the unknown.

But even as I walked away, I vowed to never lose hope, to keep searching for a pack that would welcome me with open arms and offer me the sense of belonging I so desperately craved.

There are always good ones out there.

My heart heavy, I approached another pack and the wolves on parrol, hoping to find refuge and acceptance within their pack. But as their steely gazes met mine, I could sense the rejection hanging in the air like a heavy cloak, suffocating me with its finality.

Their words cut through me like a knife, each syllable a painful reminder of my own inadequacy in their eyes. The way the other ones were staring at my body made me shiver in displeasure.

“We don’t accept hungry and homeless–looking rogues here,” they spat, their voices dripping with disdain. “You should


Heartbroken, tears welled up in my eyes, betraying the depth of my despair as I struggled to come to terms with their rejection. I don’t know if it is because I was betrayed by my mates not long ago not this hurts.

It felt like a dagger to the heart, the realization that even in my time of need, I was not worthy of their compassion or understanding.


Chapter 12

With a trembling voice–1 pleaded, for a chance to prove myself worthy of their acceptance. But my words fell on deaf ears. drowned out by the echo of their disdain as they turned their backs on me, leaving me to face the harsh reality of my


Tears streaming down my face like a broken faucet, I turned away, the weight of their rejection pressing down upon me like. a crushing weight.

Though I knew that I had to leave, the pain of their dismissal lingered, a bitter reminder of the loneliness that awaited me beyond the borders of their territory. I want to belong somewhere. Is that too much to ask?

Each step I took I vowed to never forget the sting of their rejection, to carry it with me as a reminder of the cruelty that lurked within the hearts of some. I won’t ever come to this pack again no matter what.

That was how I went through many other rejections from other different packs. With each rejection weighing heavier than the last, Lfound myself strutting through a maze of despair and disillusionment.

The wolves‘ disdainful glances and harsh words echoed in my mind, leaving me to question whether Rowan and Nolan, my once trusting and loving companions, had somehow influenced their decisions.

I mean, they are powerful enough to do so.

I faced rejection after rejection, the seed of doubt took root within me, blossoming into a gnawing suspicion that ate away at. the foundations of my trust.

Had Rowan and Nolan betrayed me further by doing this? Because I feel like I don’t even know the Rowan and Nolan I lived with. I’m sure I was just toyed that way too.

With each encounter, the weight of my uncertainty grew, casting a shadow over my every thought and action. The wolves refusal to accept me seemed too coordinated, too deliberate to be mere coincidence, leaving me to wonder if I had been deceived all along.

But even as doubt gnawed at the edges of my resolve, a flicker of defiance burned bright within me. I refused to believe that Rowan and Nolan would betray me in such a callous manner, casting me aside like a discarded toy is enough.

Surely, there had to be some other explanation, some reason why I found myself rejected time and time again. Maybe I just look too skinny and boney for them to keep. Maybe they don’t want rogues.

With a weary soul, I pressed on, determined to uncover the truth behind the wolves‘ rejection and reclaim the sense of belonging that had been torn from me. I know I will find the light at the end of the tunnel. The tunnel is deep though.

I trudged through the wilderness, my spirit battered and weary from the relentless string of rejections, a sense of defeat threatened to consume me whole.

With each rejection, the weight of despair grew heavier upon my shoulders, dragging me further into the depths of desolation. This cannot be happening when I have a baby. I haven’t eaten good food in days. Only water and leaves.

The thought of giving up, of surrendering to the cruel whims of fate, loomed large in my mind, tempting me with the sweet promise of oblivion. I am so tired I want everything to just end.

What was the point in continuing on, I wondered, when it seemed that every door had been firmly shut in my face?

But just as I teetered on the brink of surrender, a glimmer of hope pierced through the darkness. It looks too good to be true but I want to try my dark luck and see what happens.

The nth pack I encountered welcomed me with open arms, their warm smiles and friendly demeanor a stark contrast to the cold indifference I had faced elsewhere. I was shocked to say the least.

Filled with relief and gratitude, I eagerly accepted their invitation to meet with their alpha, my spirits buoyed by the possibility of finding acceptance at last.

Though doubt still lingered in the recesses of my mind, I dared to hope that this pack would offer me the sense of belonging I had so desperately sought.

I set out to meet with their alpha, the weight of my past failures falling away like shackles from my ankles. For in that moment, surrounded by the warmth of newfound acceptance, I knew that no obstacle could stand in the way of my quest for belonging

This is it for me.

A sense of cautious optimism bloomed within me, mingling with the lingering shadows of doubt that still clung to my weary soul.

But as they greeted me with warm smiles and open arms, the weight of my burdens seemed to lift, replaced instead by a sense of hope and possibility.

“Welcome,” one of them said, their voice gentle and reassuring. We’re glad you found your way to us.”

Another nodded in agreement, their eyes filled with genuine kindness. “We understand how difficult it can be to find acceptance in this world, but know that you are welcome here, among us.”

Their words washed over me like a balm, soothing the raw edges of my wounded spirit and filling me with a sense of gratitude I had not felt in far too long.

Tears pricked at the corners of my eyes as I struggled to find the words to express my thanks. I discreetly placed my hand against my belly to comfort my baby. We have found a home.

Thank you, I managed to choke out, my voice thick with emotion. “L… I can’t tell you how much this means to me.” With a gentle pat on the shoulder and a reassuring smile, they ushered me forward, their silent support a touch of light in the darkness that had threatened to engulf me, I followed them towards their alpha..

If his people are this welcoming, I’m sure he will be too

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