Reincarnated Hero System

Chapter 92 Volume 2 Teaser 1

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Unknown Residence

Capital City Acron

Beta Continent's Holy Empire

Unknown Date

The entire residence was busy, knights and servants shuffling around hastily, however, there was one part where there was no activity.

One could see a fresh bed of moss-covered grass, accompanied by a variety of flower bushes and shrubs.

The sound of water running could be heard as a fountain stood to the left of this garden, spouting water into the air and offering birds and insects a place to drink.

A young teenager watched these birds and insects with a small smile on his face, occasionally petting some of the birds that wandered close to him as he sat on a bench not too far from the fountain.

"We don't really have much time left, huh?"

He opened his mouth and spoke to no one in particular, a calm and collected baritone voice flowing out of his lips as his smile slowly disappeared.

He was a young boy with a shaven chin and short hair as white as snow and was dressed in a cassock underneath white priestly robes and a zucchetto atop his head. His robes were intricately designed with gold and silver linings, same with the red Humeral veil on his shoulders.

On the back of his robes, a large Golden Rose could be seen, showing his identity as a priest of the Church of Artemisia.

He turned his dark eyes in a certain direction, the golden inscription in his iris becoming fully visible as he spoke once more.

"I guess everyone should be 'awake' by now. It's high time we began to regain our power..."

A swallowtail perched on his shoulder right after he spoke and nuzzled its head into his neck. His attention was called towards the small bird as he broke out into a smile and petted its head.

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Unknown Village

New Ozon

Beta Continent's Aelum Kingdom

Unknown Date

The Adventurer's guild master of New Ozon could not believe his eyes. His eyes were capturing the information and sending it to his brain but his brain simply refused to agree that what it was seeing was real.

He had run all the way to one of the villages on the city outskirts that was raided by bandits upon hearing that the leader of the bandits had the strength of a C-rank adventurer, none of which were available at the moment as most of the higher ranked adventurers were busy investigating the case of the missing Spider Nest dungeon, alongside three other dungeons that had vanished out of the blue.

The wounded villager who was barely able to pass the news of the bandit raid to him only did so less than ten minutes ago and he had run all the way over to that village as fast as he could within ten minutes, however, the scene he was met with was not what he was expecting.

The village was littered with wounded fighters, weapons, and carnage. Red, gray and blue were the new colours of what was once a small, hard-working village, which had now become the stage of a short, destructive battle.

The air which would normally be rich in scents of food, fresh fish, and new brews was now thick with the stench of blood, gore, and death.

In the middle of all this, was the person responsible, a boy in his late teens with snow-white skin who was pretty enough to be mistaken for a girl. His flowing black hair was smooth and reached his waist.

From the sides of his head, two curved horns could be seen jutting out, having intricately designed patterns on them. He had a long red scaled tail that waved around in the air. His eyes were unlike normal, as he had red sclera and black pupils.

Inside his pupils, a golden inscription of a crest could be seen, a single letter, from an ancient language lost to time.

Looking up to the sky, he spoke to no one in particular.

"Time is running out..."

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Unknown Residence


Alpha Continent's Beast Kingdom

Unknown Date

A young boy wearing a suit waved around a blade in his hands as he walked through his father's garden.

He was a tall, handsome teenage boy with red hair and brown eyes. His clothing consisted of a black suit, gray under-shirt, and maroon tie. He also wore black half gloves on both hands.

He had two ears, reminiscent of those of a lion's; at the top of his head with a fairly long tail emerging from in between the back slit of his blazer.

The blade in his hands was simple. No decorations or engraved patterns as the blade needed none of that. It only needed to be strong and sharp.

He made a few practice swings as he moved, occasionally incorporating some sword techniques into his arm movements and footwork styles into his steps.

Eventually, he arrived at the centre of the garden and was met with the sight of a radiant throne of bronze sitting atop a tall elevated platform.

Looking at the throne in front of him, he chuckled lightly and stabbed the blade into the ground beside it before taking a seat at the foot of the throne.

'With father's life expectancy, I would not be sitting in that anytime soon. If that's the case, then I hope he lives longer or has another kid with mom.

Being a king does not suit me.'

He ran his finger through his red hair as he looked up at the night sky, his irises being fully visible as one could see a golden crest within them.

"I wonder who the others are and how they are faring..."

His ears twitched as he heard the footsteps of someone silently approaching, nevertheless, he remained seated as he knew that if this person had any ill intent towards him, he would not live long enough to even hear his footsteps.

A small smile appeared on his face as he picked stood up and picked up his sword, standing up and turning around to face the muscular brown eyed man who was behind him.

"Let's have little bout, Dad."

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Unknown Forest

Capital City Gerfast

Alpha Continent's Great Western Empire

Unknown Date


An earth-shattering explosion resounded in the verdant green forest as a cloud of dust rose up from among the trees.

A series of large columns protruded from the ground and crashed into a humanoid figure that was obscured by the dust cloud.


A young girl's voice rang out from within the dust cloud as the large columns shattered and turned into a pile of rocks.

" much dust."


The moment those words were spoken, the dust clouds were immediately blown away by a gust of wind, revealing the destroyed state of what was once a beautiful forest.

The owner of the voice looked around and heaved a sigh before tying her chestnut-coloured fairly long hair into a ponytail before turning her gaze towards the being in front of her who was staring at her with wary eyes.

She was wearing a pair of black T-shirt and oversized shorts, with black laced boots on her feet.

Her most noticeable feature, her pair of blue eyes, were narrowed in displeasure as she gazed at this being in silence.

Within her pupils, one could see a crest that was made up of a single letter, from an ancient language lost to time.

"Couldn't you have at least spared the forest?"

She asked the being in front of her, a four-metre-tall ogre with light blue skin and four arms, with the normally positioned pair each having an arm band.

However, she received no reply as the ogre only gazed at her silently before abruptly slamming two of his arms together and rousing his magic power.

The ground rumbled once more, imploding into a multitude of earthen chunks in the next moment, floating up in the air at a speed faster than an average person could see.

The earthen chunks then stopped floating mid air and all launched themselves in the direction of the girl who was staring at all this with an impassive look on her face.

"Magic Catalyst."

She calmly called out as a small crystal orb about 15cm in diameter appeared beside her and slowly floated in the air.

The crest in her blue eyes glowed with a golden light as she spread out her arms and called out.

"Rain of Earth."

The floating orb beside her glowed slightly as spears of earth emerged from the ground behind her and shot forwards towards the incoming earthen chunks.


The spears and boulders of earth collided mid air, releasing a shockwave that was enough to uproot even the oldest trees in the forest with ease.

Clouds of dust and dirt covered the entire area and obscuring the vision of the ogre who darted his eyes around while spreading his senses trying to sense where the girl was only for him to suddenly feel something slamming into his torso.


The ogre coughed out blood due to the force of the blow and his enormous body was sent flying into the pile of broken trees behind it.

Where he was standing formerly, the blue-eyed girl could be seen standing on an elevated rocky platform with her outstretched fist encased in a thick layer of stone.

"Who said mages aren't good at close combat?"

She said to herself as she pulled her fist backward, her gaze turning to the sky as she continued.contemporary romance

"I wonder how many of us are mages?"

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