Reincarnated User Manual

Chapter 12: A Winter Night's Outing (1)

The time was now past midnight inside the servant’s quarters in the Dawn Castle.contemporary romance

In a space of roughly 40 square meters, 6 maids gathered closely. They, too, were not exceptions from the unexpected commotion.

Originally, the patrol groups, composed of two maids each, worked in shifts, making it difficult to gather all at once. However, due to an impulsive act by Shiron at the mansion’s top floor, the patrol teams hastily returned to their quarters.

Shiron, the young master, smashed the sacred artifact.

And he left the mansion with the artifact.

Moreover, Miss Lucia also left with him.

However, even in a situation that would seem like an emergency to others, there were some who remained unfazed and carefree.

Encia, who was patrolling the hallway just moments ago, confidently extended a hand to her colleague.

“See! Didn’t I tell you? Hand over the 100 shillings quickly.”

“No, didn’t you say something different?”

“What’s different? I clearly said that the young master would make a move on the lady before the succession ceremony. Come on, hurry up.”

The maid who was knitting on the bed seemed taken aback.

A month ago, Encia had initiated this bet, which had now lasted to this point. The short-haired black maid sighed deeply and took out ten 10-shilling coins from her wallet.

“Is this what you mean by ‘making a move’? I thought the two of them were physically fighting.”

“I saw it clearly, okay? The young master smirked, and the lady got annoyed. Then she stormed out in her pajamas. If this isn’t ‘making a move’, what is?”

“Hmm… Really…?”

Encia, smiling brightly, snatched the coins from the black-haired maid. Watching the two, Ophilia could only sigh.

“By the way… Aren’t you both worried about the two of them? You’re just casually betting…”

Ophilia, who was waiting for the next shift, couldn’t understand their nonchalant attitudes. She worriedly fidgeted with her fingers, concerned about the future leaders of Prient.

“It’s fine, Ophilia. I’ve already reported it quickly to Lady Yuma on the way here. And what’s more? She already knew everything.”

Perhaps because she came in a hurry, Encia unbuttoned her uniform around her chest and waved a hand fan.

“There have been incidents like this before, haven’t there? Ophilia, you really need to get used to this kind of thing.”

“That reminds me.”

A girl, apparently having just woken up, rubbed her eyes and said,

“I think something like this happened before… about seventy years ago?”

“Oh! I remember! The guy with orange hair and green eyes. The one who strangled his younger sibling?”

“Right. He was such a weakling. He killed and then sobbed like a baby. Ridiculous.”

The black-haired maid chuckled as if recalling an amusing memory.

“But isn’t comparing that trash to Shiron a bit unfair? Even if Shiron is a bit mischievous, he has shown his abilities. The lady, well, she’s a mouthful to describe.”

“When you think about it, incidents like this have happened several times before. In hindsight, it’s really not a big deal…”

“Even if something goes wrong, another head will emerge from a different family line.”

“… Aren’t you two being too cold-hearted?”

Ophilia thought her colleagues were being too indifferent. Unable to understand her roommate’s attitude, Encia sat down next to Ophilia.

“You’re just too soft-hearted, Ophilia.”

“Is that so?”

Ophilia bowed her head, fiddling with her fingers. Encia comforted her by patting her shoulder.

“The winter will end soon, and the succession ceremony will take place. If the young master is the rightful successor to Prient, then having abilities like the head of the family is not unusual. So, you don’t need to worry too much.”

The head of the family – the father of Shiron and Lucia. Hearing that person mentioned, Ophilia seemed to recall something.

“The head… you mean that trash…”

“No, the trash is that bald-headed one. The current head is definitely a person of exceptional ability. It’s strange for a trash without any ability to be in the head’s position in the first place.”

“Ah… right.”

Ophilia chuckled at Encia’s remark.

‘Ophilia, who’s calling who cold-hearted…’

Encia felt a cold sweat run down her back.

Trash. Ophilia, who never spoke ill of anyone, used the word trash. Encia knew very well that this term was used for those who lacked any substance.

Escaping Dawn Castle was an easy task.

Without the need to open the tightly closed castle gate, one could simply step on the window sills that had been previously installed on the walls and climb up.


The boy landed lightly on the snow-covered ground. His past training seemed to have paid off, as he was able to descend from a considerable height without any issues.

