Reincarnated User Manual

Chapter 106: Reunion

The annex in the early morning.

Ophilia, a maid who proudly serves as Shiron’s faithful attendant, clenched her fist as she looked at Shiron.

“Is everything ready?”


“Did you pack toiletries, towels… and emergency rations?”

“Don’t worry, Yuma must have taken care of the trivial stuff.”

Shiron responded to the worried maid and glanced back. There, his younger siblings stood with large duffel bags in their hands.

As they were not going out for leisure, they wore sturdy leather jackets and comfortable pants instead of school uniforms or dresses.


Beside them stood Seira, clutching a staff.

The journey to Dawn Castle was complex and long, requiring multiple modes of transport, but with Ophilia and Seira’s help, they could arrive in the blink of an eye.

Seira, a teleportation user, and even Ophilia, who could only teleport to Dawn Castle, could perform phase shifts without trouble for a couple of people.


Ophilia nodded and stood in front of Lucia and Siriel. Having been informed beforehand about using teleportation, the two closed their eyes, bracing for motion sickness.

Ophilia reached out her hands. In an instant, the two disappeared. Shiron caught Ophilia, who staggered from the backlash of her powers.

“It’s a shame. Ophilia would have wanted to witness your coming-of-age ceremony.”

Encia, her blond hair fluttering, came forward to take Ophilia, speaking as she did so.

“I should not have contracted with the young master then.”

“What are you suddenly talking about?”

Shiron looked at Encia, bemused.

“Weren’t you the one who was happy to finally leave the stifling castle?”contemporary romance

“Eh, that’s different. A special experience is precious, no matter what. Your coming-of-age ceremony happens only once in a lifetime, and you are special, young master.”

“Thanks for the compliment, but I’m still not taking you.”

“Our little one is quite popular, isn’t he?”

Seira suddenly approached Shiron’s side. Holding a purple staff, she looked a bit tired.

“What’s with you? Did you not sleep well?”

“It’s your sister’s fault.”


“Not the red one. The one who used to send you letters every day… Siriel, was it?”

Seira rubbed her forehead as if troubled, heaving deep sighs.

“I’ve been getting glances from her since a while ago, and I’m not oblivious to the intent behind that gaze.”

“Why? She’s just cute.”

Shiron smiled warmly and shrugged his shoulders.

“Take it in stride. If you were ugly, you wouldn’t have received such looks. Try to get along, we’ll be spending a lot of time together.”


Seira looked at Shiron silently gripping her staff. The kid… Shiron was unaware of the complex gazes he had received from Seira until just a moment ago. He did mention Siriel, but Lucia’s gaze was no less intense.

‘This could lead to trouble.’

Seira recalled the image of Shiron torn to pieces. Over the past 500 years, she had seen many people ruined by passion.

At least the attention from demons was purely worshipful, without even a hint of shame.

As Seira gathered mana for the teleportation, calculating the coordinates for their arrival, she was cautious due to the distance.

Their destination was the training ground of Dawn Castle.

Seira felt a significant amount of mana from her core disappear.

Lucia, who briefly experienced a sense of floating, immediately opened her eyes.

Gray snow-covered walls. The place she arrived at was undoubtedly Dawn Castle from her memories. Soon after, Lucia locked eyes with a black-haired maid.

“It’s been a long time.”


“It’s an honor that you remember.”

The black-haired demon approached Lucia with a faint smile.

Despite the unexpected arrival of the girls, Dorothy was there as if she had foreseen their destination.

“Please come inside. The head maid is waiting. May I carry your luggage?”

“I’d appreciate it.”

“Excuse me, then.”

Dorothy not only picked up Lucia’s luggage but also effortlessly lifted Siriel’s.

‘A demon?’

Siriel, following Dorothy’s guidance, thought to herself. She hadn’t realized it during her childhood rites, but now she could faintly sense the maid’s true nature.

A considerably strong high-ranking demon.

The suffocating demonic energy, not just on her skin but also in her lungs, forcibly made Siriel realize how powerful Dorothy was.

Surely, they were the same kind of demon as the maids in the annex.

Unlike them, who hid their demonic energy, it was hard to find any intention to hide such energy in Dorothy, the demon.

‘Does this mean consideration is no longer needed?’

