Reincarnated Hero System

Chapter 76 Spider Nest: Closing Act


He activated his skill and the infused magic power was released in the form of a shockwave that not only flung the trees out of the air, but shredded the vines that were moving to pick up more trees.


Iolana cursed for the first time today as she turned around and grabbed Nodin, tossing his body backwards with strength unexpected of someone of her body stature.

She then slammed her shield into the ground and activated her protection skill at the exact same moment the spear of white flames slammed landed on the body of the Arachne.


The deafening sound of the explosion rang out as a small mushroom cloud rose up into the air. The shockwaves released from the explosion knocked Iolana back a bit but she stood strong in front of Evan and Nodin, shielding them from the flames, dust and dirt flying around.

The explosion reminded Evan about the time he watched a two-storey crumble to the ground once in his home world.

It took a full minute for the flames of the explosion to die down due to the fact that the magic power sustaining the flames had been exhausted.

Iolana dropped her shield on the floor, her body following suit as she heaved a sigh of exhaustion.

Evan on the other hand stared at the spot the Arachne was in, he was still doubtful that the monster was dead yet.

Especially since the bone chilling energy that it forcefully poured into his body was still there. He was about to appraise himself to find out what it was when a series of notifications suddenly popped up in front of him.

[Level Up]

[Level Up]

[Level Up]

[Level Up]

[Level Up]

[Level Up]

Evan's weakened body suddenly felt reinvigorated. He instantly opened his status board and looked through it to see if there were any changes to his stats.

|Name- Evan Del Eris

Race-###e# ###s###e#

Gender - Male

Age - 11

Level- 88

Existence Level - Gold

Titles- The Second of Seven Heroes, Leader of the Seven Heroes, Reincarnated Hero, Wielder of Mystic Eyes, Loved By Nature, Heir of Eris Dukedom, #####c ########.

Class- Magic Swordsman

Health – D+

Energy – C-

Strength – C-

Agility – D+

Durability – D+

Intelligence- D+

Condition- Magically Deficient, Physically Exhausted, Partially Corrupted.

Magic Tiers- Fire Tier 1, Lightning Tier 2, Shadow Tier 1

Skills- Full Appraisal, Magic Control, Weapon Control, Paladin, Concealment, Martial Arts, Language Comprehension.

Mimicked Skills-Energy Blast, Body Transformation, Aura Slash, Blink, Inventory, Limit Break.

Unique Skills- Mystic Eyes of Mimicry (1), Adaptive Evolution, Blessing of Destruction, Vortex. |

'Four Unique Skills, huh? I really am a cheat.'

His eyes darted across the status board and he saw his unique skills that were a bit too many for one person to have.

He heaved an exhausted sigh as he looked through his stats but didn't see any changes in their ranks, nevertheless, he could tell that he was closer to getting another stat at the C- rank.

'Most likely when I become level 90.'

The 300% Leveling Efficiency he possessed that let him level up three times as fast as the normal person was evident as he had gained a whole six levels from this fight, despite not being the one who dealt the last blow.

His gaze turned in the exhausted Merle's direction as he used his skill on her. The results, were shocking to say the least.

|Name- Merle

Race- Human

Level- 104

Existence Level - Master

Titles- C Rank Adventurer

Class - Flamebourne Mage

Health – D+

Energy - C+

Strength – D+

Agility – D+

Durability – D+

Intelligence - C

Condition- Magically Deficient, Magic Circuit Instability.

Magic Tiers- Fire Tier 2.

Skills- Fire Magic (Extreme), Magic Control, Flame Summoning.

Unique Skills- None. |contemporary romance

The fact that she had increased in realm of existence left Evan stunned for a bit. Perhaps he stared at her a bit too long but Merle seemed to sense his gaze and gave him a questioning look in response.

He waved her off and hurriedly opened the system's Archive to read up information about the Master Level of Existence.

| Master Level - The level of Master Swordsmen or Great Mages, peak of human limits. Children of some races could be at this level from birth, depends on the parents or the race.

