Reincarnated Hero System

Chapter 79 Meeting Baron Geto

"That analogy is correct to an extent.

The same way this world, Aidos, had magic power existing within nature and in the bodies of its denizens, is the same way that demonic energy exists within nature in the demon world."

Pride held up her palm and a small black flame lit up atop it.

"Demonic energy is a special type of energy, apart from the regular Physical Energy that permeates throughout the entire demon world. It is the building block of all magical/demonic life.

The ability to manipulate it, is something that all demons, regardless of rank, are born with.

Even if a demon is a 'Straga' type that possesses no magic power, they are still able to use demonic energy."

"So, all demons can use demonic energy, huh?"

"Yes. Most of us possess the ability to also use magic power just like the mankind of this world. After all, the demon world is filled with high concentrations of magic power too.

As the ability to manipulate energy efficiently is second nature to us, almost all demons who have the ability to use magic power, use it alongside demonic energy.

Those who don't, simply refuse to do so willingly."

The small black flame that was in Pride's hand suddenly increased in size and intensity, emitting an amount of heat that Evan did not expect to come out of a palm sized ball of flame.

He wiped his sweat as he stared at the flame with his mystic eyes, trying to understand its structure and to see if he could mimic it.

"You can."

Perhaps reading his thoughts that were writing all over his face, Pride spoke as she created three more balls of flames and began juggling all four of them.

"Mimicry of demonic energy is possible with magic power. Magic power is a pure form of energy that can be infused with any attribute, allowing those who manipulate it to use a myriad of elemental attributes with ease.

That is the reason that many demons take a liking to magic power and use it even more than the demonic energy they can inherently use.

Using magic power also allows us demons to circumvent our weakness to holy attributed magic power or divinity."

The high demon dissolved all the balls of demonic energy as she decided to reveal something she had kept hidden from Evan.

"The reason I told you to lay low in this city, was because there was something brewing here that disturbed me."

Pointing to the half-destroyed cave behind her, she continued.

"The third leader of that group of pillaging humans I fought over there possessed this pathetic disgusting imitation of demonic energy. It corrupted him and turned him into a mindless monster that absorbed all his subordinates into himself."

From the way she spoke, Evan could tell that Pride really disdained the notion of imitating demonic energy with magic power.

"Not fully though, it's okay of the imitation is nicely done, but when its improper and incomplete, it irks me.

In this case however, it was left incomplete on purpose. The aim was most likely to increase the damage it was dealing to your body.

How it remained hidden from me is the problem I still haven't figured out."

Evan ran his hand through Kayla's wolf fur as he digested the information that Pride was giving him. His thoughts then drifted over to the Arachne he fought two days ago in the 'Spider Nest' Dungeon.

"The Arachne was the one that put that demonic energy in my body, right? I recall the feeling of it pouring something into my body while I was pummelling its head."

"Yes. That's exactly why it disturbs me. Two sources of incomplete imitations of demonic energy appearing in the same area at the same time.

Not to mention the abnormal stats of the Arachne and its charm ability that more potent on you than it was on the others you partied up with."


"Don't you think it was weird?

That 'Evolution' ability of yours triggered after you had been inhaling the poison for an extended period of time.

But it triggered once again not more than 10 seconds after you were charmed. What does that say about the amount of charm magic directed at you?"

"Wasn't that because charm was more effective on men?"

"That's what I thought too, until the Arachne poured demonic energy into your body, that is."

"So, you're saying that something or someone is targeting me for some reason?"

"While I'm not so sure, there is a high probability.

Another thing that I noticed was the fact that majority of this city's strongest adventurers were all partially corrupted by the demonic energy imitation to a certain degree.

Ah, except that human mage you worked with.

The Knights that serve the baron are also corrupted, even more so than the adventurers.

If the adventurers were only 10% corrupted then the knights' corruption is above 50%."

'It's probably even possible for the one corrupting them to control them to a certain extent...'

Evan clicked his tongue in annoyance upon hearing Pride's reply. While it sounded like a far fetched, it didn't change the fact that he indeed felt it was suspicious.

He looked at the rising sun and spoke to Pride.

"What do you suggest I do?"

"The moment you collect your rewards for the dungeon exploration, leave this city and go somewhere else."

"What about the people in this city? The adventurers affected by the demonic energy?"

Hearing Evan's question, Pride gave him a look that showed she could not comprehend why he was asking about them.

"In case you have forgotten this, I am a demon. One who cares not for the lives of random humans who would end up dead with the next few decades.

The only reason I care about your well being, is simply because you are my best bet to ensuring my revenge against the one caused me to be reduced to this sorry state."

Pride's words did indeed serve as a reminder to Evan. It reminded him of the decision he made when he just came to Aidos.

That besides the seven heroes and the other major figures who would be important to repel the demon armies, he would not give a shit about others.

'However, it's simply impossible for my mindset to change so easily.

I did say that multiple times as some kind of self-hypnosis but it doesn't seem to have stuck yet...'

He laughed depreciatingly to himself before standing up from the ground and making a decision.

'I probably can't do anything about it now since I'm not strong enough yet, but I'd try to come back here and find out exactly what in that city is the source of the demonic energy and see if I can do something about it.

It could even be the Demonic Hand who're responsible, in that case it'd be wiser to leave and come back later when I'm stronger.'

Like so, Evan returned to the inn and packed his stuff into his inventory. He then went to the adventurer's guild building to meet up with Merle and the others as per their agreement.

As it was still early in the morning, the guild building was filled with dozens of adventurers who were still trying to select suitable quests to take and a lot more who were just returning from their previously taken quests.

Evan walked up to the receptionist and informed her of the reason he was here, he was then informed that there was someone who wished to meet with Evan and the rest of the dungeon exploration team.

He was told that Merle and her party members were already present so he just had to go up and join them.

Deciding that I couldn't hurt to meet with whoever that was, he followed the receptionist up the stairs and to one of the meeting rooms on the second floor of the guild building.contemporary romance

"Ah, i forgot to ask. Just who is it that wishes to meet with us?"

"Hmm...Oh, it's the lord of the city. Baron Geto himself. Be polite."

The receptionist replied as she opened the door of the meeting room. Inside, Evan could see two couches opposite each other with a small glass table in between.

On the couch on the left, he could see three familiar faces. They were the ones he had partied with to explore the Spider Nest a few days ago.

On the right, he could see another man who he had never seen before in his life. He looked like a man of average height and slender build with short, messy red hair and slanted pink eyes.

He had acne scars on his nose and cheeks and was dressed in a formal knight's uniform.

That man, was obviously Baron Geto.

However, upon laying eyes upon him, Evan felt something different. Something ominous...

As the number one ranker of Aidos online, he made an assumption.


The young great spirit's cry affirmed his thoughts.


The voice of the high demon Pride confirmed his suspicion.

The memories of the previous 'Second' of the 'Seven Heroes' he possessed, verified his conjecture.

His title as a 'Hero' validated his uncertainty.

The fearless grin that the Baron suddenly revealed cleared all of his doubts.

There was no mistaking it.

The man seated in front of Evan was one of 'them'.

He was one of the invaders that Artemisia sent him to deal with.

A demon.

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