Shiron moved lightly over the snow, not forgetting to check if anyone was following him closely from behind.

“The view is amazing.”

Shiron murmured, looking at the Milky Way in the sky. In the middle of the countryside, without any light source, the landscape that was hard to see before his regression when he was still in Korea naturally evoked a sense of adventure.

Was it because it was far from dawn? He felt a sudden surge of emotions, and he found himself humming a tune.

Humming, Shiron pondered on which direction to go. In this area where a compass didn’t work, he had to determine his direction by looking at the stars.

‘About thirty minutes southeast of Dawn Castle’s outskirts.’

Shiron recalled elements of the game as he looked at the sky.

Dawn Castle was an advanced stage that only appeared in the game’s latter half. With the title of Young House Master, Shiron appeared there and was considered a fake boss. HP bars would appear over the servants’ heads after Shiron Prient’s death. Dawn Castle was a dungeon where they all needed to be defeated.

‘The difficulty level must have been insane…’

Given its reputation as an advanced stage, not only reaching but also clearing it required high proficiency and ability. Even though he was quite confident in his gaming skills, he had to retry the dungeon more than ten times before clearing it.

Yet, Shiron chose to move at night.

No matter how good a ten-year-old’s stats are, even Lucia, the protagonist of the game, was still just a child who had just finished her coming-of-age ceremony at the end of the tutorial.

Although she had much greater abilities than the current Shiron, she couldn’t defeat even a single maid of Dawn Castle in her state. Things outside the walls, however…

The maids of Dawn Castle were strong, but the creatures in the forest surrounding Dawn Castle weren’t…

He hummed as he walked.

Perhaps it was because he was humming, but he heard the sound of someone approaching from the darkness.

‘Perfect timing.’

Seeing his first prey appear, Shiron grinned with fighting spirit.

“Alright, it’s slaughter time.”

“Are you making a big deal over just one stray Frost Wolf?”


A sarcastic remark came from behind him, but Shiron ignored it. Right now, he had to focus on the enemy in front of him.

Shiron crouched down and drew his sword.

Through the trees and bushes, shining eyes, along with a hint of frost, locked onto Shiron.

It was his first real battle. Hoping that all his efforts wouldn’t be in vain, Shiron waited for the enemy to make the first move.

Seeing Shiron in a battle stance, the wolf charged.

With a snarl, the wolf opened its jaws wide towards Shiron’s face. But it was predictable. An attack coming in a straight line was too easy to dodge.

Swiftly bending his knees, he swung his blade upwards. With a swift motion, Shiron’s blade cut through the wolf’s belly. The wolf, unexpectedly thrown into the air, screamed in pain as blood sprayed out.

With a thud, the wounded beast crashed into a tree on the opposite side. The fallen wolf gasped heavily.


Shiron approached the wolf with a somewhat dissatisfied expression.

‘I aimed for its vital part, but it didn’t die with a single stroke. Am I really that weak?’

Shiron raised his sword and aimed for the wolf’s eye.

With a piercing sound, he felt the sensation of the eyeball and skull being crushed through the hilt. The wolf shivered for a moment, then went rigid, and soon after, it stopped breathing.

“Was all this fuss just for this?”

The voice full of irritation belonged to Lucia, who had been watching Shiron’s battle closely. Wearing only slippers and pajamas, she stared coldly at Shiron while rubbing her cold arms.


Ignoring Lucia’s sarcastic comments, Shiron smirked back as Lucia glared at him unhappily.

“Yes. Thanks to someone, I came into this winter forest wearing only pajamas without a coat. I’m cold.”

“If you trained the way I taught you, you wouldn’t be cold, would you?”

Shiron took off his coat and offered it to Lucia. Lucia just stared at him.


“What are you waiting for? Take it. My arm’s about to fall off.”

“Aren’t you really cold?”

“I told you. When have I ever lied to you?”


Lucia accepted Shiron’s kindness. Come to think of it, he was right. He had never lied to Lucia.

‘So his bizarre training method was true.’

Lucia silently watched Shiron’s back as he led the way.

Just wearing a tunic, a pair of leather pants, and shoes with a single insole, the boy didn’t seem to be cold at all. It was as if he was on a spring walk.

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