Rejected? Deuces! A Gay Werewolf Novella

Chapter Chapter Nine (Third-Person POV)

Alpha Female Ciara Zallenda was staring at the expansive land of her pack that had a good view of the Rocky Mountains. The noonday sun was shining through the dark thunderclouds, a sign of a calming afternoon after the storm. But her mind was currently focused on a certain comatose werewolf that she was proud to call her best friend, even after he performed the Soul Conversion and cut off all ties with the supernatural.

She knew that Carson deserved much better than the fate he was originally given, even more so when she learned that he lived a good bit of his two years as a human and met her new best friend Gia and her family. In the reports she was given by her trusted trackers and human spies, she found out that Carson was smart enough to get his GED and take classes at the local community college while taking time to be a father figure for Gia’s two daughters (her goddaughters) Larae and Tamia after their biological father died from a rogue’s bite.

Ciara was more elated when she learned that Carson decided to be a real man for Gia and proposed to her, making the Dark Dahlia pack celebrate and welcome him into the coven with open arms and offer him a place as a researcher, which he accepted.

But her good memories with her best friend would be no more once she learned from Gia’s older sister Fianna and her mother Marianne that on the day that the soon-to-be-married couple and the two little girls would suffer from a car crash thanks to a drunk driver who blew the red light and ended the lives of three ladies and place Carson in the hospital where he was fighting for his life while in a coma.

He had suffered many broken bones and had lacerations across the side of his stomach. And to make matters worse, he had severe brain trauma that some of the finest doctors- both human and were-shifters alike- had said that Carson would need to have his first mate accept him by the end of the week... or he would die.

And that saddened her as much as the constant ignorance and arrogance of her brother made her furious. She knew that Regan would be stubborn in his ways of taking a female as his mate and wanting all omegas to either remain slaves, sacrificial lambs or sold to be breeding stock. She knew that her grandfather taught both of his grandchildren to be better than what he was and was reminded of what her equally vicious uncle did to his first mate- which exiled him from the supernatural completely.

And now, her comatose human was suffering from more heartbreak every time that Regan was still set of being a homophobic asshole with a heart made of stone. She had her suspicions that he was going to kill Carson and make a play to overthrow the entire werewolf species by assassinating the Werewolf Kings (Carson’s real parents) and taking the throne for his own. And that was a fool’s game in her eyes, if not treacherous and dangerous.

Because to try and overthrow the two strongest kings and dare to dispose of the omegas was a sign of treason in the Werewolf Community and it was punishable by death or banishment from the shifter realm, doomed to be a human for all eternity since shifters and vampires can live forever.

The door of her bedroom swung open, revealing a grim-faced Fianna and Kings Iain and Archer as they came into the room. “Any signs of Carson waking up?” Ciara asked, snapping out of her thoughts as she turned to the trio.

“No change,” Fianna said sadly, looking down at her black shoes. “We just buried Gia and the kids and everyone at the funeral is praying for Carson to wake up.”

“What about the Eight, the ones who saw Carson and claimed him as their mate?”

King Iain smiled wistfully. “They’re holding up, but they think that Carson might die at any moment,” he said. “His hospital room is full of flowers by the dozen and left with many boxes of chocolates, jewelry, even had several stuffed animals alongside the stuffed bear and lion that Archer and I left him earlier.”

“We were finally ready to meet our son at the supposed wedding of him and Gia before this happened, and now my husband and I might never know what he’s like,” Archer said, letting a tear fall down his face. “And that bastard of your brother is planning on killing him and taking the throne as his?! He deserves to die by our hands.”

“I can’t agree with you any more than I already do,” Ciara said firmly. “Regan’s always this stubborn little shit with the heart of black tar and the IQ of a peanut. Why is he my brother in the first place, I’ll never know.”

“If he doesn’t wake up, Carson that is, what will you do?” Fianna said. “He has a plot next to my sister, but I know that he’ll need-”

“Carson will be given the finest funeral that’s known to all mankind and the supernaturals,” Ciara said, cutting her friend off. “You can lay him next to your sister, though. I know that he loved her very much and treated your nieces like princesses.”

Fianna smiled. “He did. he made them big meals and let his wife have some peace after working long shifts at the diner by taking the girls out to dinner and movies. He even threw the twins a joint birthday bash last year that’s still the talk of the town,” she said. “And Gia? Well, he made sure that she got a hot meal even when she was tired and made her very happy. Those two were a match made by the Moon Goddess, though the Eight can make him very happy if he wakes up.”

“I can’t agree more,” King Iain said. “Carson didn’t have it easy as an omega, thanks to your brother. I can only hope that Carson gets his second chance and that the Moon Goddess has a plan for all of this. But even if Carson dies... I pray that she takes him into her bosom and lets him have his peace.”

And just like that, the tears began to flow as the four embraced each other in hopes that Carson would either wake up... or cross over to the other side. In either case, they knew that Carson deserved better in life.

He really did.

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