Reincarnated Hero System

Chapter 82 The ‘Hero’ Joins The Battle


As the user of this skill, he was unaffected by the resulting explosion, which was why he fearlessly charged in through the flames, intending to get a hit in on the demon he was battling.


He heard a voice filled with pure rage as a burst of demonic energy forcibly quelled the flames of the explosion sending him flying by a few meters.


He grunted in pain as he roused his energy to defend himself from the destructive demonic energy that abruptly slammed into his body.

"Aura of Pride."

His body suddenly felt weakened, causing him to temporarily lose control of the energy coat he had wrapped around his body.

He then felt a foreign gaze on his body but he did not have the time to look for the source as he heard the voice of the demon in front of him.

"I was originally only buying time for him, but I've grown tired of this charade!"

His body felt even weaker as a sense of fear began to creep into his heart. He felt his confidence of beating this demon and defeating the young hero he saw waning, causing alarm bells to ring in his head.

'What the fuck?!'

"A mere low rank demon like you dares to slight me so many times, how arrogant of you."

Before he could say anything in response, the winds around him became restless as four tornadoes with black flames swirling within them manifested around him and began to fire dark wind blades in his direction.

'Tsk...I was saving my energy for the hero kid, but this bitch is more troublesome than I thought.'

With that thought, his eyes flashed cerulean blue with the activation of his ice magic as walls of black ice sprung out of the ground, blocking the wind blades from hitting bis body.

Before he could even think about his next move, the oppressing feeling around him increased as the demon spoke out once more.

"You dare to block an attack from me? How presumptuous of you."

A large seal shaped construct of black flames appeared above his head and dropped down immediately, causing him to jump out of the way to avoid getting hit.


As it landed on the ground, it exploded, releasing shockwaves that sent him flying a few meters in the air.

He could see his ice walls vaporizing as he regained his bearings and landed on the ground.

Deciding to hold noting back, he roused his energy as two trios of icicles and balls of black flames manifested in the air and began revolving around him diagonally.

However, before he could dash towards the demon to finish her off once and for all, he suddenly sensed a presence from behind him causing his eyes to widen in surprise.


It was as of the person had suddenly appeared behind him, and the amount of magic power he sensed from that person was not something that he could take lightly.

He hurriedly created a small dome of ice around his head to protect the vital body part while also coating his upper body with aura.


He heard a voice call out softly as a large whiling mass of multiple attributed magic power forcefully slammed into his upper body, a blade coming through the centre of the magic power storm and piercing through the ice around his head, slashing past his cheek.


Xakon's body was hit with enough force to send him flying a few meters into the air.


He crashed into the wreckage of a random merchant's store, breaking in through the roof and slamming into the ground with enough force to form a crater around him.

The building's foundation crumbled as it collapsed inwards, with all the bricks and metal involved in its construction crashing down on his body.

◇ ◇ ◇


Looking at the scene of Xakon being hit by an attack that sent him flying int a nearby building, Pride couldn't help but let out a voice of surprise.

She turned her gaze to the one responsible and saw the familiar figure of a certain young hero she contracted with over a year ago, barely standing as he went into a coughing fit and spat out blood.


She saw a familiar lightning spirit manifest herself, floating around the boy and trying to make him drink the contents of a small bottle in her hands.

While she felt annoyed that someone interfered in her battle, the rational part of her mind told her that defeating that demon alone was not possible.

She heaved a sigh of exasperation as she walked towards the two and snatched the potion bottle out of the spirit's hands and grabbed the boy's chin, force feeding him its contents.

"You should have recovered a bit more, I could hold him off for a while longer."

"Haaah...I did, and then I wrecked my body activating three skills at once."

[Three skills!]

[He's too weak to do that!]

[So are you!]

"Are you crazy, activating two at once is pushing it for someone on your level, what makes you think your body would be fine with three?"

"It was the only way I could stay undetected till the last moment. My magic power is drained though."

[No Magic!]


[Is that Even a word?]

[Let's give him magic power!]

[Yes, let's do that!]

Pride went silent at Evan's reply, only shaking her head as she turned to the direction the Xakon crashed in.

Evan on the other hand was asking the spirits about their offer to grant him magic power.

'Can I do that even if I'm not in a contract with you?'


[We have to synchronize though!]

[And only the fieries and sparklies can do that!]

The spirits happily replied as they danced around his head. Evan understood that 'fieries' and 'sparklies' referred to the fire and lightning spirits. He nodded in affirmation as he decided to accept their offer.

'Thank you.'

[Make sure you beat him!]


The glowing orbs of lights that were the spirits he could not see the true appearances of, latched onto his body as he felt his drained energy reserves filling up once again.

"He's not dead."

"I know, even if he's weakened, there's no way a level 140 would die so easily."

"140? No wonder the boosts from my skill were so high."

"Skill? Oh, Your power of hubris."

Pride smacked Evan lightly causing him to nearly drop the magic recovery potion in his hands. The young hero only chuckled in response as he recalled the high demon's skill description.

|Pride Embodiment;

Type: Rare Passive Skill

When encountering adversaries having a greater degree of strength, the user acquires the power of hubris itself. This power can be utilized to improve attacks or defences. The amount of enhancement is dependant on the genuine pride lurking deep in the user's heart, which might be nourished to grow so huge that nothing is permitted to eclipse it!

The boosts scale depending on the opponent's level. |

It was a skill that fit someone with the title of the 'Deadly Sin of Pride'.

"Hey, do you consider me an ally?"

"Hmm? Why do you ask?"

contemporary romance

"Because of your other skill."


Pride nodded in affirmation as she thought about her 'Aura of Pride' skill that strengthened those the user considered allies.

Taking a deep breath, the demon used the link between her and Evan to tell him something.

[Evan, in the worst-case scenario, there's something i want you to use.]


[There's no time, just listen. In the event that the demon recovers his strength and we cant beat him normally, I want you to use a certain technique.

It's something only you can do as you are contracted to me, a demon from another world. I don't really like this and have never had to resort to this but I have no choice.

There's just one problem...]


[In order to use it, I have to know a part of your name, your TRUE name. The same goes for you, I'd tell you a part of my true name too.

This would enable you to use this technique to the fullest.]

Evan went silent upon hearing Pride's words. Her obvious reluctance to using this 'technique' showed that telling him her TRUE name was something that she really didn't want to do.

If there were consequences of her doing so, then he believed there might be something similar for him. Upon arriving at this conclusion, he became reluctant to do this.

However, when he though that he might not be able to defeat the demon and perish in the process if he didn't, then he threw away all hesitations.

'I agree.'

[Good, we need to do it when he believes we are at our last straws and can't resist anymore. So take half your magic power and use it to enhance your body's strength so you can remain conscious to use it.

I'd do the same.]



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