Rejected Luna Queen

Chapter 11

Nolan’s POV

I made my way down the hall, my thoughts consumed by the inpending conversation with my mother, the sound of muffled voices and the creak of a bedframe caught my attention

Curiosity piqued, I veered off course, drawn towards my brother’s chamber like a moth to a flamme. I mean, I have never heard something like this though I have a feeling I know what was going on.

As I approached, the sounds grew louder, and a knot of unease twisted in my stomach. Pushing open the door, I was met with a scene that stopped me in my tracks.

There, eutwined in a passionate embrace, were my brother, the alpha king, and Nora, the woman who had once rejected him. I know I shouldn’t be watching so I closed the door but stayed outside.

Shock and disbelief coursed through me, mingling with a surge of emotions I couldn’t quite name.

Although the encounter was unexpected, I couldn’t help but feel happy for Nora and Rowan. Their love was genuine, and I knew that they deserved each other’s companionship and affection.

“Oh fuck! Right there, Ro!” Nora screamed at the top of lungs, a shriek soon followed because it sounds like he has found the spot

“You want it hard huh?” Rowan’s voice came guttural as the sound of skin against skin kept smashing from the room.

“Yes! Only from you. Nora’s voice was getting broken in between words but can be heard clearly.

“Yeah, just me. You are fucking mine. Yeah?” I beard the sound of smacking which should probably be a spank or slap to the breast

Fuck. I should be hard imagining those things and hearing them but my cock lay dormant after its raging storm earlier from my dream. My hand slowly made its way to my slacks hoping to raise it. No luck.

Using the heel of my hand, I rub the underside of my dick to make sure it’s there. Then why the hell isn’t it stirring hearing my brother having sex with his childhood lover and mate?

Is something freaking wrong with me? It was hard a few minutes ago from a dream but I can’t get it to be hard again now? This cannot be fucking happening right now. I don’t like where this is going at all. I will make sure it isn’t what I’m thinking.

I made a move to go when Nora’s scream pierced through my eyes. Thank God the guards were dismissed and they aren’t hearing this. I stood a little longer hoping to get my dick to harden.


“Yes yes yes yes. Just you. I’m yours forever. Fuck me please. Hander, Ro. She begged and I think she was crying literal tears.

I have never seen my brother fuck any woman before because I was too far away, then deep into mourning when our father was killed. I saw him fucking only one person and that was Nesta. He was a brute.

My dick just HARDENEDI

At the thought of Rowan fucking Nesta and not what I could actually hear and watch if I wanted to right now? What game are the deities trying to play with me right now? Are they trying to toy with me or something?

Fury boiled within me like a tempest, threatening to consume me whole as I stormed away from the scene of Nora and Rowan’s intimacy, I don’t want to hear them having sex anymore!

Anger at myself mingled with frustration, a toxic cocktail that churned in the pit of my stomach, twisting my thoughts into a tangled mess of self–loathing and regret.

With each step I took, the weight of my own betrayal bore down upon me like a suffocating weight

How could I have allowed myself to succumb to oughts of Nesta for the second time that morning, especially after witnessing the love shared between Nora and my brother?

The memory of her intrusion into my dreams taunted me like a ghost, a constant reminder of the weakness that lurked within me.

I despised myself for allowing her to infiltrate my thoughts, for giving her the power to disrupt my peace of mind with her unwelcome prevence I have never done that before

I made my way through the palace halls, the echoes of my anger reverberated off the walls, a silent testament to the turmoil raging within me.

I needed to find my mother, to seek solace in her wisdom and guidance, to purge myself of the toxic emotions that threatened to consume me whole.

With each passing moment, my determination grew stronger, fueled by the knowledge that I could not allow myself to be undone by my own weaknesses.

For though the road ahead may be fraught with obstacles, I knew that I had the strength within me to overcome them, to rise above the darkness that threatened to engulf me.

And so, with my jaw set in a firm line and my fists clenched at my sides, I pressed on, ready for my mother because I know she is going to get on my nerves with yet another Healer talk even though she knew I loathed them.

What people in the Lore still don’t know is that I found every single Healer in the Lore and killed them myself because couldn’t stand them after what they had done. I didn’t care that we needed them to survive.

They don’t deserve to breathe after what they did. Nesta should be lucky I’m allowing her to go Scot free. They weren’t giver that privilege. I still want to find her and end her though.

One thing she did great, healed my brother. I don’t care whether I get to hear again or not. But my brother needed to walk as the Alpha King he is. He has been glowing ever since.

That is the only reason why Nesta is out there still roaming around and breathing. Maybe even cursing us in her head for leading her on and rejecting her. Naive little fool thinking she could have us.

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