This was a sign they no longer treated Siriel as a child, in anticipation of the upcoming adult ceremony. She had to respond accordingly.


Siriel gathered mana in her core to shake off the prickling demonic energy.

Entering the castle, she felt an even stronger concentration of demonic energy. Lucia must have felt it too.

‘It’s like a completely different world. Is it because it’s been so long, or…’

Sharp gazes poured from all over the walls.

However, there was no hostility in them. They were merely curious about the guests who had visited their tranquil castle.

Lucia, ignoring their stares, looked straight ahead.

A red-haired man sat on the path leading into the castle. Seeing Lucia and Siriel approaching, he dusted off his pants and stood up.

Both Lucia and Siriel vaguely guessed his identity.

Glen Prient.

The head of the Prient family and Hugo’s younger brother. And…

‘He’s strong. Now that I see him, it’s clear.’

As golden eyes similar to hers poured onto her, Lucia licked her drying lips. Even a gaze without malice made her whole body tense.

She had never met anyone as powerful in her previous life.

Excluding the Demon Lord, she could confidently say that everyone else was inferior to her divine previous self, so she had never felt such intimidation.

It was an arrogant thought, but Lucia considered that this man might be as powerful as her former self.

“You’ve grown a lot.”

It was a greeting from the man. A faint smile had already formed on Glen’s lips.

“5 years… no, 7 years? You really have grown.”

“…Children grow up quickly.”

Lucia responded somewhat brusquely.

“I’m sorry.”

Glen laughed awkwardly along with his apology. His unpretentious behavior belied his immense power, relaxing both Lucia and Siriel.


But the relaxation did not lead to conversation. Both Glen and Lucia remained silent, just looking at each other.

Glen didn’t know how to treat the sensitive teenage girl he met after a long time,

And Lucia was just shy.

Seeing the awkward scene, Siriel couldn’t help but intervene.

“Nice to meet you. Uncle. Do you know me?”


Glen turned his head with a bright expression.

“Of course. Siriel. The only daughter of my older brother. You’ve also grown a lot. You’ve become quite the lady.”

“You look more refined than I imagined, Uncle.”

“…What do you mean?”

Glen looked at Siriel with a slightly puzzled face. Siriel narrowed her eyes and smiled mischievously.

“Always avoiding baths, wearing rags, not brushing regularly, being picky with food even as an adult… Um… if I were to believe what Father said, you’d be someone I wouldn’t want to be around.”

“My brother said that?”


Siriel grinned playfully, taking Lucia’s hand.

“But look at that? It seems like Brother Shiron got his good looks from you, Uncle? You’re very handsome, just like brother.”

“…Thank you.”

Glen decided to nod at the ambiguous comment, unsure if it was praise or sarcasm.

“Have you had your meal?”



“Then let’s go inside the castle. It’s cold, and I’ve prepared a warm stew.”

Glen led the two girls and a maid through the frozen corridor. His tall figure took strides that seemed to cut through the air.


While walking through the corridor, Glen glanced back.

“Did only you two come here?”


“I don’t see Shiron.”

Glen’s expression grew serious.

He could foresee Lucia and Siriel coming here, which allowed him to meet them, but it wasn’t the same for Shiron.

Glen couldn’t see Shiron’s future.

Shiron’s future was darker than a cave, so vast and uncertain that it was impossible to guess.

“Really? He said he would follow soon.”

“Could it be…”

Lucia raised her head sharply.

“Did he run off?”

“…Huh? What are you talking about?”

Siriel looked down at Lucia, puzzled by her seemingly random comment. She wondered if Lucia was making a joke to lighten the mood, but her usually shy friend’s face was dead serious.

Lucia scrunched her face and clenched her fist.

“That guy. He might have run off after sending us here.”

“No way.”

“It’s not impossible. He has a history of doing that.”

“What do you mean? Run off? From the adult ceremony?”

Glen tilted his head, then looked forward again.

In the distance, the dining hall where the meal would be served came into view.

“Let’s have our meal first. There might be some misunderstanding.”

Glen chuckled and went to open the heavy door.

He tried to.

The door opened by itself without him touching it.

Glen was startled. Such a future wasn’t in his mind.

A black-haired young man came into view.

“…You were here first.”

“Lord of the house. You’re late.”

At the head of the table.

A one-horned demon was serving the young man.

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