It is common among non-human races like dragons, elves, devils, giants etc. Depending on the circumstances, defeating one may require tens of Gold levels or an equally strong Master. |

Evan skimmed through the important details of the Master level of existence and couldn't help but wonder what boosted Merle over to that level.

'Perhaps, the fact that she utilized Tier 3 magic despite not meeting the level requirement to accomplish such a feat.'

Evan recalled that one had to be at least level 200 to properly use Tier 3 magic without being rendered magically deficient like Merle was currently.

What's more was the fact that her Magic circuits were overloaded and were currently unstable, meaning she would be unable to recover her magic power until they had healed up.

For a mage like her, this was the worst situation possible.



[Are you ignoring this or you really just didn't notice it?]


Hearing Pride's question, Evan looked around trying to understand what she was talking about but he could not see anything wrong.

The high demon noticed his actions and sighed before telling him to look over the Arachne's corpse.

'Is there Anything Left?'

He forced himself to his feet and walked over to the spot of the explosion. All he could see were the charred Remains of the Arachne's abdomen as its upper body was turned to ashes.

[So she turned it to ash too, huh?]

'Turned what?'

[The thing that allowed the Arachne give you that status effect.]

Hearing about a status effect, Evan re opened his status board and looked at the condition tab. It was then he finally understood what Pride had been talking about.

'Partially Corrupted?'

He remembered the Arachne trying to forcefully pour some sort of energy into his body, but he had jumped off before she could finish whatever she was trying to do.

'What's this, Pride?'

[I don't know, I have an inkling but I'm not sure yet. Give me some time to analyse it.]

With that, Pride went silent and didn't answer Evan anymore. He heaved a sigh of exhaustion and walked into what was left of the black forest, ignoring the looks of surprise Merle was giving him.

He popped a few health and magic potions, but their efficiency was abysmal as he had consumed a huge amount of them in a short time.

p 'Gotta wait till tomorrow before i can use them again.'

Whilst thinking such things, he arrived at his destination, a hole in the ground in the middle of the forest of black trees.

Looking inside, one could see that the hole was the entrance to an underground passage way. It was about 7 meters in diameter, just enough for the five-meter-tall Arachne to crawl out with ease.

He jumped in without hesitation and used his little magic power to torch the spider webs that covered the underground passageway.

Walking forward for what felt like ten minutes, he finally arrived at an wide underground room that was about twenty by twenty meters.

The room was filled with cracked open eggs on one side with each being at least fifty centimetres wide. On the other side was a crate filled with a bunch of weapons and armour that seemed to belong to adventurers who had braved this dungeon before.

If there was one thing about the 'Spider Nest' that Evan had not dwelled on, it was the fact that the dungeon was once at another part of Aidos and had had only appeared in the Great Western Empire after it had been cleared a certain number of times.

It was originally on the Beta continent, but it was cleared multiple times by the adventurers of that continent and it changed locations.

'I guess after 99 more clears, the final boss would show up again. I really don't wanna battle a level 500 'Spider Nemesis'.'

Evan got shivers from just remembering the appearance of the monster from the game.

'It looked like a pretty girl at first, then it became this fifty-meter-tall huge spider in its second phase!

Its fangs were dripping with poison that melted my avatar within a minute of battle. I don't want to battle that thing in reality!'

He kept on rejecting such a future as he searched through the piles of weapons for a particular sword.


Upon discovering it, his expression lit up and he picked up the weapon. It was an obsidian black one-handed sword with an eighty-centimetre-long blade. The hilt of the sword fit perfectly in his palm and when he swung it, he discovered its weight was just right too!'

|Unforged Vanquisher (The Unforged)

Type; One handed Sword.

What was left behind from a once great adventurer who perished at the hands of the 'Spider Nemesis' Cheisnih.

This sharp sword can seemingly pierce through anything. When swung, one can almost see the rift it tears in the air.


Scoring hits on opponents increases overall attack power by 5% for thirty seconds. This effect can be stacked for a maximum of five times. Can only occur once every ten seconds. |

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