Rejected? Deuces! A Gay Werewolf Novella

Chapter Chapter Five (Regan/Carson)

Regan’s POV

My eyes fluttered open slowly as I sat up on the bed, immediately noticing that I was in the infirmary with the pack’s doctor (an Amazonian woman with coffee-colored skin and long black hair) was staring down at me. “Doctor,” I grunted, wincing slightly from the punch on the face by King Iain and King Archer.

“Young Master Zallenda, I can see that you’re on the mend,” she said crisply in her light Portuguese accent. “And all I can tell you is that you’re really in for it this time. If I wasn’t bound to my oath as a doctor, I would’ve gone through with my wolf’s plans to poison you for what you and that Keith brat did to that sweet boy you rejected.”

Oh, great. Another fan of the runt. “Doc, where’s my family?” I asked instead.

“Oh, they’re in for the night and so are the witches and the kings. They’re not too happy for what you did and as far as I know, you’re lucky that the punch was all you were given. They ought to eat you alive and feed your remains to the wolves,” the doctor replied. “And as for Carson, you still have time to make amends. You have until midnight in three days to accept him as your mate.”

“Doc, I’m not accepting him as my mate,” I replied. “He’s probably better off dead or in a coma for life. If anything, he needed to be left in the woods to die when he was born.”

She narrowed her eyes at me, her wolf ready to pounce on me but decided to keep it at bay. Smart chick. “Then you’re a heartless bastard,” she said. “Unlike Fianna, I only pity you. Any man would be lucky to claim the boy as his mate. And from where I stand, you’re only thinking about your pride. It’s the 21st century, boy. Male Alphas are claiming male omegas left and right and they are cherished every single day. hell, my brother found himself a sweet omega male and they’re having their second pup after giving birth to twin boys. You, however, are still blinded by bias and hate. Tell me this, would you reject a female omega?”

“Honestly? Yeah,” I said. “I need someone smart, pretty, and strong to be my wife and no weakling will break my promised dynasty. And as for Carson, I’m still set on him needing to die. I’m better off without him and so is this pack.”

The doctor sighed heavily, mumbling a string of words in Portuguese. “All I can say to you is that you are a bastard with a heart of ice,” she said. “Now if you’ll excuse me, I have my mate and pups to get to. Unlike you, I have a family that still loves me, and my omega husband is one I plan to make happy until death does us part.”

With that, she grabbed her purse and left me in the makeshift bedroom to my thoughts.

Carson, Carson, Carson. Even when he’s comatose, he still means trouble. I just sighed and headed back to the cot, closing my eyes and ignoring my wolf’s cries for the boy with the chocolate skin and the copper eyes.


Carson’s POV

First, I lost my mate who wanted nothing to do with me.

Then, I lost the people who gave me home before I was told to leave.

Now, I lose the one woman who showed me that life could be beautiful and her two daughters who have kept me from despair: Gia, Tamia, and Larae- the three people that I planned to make a family by making Gia as my wife and her two little girls as my daughters. Her mother Marianne and her sister Fianna said that I deserved this second chance of life and I was better off without Regan the Brute.

Maybe I was. Who can say?

But after the drunk driver that ended the life of my future wife and her daughters, I was now ready to just leave this earth and accept my fate into the afterlife. Maybe I would get another chance of life- be reborn into someone stronger and more powerful. But if not, that was fine because I would be reunited with the three people that I wanted to have in my life. Besides, one life on earth was plenty for me.

I was now floating in a dark void, the same one where all the souls of the dying and the comatose were waiting and I had seen two souls (vampires) enter into heaven and a banshee heading back to the living. Me? I was still waiting for my turn.

And then, I see a bright light as it grew brighter and took up the form of a long and statuesque woman with the skin the color of mine and her blonde hair flowing like wheat in the summer. She wore a long white gown like a wedding dress as her diamond tiara shone in her aura. “Rise, my child,” she said.

“Moon, Goddess,′ I said, bowing low. “Where am I heading?”

“Easy, my poor child. and please call me mom,” she said. “I must first tell you that your time is not of yet to die. You still have a lot to live for, even as the boy who rejected you will soon feel my wrath and your REAL parents are still waiting for you to wake up.”

I was floored. “Wait, I’m not dying?”

“No, my child. And while Regan has remained firm in not accepting you- a fatal mistake that will incur my wrath and the rest who know of your mistreatment. You are born with royalty in your veins. You were destined to rule with not just one second-chance mate. But with eight more.”

Eight second-chance mates. “What about Gia and her daughters?” I couldn’t help but ask.

She gave me a sad smile. “They were not in your real destiny, though they showed you how to love yourself,” she replied. “They will enter into the afterlife and they send their love and thankfulness to you. But you will have a family that will love you...for you.”

“What do you mean?” I asked.

“All shall be explained later, but you must first rest here in the void. If Regan still resists you as I predict he will, he will face the wrath of all that will come after me.” She then faded away, leaving me to my thoughts.

One thing was certain as I felt my eyes growing heavy: I had a feeling that this was FAR from over. And as for Regan Zallenda, he was planning to finish me off. I was sure of it. But knowing the Moon Goddess, she had something up her sleeve that would change everything and turn it all upside down and inside out.

Sighing heavily, I fell asleep, being grateful for this coma that would leave me in this blissful darkness for another day.

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