Reincarnated With A Glitched System: Why Is My MP Not Running Out?

Chapter 1028 Aquarina's Gift


With our family and friends, we decided to move to the plateau summit and explore the ruins tomorrow. So once the night arrived, we moved back to the tents and, after a warm bath, we decided to go sleep.

Although I had slept a lot in tents back in my early years, because I grew so used to living in my fancy manor, sleeping outside once more feels like a new and exciting experience.

Aquarina was playing with her Spirits over the bed, while I finished making a few more sketches for the items I needed to make.

Mist's dress was done, and I had made sure that it looked both pretty and dignified, without not bringing too much attention. Mist is the type of girl that doesn't want to bring attention from others, extravagant or colorful dresses won't be her vibe.

And lastly, Lara's horn ornaments were also done, I made sure to make them fancy but also not too fancy either, they are pretty, but would not instantly bring the gazes of everyone around her, except her friends.

And lastly, my gloves, which only needed a few more things I felt like they required before I was done with the basic designs.

"Hmm, this should be done…"

"What are you drawing?"

Aquarina sneaked behind me, looking at my sketches.

"Oooh! You're drawing again? Let me see!"


I felt a bit embarrassed because I didn't really like showing my drawings, but she ended taking away my notepad with her superior agility.

"Ooh, is this Lara and Mist? They're so cute! Hmm? A dress and a horn ornament?"

"I-It is what Luck and Zack requested me for the two… Can you give it back now? It is rude to just take things from my hands, don't do that again."

I grabbed the notepad from her hands as she felt slightly flustered.

"A-Ah… Sorry!" She quickly apologized. "I didn't think it would bother you so much… You're so shy about it, I just thought you needed a push."

"Well, maybe I didn't!" I sighed, crossing my arms.


I was barely resist not forgiving her so easily… She was giving me the puppy eyes again.

However, sometimes you have to express how you think and tell the other person to not do what upsets or bothers you again.

Even if that person is your lover or a friend…

"Sorry, I'm really sorry. I won't do it again." She nodded, saying calmly.

"Really?" I asked her.

"Really! I pink promise you." She said, extending her pinky to me.

"Fine…" I said, giggling a bit. "You look all scared, calm down. I just do sketches when I want to design something new. Look."

I showed her my sketch book pages, and there were drawings of Zack and his armor too.

"Oooh, cool!" She said. "You're so talented at drawing… Will you become an illustrator? Maybe you could become a painter!"

"Hahaha… It is just a hobby; I don't think I would like to dedicate my whole life around it." I yawned a bit.

"Huh~ Well, you can do a lot of things." Aquarina said, as she checked the sketch book more in detail.

I remembered I had made a necklace for her, and wanted a special occasion to give it to her… But seeing how there's little and that we'll be fighting more monsters soon, it would be better to give it to her right now instead of delaying it.

"Yep, there's one sketch over here." I showed it to her, it was of her wearing different necklaces.

"Ooh, its me again…" She said. "So many beautiful jewelry~ Do you want me to wear stuff like this? Hahah."

"Well, I was just sketching some ideas." I said. "Close your eyes."

"Eh? Why?" She asked.

"Come on, it's a surprise~!" I smiled.

"Huh?" She was clueless. "Fine…"

She closed her eyes, as I took out the necklace and gently placed it around her beautiful neck.

The glistening rainbow and blue jewels shone brightly as they immediately accepted her as their wearer.

"Now open your eyes."


Aquarina opened them, noticing the necklace and its beautiful jewels.

"W-What is this?! A necklace likes in the drawings!"

"Yep, I made it for you! It is so you and your spirits can grow stronger together."

"S-Sylphy, more gifts… you keep giving me stuff all the time!"contemporary romance

"You don't like that?"

"I-I… I love it! But… it kind of makes me feel bad, I also want to gift you stuff too…"

"You gifted me all of the loot from that goat! Come on, this is my pay for that. I got tons of good materials."

"R-Right, I suppose it is indeed a pay!"

She quickly stood up and modeled her beautiful necklace, it shone brightly, making her rather joyous. And upon inspecting the item's stats and abilities, she was even more surprised.


[Rainbow Spirit Spring Tears]

[Item Type]: [Accessory] [Necklace]

[Item Grade]: [S-]

[Item Requirement]: [Strong Affinity With Water and Ice Attribute] [Two Water or Ice Spirits Contracted]

[Item Durability]: [10.000/10.000]

[Item Effects]: [HP]: [+2.000] [MP]: [+8.000] [STR]: [+1.000] [DEF]: [+2.000] [MAG]: [+5.000] [RES]: [+2.000] [AGI]: [+1.000] [LUC]: [+5.000] [CHM]: [+5.000]

[Bonus Effects]: [Spirit Magic Damage +20% (B)] [MP +20% (B)] [Water & Ice Magic Damage +10% (C)] [Spirit Magic Spells Mana Consumption -30% (A)]

[Item Abilities]

[Rainbow Spring Spirit Blessing]: A Blessing bestowed by the Materials used to create the necklace, facilitates the ability to wield Spirit Magic of higher Tiers, without Runic Requirements. Enhances Spirit Magic Power by +100% and reduces their MP Cost by -25%. When HP goes below 30%, a [Rainbow Spring Spirit Shield] will encompass the wearer's body, reducing All Damage Taken by -70% and turning the reduced damage into HP while increasing All Stats by +50% for 5 Minutes. Can only be used once per day.

[Rainbow Spirit Threads Of Connection]: A strong connection made of Rainbow Threads will be made once the wearer equips this Necklace with their spirits, increasing their Spirit's Stats by +30%, reducing their Magic MP Cost by -25%, and decreasing their damage taken by -20%. Whenever enough Spirit Magic is used, it is possible to unleash [Divine Spirit Connection], which grants the wearer 50% of all their Spirits Stats and the ability to use their Skills at 200% Power for 5 Minutes. Can only be used once per day.

[Item Description]

A beautiful necklace created using top-tier materials by Alchemist Sylphy, who loves her girlfriend so much she can't stop thinking about her safety. This necklace has been made exclusively for her to always be protected, and also to help her own Spirits grow stronger.


"It's just incredible! Especially those two abilities!" She said in surprise. "It feels like you crafted this thinking a lot about me and my safety… I am not that weak, you know?"

"But still, sometimes you're way too reckless! Also your Spirits will become stronger!" I smiled. "And you look so pretty with it!"

"Sylphy, you spoil me too much…" She sighed, shrugging. "I guess I can't help it, I'll have to repay you with a lot of love and kisses tonight~"

She gently pushed me down in the bed, as she started kissing me passionately.


"I'll reward you plenty~"



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